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40 Short, Romantic Bedtime Stories For Your Girlfriend

40 Short, Romantic Bedtime Stories For Your Girlfriend

Romantic bedtime stories are the perfect way to bond with your girlfriend. This is especially true if you are in a long distance relationship or, for some reason, you’re separated at the moment.

Besides, women want to hear all about the beauty of true love. They still believe in fairy tales, and are enchanted by stories like Snow White or The Princess And The Pea, but also by more serious ones like Nicholas Sparks’ The Notebook.

So, if you want to be her prince charming and make her happy, read on and take a look at the best bedtime stories for your girlfriend found online.

Short Romantic Bedtime Stories

Is there a better way to fall asleep than after listening to a good short bedtime story?

I think not.

So, if you want to make your girlfriend happy, try any of the stories below:

1. A love that never dies.

A husband bought a dozen flowers for his wife. The wife was a bit shocked to see that 11 flowers were fresh flowers while one wasn’t a fresh flower. Instead, the flower was artificial.

She became curious about such a strange mix-up. At first, she tried to figure out the purpose of that artificial flower but failed in all of her attempts.

In the end, she decided to ask her husband, “Why have you given me an artificial flower while the other flowers are fresh?”

The husband smiled and answered, “I will love you till this artificial flower dies!

2. True love is selfless.

A teacher lived alone with his wife. They didn’t have much, but they were content.

One day, his wife asked him to buy her a hairbrush as she loved her hair so much.

That made him sad because he couldn’t afford it. But, the next day, he set out to work, sold his lousy pair of shoes for a flimsy price, and got the hairbrush. However, when he got home, he noticed her pretty hair was gone!

She cut it and sold it. And, in her hands was a pair of brand new shoes for her husband.

Tears flowed from their eyes as they never expected to find such a high level of selflessness and love in someone else.

3. It always happens unexpectedly.

Joseph didn’t believe in “love at first sight.” He thought you had to know a person to fall in love with them.

But, that was before he met Anna.

It was raining cats and dogs that day, and Joseph had been drenched to the skin on the short walk from the taxi to the entrance of his office block.

As he ran to get out of the rain, they collided in the doorway. Joseph immediately apologized and bent down to help her pick up her things.

When he looked up, he felt his world shift. Her hair was the color of spun gold, and her eyes were blue. He had never seen anyone so beautiful. Joseph finally understood what ”love at first sight” meant.

And, thus, a beautiful journey of friendship and love started on a rainy day.

4. Hidden desires.

“High school romances aren’t forever!” At least that’s what he thought until Alexa walked into the classroom.

As luck would have it, he had an empty seat beside him. But, nothing happened because he had no courage to tell her… until one day.

He cleared his throat and said, “Alexa, there’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you… I like you. I used to be scared of rejection, but now I just want you to know.”

To his surprise, she replied, “I liked you from the first day I saw you! When I first sat next to you, I was so overwhelmed that I had to keep an aloof face because I thought you didn’t like me at all!”

They laughed and held hands for the first time.

5. The secret love.

A woman and a man were the best of friends. But, the man had actually fallen in love with her; he just couldn’t find the right words to tell her.

One Sunday, he decided to confess. But, she had her own secrets to confess.

His heart nearly stopped beating upon hearing that she liked someone.

“Who is the lucky guy? Do I know him?”

“Of course, you do! I won’t tell you his name, though. I have written his name on this,” she said, handing him a piece of paper.

The moment he reached home that evening, he pulled out the piece of paper and angrily unfolded it. He stopped short when he saw that the name was his.

Beneath his name, she had written, “It’s you, silly… ”

He had never slept better than that night.

Romantic Bedtime Stories For Your Girlfriend

Cuddling up next to her man, and hearing him tell her a good bedtime story is what every woman could use after a long and exhausting day.

If you want the perfect one, you can choose from the following:

1. Fairytale romance after all these years.

Life had changed for me. I never realized it. Moonlight walk changed into late-night strategy workshops. Candlelight dinner turned into business meetings.

Spending even 5 dollars on a bouquet for Valentine’s Day seemed meaningless – you would lose at least half an hour searching for a parking space downtown.

Recently, I had to go to Holland on a business trip for a week. I was working on an important assignment. I checked into the Crown Inn in Eindhoven.

I wanted to rehearse my presentation before I met senior management… but when I opened the file that I needed, I was surprised to find something else entirely – a pink envelope, something similar to what my wife and I used to exchange a long time ago.

There was our family photo, and a pink greeting card with a red heart printed on it. Inside the card, it read, Miss you, my dear Teddy Bear.”

On my return at Schiphol Airport, after many years, I purchased something for her… a pair of diamond earrings. I was missing her badly, as never before.

RELATED: 145 Cute Goodnight Paragraphs For Her To Make Her Smile

2. Love against all odds.

Many years ago, a woman fell in love with a young man from a wealthy family. The two began seeing each other and quickly developed a deep connection.

Unfortunately, the young man’s family was not in agreement with the relationship.

They even threatened to enroll him at a university overseas.

But, they both had fallen so in love with each other that ending the relationship was not an option. So, they decided to run away…. and they never came back.

Instead, they joined the church, and began traveling the world.

They lived like that for 40 years, and even got married, until the man’s life suddenly came to an end…

But, death can do nothing to a love like this, can it?

3. The portrait of love and devotion.

It was the year 1975, when Charlotte von Sledvin, a member of a Swedish royal family, traveled to India to get her portrait made by a gifted artist.

But, by the time it was finished, the two had fallen in love.

Pradyumna, the artist, was fascinated with Charlotte’s beauty. Never before had he seen a more beautiful woman.

Because of him, she decided to stay longer in India. But, unfortunately, the time came when Charlotte had to leave again.

Nothing could stop him from reuniting with her, though, so he embarked on a journey of four months, and eventually arrived at her door. They’ve never parted since.

4. The secret to happiness.

Emma had kept her love secret for so long, letting it grow in her heart. But the secret was so big, she knew she couldn’t keep it inside much longer.

At first, she noticed the secret trying to get out when she began smiling at everyone, and they smiled back.

Then, she would write silly stories in her notebook and paint watercolor pictures on a tablet to make herself smile.

She would neatly tear them out and give them to her friends. Her secret was getting out.

At first, she was a little afraid she might run out of good feelings for herself, but what she soon discovered was it was quickly being refilled as others shared their happiness with her.

5. The cloak of love and light.

Dae was the sun and Knight was a curious man. They both wished for the same thing, to hold and love each other for all time, but they could not be together as it caused them both discomfort.

He used his enormous heart to fashion himself a cloak made of his love for Dae, and then covered himself with the cloak and went to her.

When she saw him, she was overcome with joy and shone brighter than ever.

This made him nervous. The cloak was very delicate. He was unsure if it would be destroyed by her intense rays.

He reached out to her anyway. Then, something magical happened! They were able to finally hold each other! Just as they had wanted all along.

No more did they suffer. Their love is true, but no longer tragic.

6. Princess Rose and the golden bird.

Many years ago, in a kingdom far away, there lived a beautiful princess with long red hair. She loved roses so much that everyone called her Princess Rose.

But, one day, a curse was cast upon her by a wicked witch – her hair turned black!

She thought it was all over until a golden bird told her: “Black hair in rose water.” At that very moment, a handsome prince bent down and placed the hair atop the princess’s tear, and the red hair turned into a red rose.

She plucked its petals to add to the water in the basin. Then, she dipped her hair, and the curse was broken.

Turns out, when the princess and he were both children, he picked a single strand of hair from her head as a sign of his loyalty to her. And, she did the same.

They got married on that very same day.

7. Nothing is as it seems.

It was that time of the year. The prom was fast approaching, and Mike didn’t have anyone to go with him. He didn’t seem to attract anyone.

“Why don’t you ask Rita out?” Mike’s friend, Joe, said with a smirk. Mike knew why he said it. Rita was the most unpopular woman at school. No one liked her.

But, time was running out fast, so he had no other choice but to ask her. She accepted.

He realized with some surprise that she could make him laugh. And, he loved hearing her laugh.

She was a good dancer, too, and the most considerate woman he had ever seen.

As you can imagine, this culminated into something beautiful. He shuddered to think what would have happened if he had not asked her out to prom that night.

8. Love above all.

A woman and a man were riding a motorbike.

He asked her: “Do you love me?”

She said, YES – I love you.

Then, he asked her to hug him tightly and place his helmet on her own head. She was confused but obliging.

The next day, there was news that a motorcycle had an accident because of a brake failure. The guy died while the woman was injured, but out of danger.

He gave her his helmet to save her life.

Moreover, he asked her to hug him because he wanted to feel her warmth and sweet hug just for the last time.

9. Blind sight.

There was once a blind woman in love with a man who was as gentle as one could be.

One fine day, she said to him that she wanted to see the guy who loved her so deeply. He promised that she would, and donated his eye to her. It surprised her to see they had the same problem.

She didn’t know what he had done for her, and he didn’t want to tell her. He loved her selflessly. He didn’t need her gratitude. The only important thing was her happiness.

And now, they were both able to look at each other lovingly and appreciate the world together.

10. The flower of honesty.

In Ancient China, a soon-to-be-crowned prince decided to summon all the young women from his kingdom, and in their presence, announced a challenge.

He said, “I will give you each a seed. The one who brings me the loveliest flower after six months will be my wife.”

They all took the seed and left. Only one poor young woman took her seed and planted it in a pot. She took care of it with love. But, alas, even after six months, nothing had grown!

Still, the prince chose her.

All the seeds he handed out were sterile, and she was the only one who cultivated the flower that made her worthy of becoming the empress: the flower of honesty.

Cute Bedtime Love Stories

Every woman loves a happy ending, especially if it happened in real life!

So, if you’ve been searching for the best list of cute bedtime stories for your girlfriend, some imaginary and others real, take a look at the following:

1. Love has always been enough.

A woman was sitting in a forest with her boyfriend.

They were stuck in the middle of the forest with no food and water left, but the guy was still talking to her with a smile and in a lighthearted manner.

The woman said, “Your smile is the prettiest and sweetest. What’s the reason behind this smile?”

The man looked at her and replied, “You are the one and only one reason behind this smile.

As you are present with me, my life is full.

I don’t believe I need anything extra.

I just want your companionship and partnership because that’s more than enough for me.”

They were able to get out of the forest and live a happy life.

2. A blessing to be cherished.

A husband took a selfie with his wife after she just woken up from sleep.

The wife resisted and said, “Why would you take a picture with me when I am all messed up and not looking good?”

The husband replied: ”I am taking this picture to show to my future kids. They should know how beautiful their mom looks. She is gorgeous even with no makeup and messy hair.”

3. The taste of coffee.

It was glorious, colorful autumn.

We’d just left the coffee shop. I don’t even like coffee. I never have. But, when she handed me my cup and looked into my eyes while I tried it, it was the best thing I’d ever tasted.

My hand still tingled where she grabbed it.

“So, Ava…” She began. I knew this tone of voice… it’s dangerous.

“If I tell you who I like, will you tell me, too?”

“Okay.” I said.

“The person I like… …is you.”

I drop my drink. My voice catches in my throat.

“What is it?” She asks, looking concerned.

Because I can’t seem to form the words, I tell her how I feel the only way I can – by pressing my lips on hers.

Nothing has been the same since.

4. It’s never too late.

Alex and his grandmother always had a unique bond with each other. He would spend hours with her, listening to his grandmother’s stories of a lifetime.

She once told him that she had met his grandfather a long time after graduating from high school. This was also the reason why she was never asked out to go to prom.

When the day of Alex’s prom had arrived, his grandmother was so excited for him. She couldn’t wait to find out who Alex would be taking to the prom. But, to her great surprise, it was her.

He told her that every woman deserves to go to prom, no matter if they are 18 or 80.

5. True love lives on.

When Gene was diagnosed with melanoma, he had only been given six weeks left to live.

It was a shocking diagnosis, but Gene decided to use the time he had left to make all the necessary arrangements for his wife, Carol, with whom he had been married for 30 years.

After his death, she discovered that he hid hundreds of Post-it notes around the entire house shortly before he died.

Throughout the course of many months, she found one note after another. The notes served as a reminder of his love, but also as an encouragement for her to continue living life to the fullest.

It was really the most heartwarming farewell gift one could ever imagine.

6. Love conquers all.

She was another man’s wife, but when Paris, the “handsome, woman-mad” prince of Troy, saw Helen, the woman whom Aphrodite proclaimed the most beautiful in the world, he had to have her.

Helen and Paris ran off together, setting in motion the decade-long Trojan War. According to myth, Helen was half-divine, the daughter of Queen Leda and the God Zeus, who transformed into a swan to seduce the queen.

Whether Helen actually existed, we’ll never know, but her romantic part in the greatest epic of all time can never be forgotten. She will forever be “the face that launched a thousand ships.”

7. The power of love.

There are people who say love can move mountains. This might not be physically possible, but Dashrath Manjhi, also known as the ‘Mountain Man’, came quite close.

One day, his wife fell while crossing a nearby hill and hurt herself seriously. Tragically enough, his wife died from the serious injuries before he could do anything about it.

But, he decided to carve a small path through the mountain in order to give his village easier access to medical assistance.

Even though he was initially mocked and ridiculed for his mission to give his hometown easier access to the nearby town, he finally succeeded.

Perhaps someone else’s love story could be continued this way.

8. The voice that brought me back.

When Frank’s wife had a car accident, she was so injured that she fell into a coma.

Every time he visited her, he told stories about their past.

One day, when he showed her the video of their wedding day, she slowly began to move her hand.

She whispered his name and began gaining consciousness. Several weeks after she had woken up, she had fully recovered and was finally allowed to leave the hospital for good.

When the couple left, she told Frank that she heard his voice while she was in a coma, and that it was his voice that was the greatest aid in helping her to return to consciousness.

9. Never to be forgotten.

The story of the building of the second Taj Mahal begins when Faizul Hasan Quadri and his wife, Tajammuli Begum, begin to realize that their marriage will remain childless.

It is a difficult situation, especially for Tajammuli, who begins to question if anyone will ever remember her after her death.

Moved by his saddened wife, Faizul decided to erect her a monument. This way, he would grant his beautiful wife her wish, and she would be remembered for centuries.

10. Not a story about infatuation.

A woman fell in love with a sweet-looking man.

One day, she asked him, “Do you like me?”

He said, “No, I don’t like you.”

Her eyes filled with tears, and she just couldn’t help but stare at him.

The man passed a sweet smile, gently held her hand, and replied, “I don’t like you because I am in love with you.”

Funny Bedtime Stories To Tell Your Girlfriend

The perfect bedtime stories for your girlfriend are the ones that make her laugh. If you want to accomplish that, read the following stories:

1. Forever loyal.

A married man once went out with his friends to a bar and came back home drunk. He threw up and passed out on the floor. His wife carried him and cleaned him up.

The next day, to his surprise, she was all smiley. She even wrote him a note on the table beside his hangover soup.

“Darling, don’t forget to have some rest today. I am off to the grocery store. I love you.”

At this point, he was scared. Then, his son said, “I guess she is happy. Last night, she tried to carry you to bed and take off your dirty shoes and t-shirt, but you kept shouting:

“Hey, woman! Take your hands off me. I am married.”

2. A strange proposal.

A boyfriend asked his girlfriend, “Will you come to my wedding if I invite you?”

The girlfriend was shocked. Of all things, she hadn’t been expecting this. In fact, she had been expecting her boyfriend to propose to her!

She stuttered weakly, “Wha… what? Are you seeing someone else? Have your parents found a match for you?”

The boyfriend laughed and said, “No, my dearest! I want to marry you, and was about to invite you to my wedding as my bride. Will you accept the invitation?”

The girlfriend couldn’t believe what she heard, and answered with a resounding, “YES!” and a kiss.

3. Why I love you.

A woman asked her boyfriend about the reason why he fell in love with her. Her sudden question surprised him. He didn’t know how to answer it.

But, this made the woman think that no reason means no love, and she began to sulk. The guy hugged her and said that he did not answer the reason why he fell in love with her because love needs no reason.

You just fall in love with a person without any reason or explanation. You never need a reason to love someone.

4. Love sees no flaws.

There was a woman who had very low self-esteem because of some past issues. She thought she was ugly.

She liked a man, but was never sure how to approach him. When he came and talked to her, she was surprised.

One day, she mentioned that she didn’t think he should be with her. “I am too ugly,” she said.

The man immediately said, “I am pregnant.”

The woman’s eyes widened. “How can you say that? It is impossible!” she exclaimed.

The man smiled and answered, “Just as this is impossible, so is you being ugly impossible. You are beautiful.”

5. We said ‘forever’.

Once, a wife and a husband had the worst fight, and the wife packed all of his stuff. She asked him to leave.

The husband didn’t say anything as she packed his bags. Seeing no reaction from him, she yelled, may you suffer all your life and live in pain.

The husband was quick to reply, “So, you want me to stay with you, thanks for the invite!”

See also: Top 60 Beautiful Poems For Her Straight From The Heart

Personal Bedtime Love Stories For Your Girlfriend

Show her how special she is by telling her stories that are personal to YOU. Here are some bedtime stories you can use for your girlfriend:

1. A story about unconditional love.

You know that story about two small boxes? The saying says that you should open the white one when you are doing just fine in your life and to open the black one when things are not so great.

And you know what was written in both of them? “It will pass!” Tell her this story and help her understand that she should be prepared for bad things and not just good ones.

Also, tell her that you are not planning to go away from her when life gets tough and that all those bad things that might happen to you will just make a deeper bond between the two of you.

2. A story about everlasting affection.

Some things happen when people don’t think straight but you should be focused on not making mistakes that could cost you a marriage.

Talk with your girlfriend and tell her that you won’t betray her. And if you will say so, make sure that you think like that. Don’t just find a way to deceive her, take advantage of her and walk away.

Explain to her that you want your love to last and that you want to enjoy her even when she gets old and there are wrinkles on her face. That will mean so much to her and she will love you even more.

3. A story about how happy she makes you.

If you tell her this, you will definitely sweep her off her feet. She will feel special and unique and she will be happy all the time.

Tell her that you already experienced a one-sided relationship and that you don’t want to repeat that with her.

Admit to her that she is giving you all that you need to be a happy and fulfilled man and that you are the happiest man when she is around you.

4. A story about how much you support her.

Explain to your girlfriend that you are okay with the fact that she may become an emotionally unavailable woman during her life and that you will do everything to make her get back on the right track again.

It is very important for her to know that you will always be there and that no matter what happens, you won’t let her down.

That will mean the world to her and she will be happy for choosing a man like you to be her partner.

5. A story about your friendship.

Show her signs of true love. Tell her that you will always be her best friend and her lover at the same time.

Show her that you are not planning to run away when things get bad and that you are man enough to hold her hand in her moments of sorrow.

That will help her realize that behind those seductive eyes, there is a soul that is cleaner than any sea in the world.

It will just help her realize that she didn’t make a mistake when she chose you to be her boyfriend.

6. A story about growing old together.

If you tell her this, she will be so happy because you are thinking about the important things in your life.

You can tell her that you found all that you have been looking for when you met her and that there is no woman above her.

Show her that you are serious and that you want to engage her in all your future plans. Your words will definitely melt her heart and you will make one woman very happy.

7. A story about your future wedding.

The wedding theme is something every woman thinks of her whole life. So, if you tell her that you want to talk about that with her, she will be thrilled.

She will want to talk to you about the people you will invite or about her wedding dress and all those cute things that are characteristic for every wedding.

When she falls asleep, I am sure she will have a nice dream about her wedding day with the man of her life.

8. A story about your appreciation for her.

Tell her that you extremely appreciate her strength and common sense in bad situations.

Tell her that all those good things that she is doing are qualities of a good woman and that you really respect her because of that.

Show her that you believe in her and that you are so lucky to have her in your life.

I am sure she will be extremely happy and that she will have sweet dreams every night you tell her bedtime stories.

9. A story about your future home.

Even if the two of you are not planning to get married soon, you can always talk about your future home.

You can listen to her wishes and tell some of your own. You can hug her and tell her that you imagine a big house with a nice backyard where your kids will play and where the two of you will prepare barbecues for your friends and family.

Tell her that you will have a huge pool where you will prepare summer pool parties and listen to music together.

Tell her that a house like that won’t be just a house, but home just because she will be in it.

10. A story about your future life together.

I am sure that this one will be one of her favorite love stories. You can tell her how you imagine your future with her and how you want that to happen very soon.

This will melt her heart and she will see that you are really the man she has been seeking for such a long time.

You can mention all those things that you want to do with her and tell her that with her, you found the love you needed and that you respect the fact that she is a high-value woman.


I hope that the collection of these online bedtime stories for your girlfriend will strengthen your connection even more.

Romance is essential in a relationship. So, never let it die out! That will make all the difference, you’ll see.