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What To Text A Guy To Get His Attention – Tips And Text Examples

What To Text A Guy To Get His Attention – Tips And Text Examples

Nowadays, texting is a crucial skill one needs to have in order to charm someone.

And luckily for people like me, who wouldn’t know how to text men for the life of them, there are many, many articles and pieces of advice on the Internet that come to our rescue! Seriously, what to text a guy to get his attention? Wait, should you text a guy first?

Get on the top of the dating game by making sure your texting skills are impeccable with the only tool that can help you get ANY man you want – a tool called Text Chemistry.

Also, to save you from all the embarrassment I went through while hopelessly flirting with guys, I gathered some basic online dating advice on texting and some texts that will definitely keep him interested and make him chase you.

We have cheesy ones, ones to make him laugh and then, of course, flirty and naughty texts.

By the way, if you’re looking for some general advice on how to get him and keep him for good, CLICK HERE.

How To Text A Guy You Like: 4 Pro Tips To Get His Attention

Mastering the art of flirting over text messages isn’t really that hard. You just need to ask the right questions and spice things up from time to time with some provoking messages to keep the other side interested.

Honestly, what’s the point of texting if you’re not going to spice it up a bit? Here comes high quality relationship advice that will keep you from becoming a dry texter.

Play hard to get—drop the neediness

I have to say, I’m guilty of being needy. When I meet someone new, I just want to talk to them all day and whatever pops into my mind I feel like it’s incredibly important for me to share it with them.

Well, it’s not. Play it cool, ignore texts sometimes and don’t text back right away (unless you’re discussing something really serious where it’s important that you do). Apply the same tactic when you start wondering about what to do when he doesn’t text back.

See also: Ignore Him To Get His Attention (7 Simple Tips)

Don’t send two or more messages in a row

This rule follows the first one. This is the most important advice any relationship expert would give you; if your man is not answering you, don’t bomb his phone with multiple texts or phone calls.

He will get in touch with you when he has time for it, he won’t do it any sooner if you keep texting. It will only annoy him and drive him away. Trust me, I know.

No long paragraphs!

RELATED: 14 Clever Things To Do When He Doesn’t Text Back For Days

Keep it light and playful, if there is something serious that needs to be discussed, do it face-to-face.

Try to spend some quality time together and leave the teasing to the texts.

Besides, if you’re doing it in person, there is a slight chance for something to go wrong and you won’t have to fix it over the phone, which I learned is not always the most efficient way of fixing things.

Try these fun texting games instead.

Sometimes no texting is the perfect texting technique

I know it seems like there’s no sense to it but trust me, this one works like a charm.

If you are always the one who initiates the conversation, the one who texts first and the one who texts last—stop it! It’s only a clear red flag that he isn’t that into you or that you’re boring him.

Show him that you are not someone who will dance around him and wait for the crumbs of his attention. You know you deserve more than that, so why not give him a chance to give it to you?

Texts That Will Make Him Fall For You

Now that we have gone through these dating tips on texting and set some ground rules, it’s time for the texts! Keep your messaging fun with these texts below that are guaranteed to make your man smile.

1. Someone told me that they saw me with a sexy, strong man the other day. Do you happen to know who it was?

2. I would invite you to come over this weekend but I’m not sure I can keep my hands to myself.

3. Ugh, I have a problem. I can’t stop thinking about you.

4. I don’t know how you got into my heart but I do know that I don’t want you to leave.

5. Come over, I have all your favorites. Pizza, beer, and of course, ME.

6. I didn’t know it was possible to miss someone before they even left—until I met you.

7. You’re the piece of me I didn’t know was missing.

8. You are undoubtedly the best thing that has ever happened to me.

9. I have been thinking about you. Every night, every day. I don’t have much to say or many things to express. I am just thinking about the moments spent, thinking about the times when you are with me.

10. I love the way you hold me in your arms when I am falling asleep and the way you gently touch my hair when you think I am not noticing. I love the way you give me sweet butterfly kisses so that it wouldn’t disturb my sleep. Most of all, I love the way I feel safe and secure in your arms.

11. Have I ever told you how lucky I feel having you by my side? Have I? Okay, there is no harm in saying it again.

12. Life can get hard, some days can treat you worse, but we will find a way to make it all easy and good, together. Remember, I love you.

13. You are so tempting as you always make me want to kiss and cuddle you. I want to make you feel like you are the only man in the world who has ever mattered to me.

14. You make me want to strive to put nothing but a smile on your face, even on your worst days. I want to spoil you to the best of my ability, to show how much I care and appreciate every little thing you do for me.

15. You make me want to take care of you and be there for you always. And I am going to do everything to prove to you that we are meant to be with each other. You make me want to let you know how much I love you every day.

16. I just want you, that’s all. All your flaws, mistakes, smiles, giggles, jokes, sarcasm, everything. I just want you.

17. I would do anything right now to be able to curl up next to you, bury my head in your chest and lock my fingers with yours. I want to be able to look up at you and smile whenever I want to. I want to be able to kiss you whenever I want to. I want to be able to tell you how I feel about you whenever I want to.

18. I was dreaming about you all day; it really distracted me at work.

19. I’m getting butterflies just thinking about seeing you later.

20. No one has ever come close to making me feel the way you do.

21. Thinking about you really does brighten my day.

22. You have no idea how much my heart races when I see you.

23. You’ve been on my mind since last night, thank you for the perfect first date.

Funny Text Messages That Will Make Him Laugh

People say that a good sense of humor is the best way to a man’s heart.

If you ask me what to text a guy to get his attention, I would say that these texts below are exactly what you need.

Use any of these texts as a conversation starter, add some funny emojis at the end of your message and you’ll get a reply faster than you think. Of course, you can always send a funny meme or pic or even a silly selfie that will go perfectly with your text.

1. Thank God I’m wearing gloves because you’re too hot to handle.

2. Where is my strong pickle jar opener when I need him?

3. Even though I love wearing my granny panties, tonight I’m wearing something a little riskier.

4. Got to go on a girls’ night out. Drunk-text you later? Lol.

5. I’m not going to lie, you’re hotter than the bottom of my laptop after I’ve watched way too much Netflix.

6. Just read that caffeine can boost a woman’s libido. Is that why you keep inviting me for coffee?

7. Imagine that my bed is a football field. I’m the football and you’re running for a touchdown. See, I do like sports!

8. I really miss you (but probably not as much as you miss me. I’m pretty awesome).

9. I’m in my bed, you’re in your bed… One of us is in the wrong place.

10. Been thinking about you… and it hasn’t all been PG.

11. I’m making the first move when it comes to texting, so I’m expecting you to make the first move when it comes to kissing.

12. Now that I’ve officially texted you, I’m going to be obsessively staring at my phone, waiting for it to beep, so don’t keep me waiting.

13. I think our lips should have a meeting. ASAP.

Flirty Text Messages That He’ll Simply Love

The thing is that if you want to grab his attention, you must show interest too. However, you must be careful about it because you don’t want to look desperate.

So, what to text a guy to get his attention and flirt with him in a not-so-obvious way? Here are some cute, flirty texts that will make him fall head over heels for you.

1. So, I heard that a kiss can burn 6.4 calories per minute. You wanna work out?

2. If you are having a bad day then don’t worry because your night will be awesome!

3. On the agenda for tonight: polite conversation followed immediately by impolite bedroom antics.

4. I promise to be by your side always, preferably under you or on top.

5. Hope you’re rested, cause you’re gonna need every ounce of energy you can find tonight.

6. What are you doing for dinner tonight? I thought about getting reservations for my bedroom but I wanted to make sure you were available.

7. I just put on some really crazy underwear. So many snaps! So many straps! You’ll have to help me take it off.

8. Can I have you for breakfast in bed today?

9. I’ve got something to show you. It’s a surprise and you’re going to have to undress me to find it.

10. I am not a photographer but I can still picture you and me together… in my bed.

11. Let’s do some ‘we shouldn’t be doing this’ things.

12. What do you want as a present? Today I am your Santa and I will fulfill all your dreams!

13. I hope your day is as nice as my butt.

14. I can’t decide if the best part of my day is waking up next to you or going to sleep with you. Hurry home so I can compare the two again.

15. You make me smile and also super horny but that’s not the point.

16. See, I don’t like this, you’re too far away. If I could, I would be in your arms right now.

17. It’s impossible to get any work done today because I can’t stop thinking about you.

18. Hello there! Just thought that 3 p.m. was the best time to tell you how cute you are!

19. I want to tell you what’s on my mind, but I can’t be fully exposed yet. When I’m comfortable, you will see a completely different person.

20. Good morning baby. Just wanted to say I hope your day is amazing – but not as amazing as tonight is going to be.

Naughty Texts That Will Make Him Want You Badly

Sexting is also a great way to keep the spark alive in your relationship, especially if you’re in a long-distance relationship. However, it’s also one of the best ways to grab the attention of the man you like.

The truth is that the best answer to the question ‘What to text a guy to get his attention?’ is definitely a sexy text. However, you should be careful with these texts because they might make him think that you’re only looking for a hookup.

If those are your intentions or you simply want to make him want you badly, these dirty, sexy texts are the right choice for you. I’m sure that a follow-up text will come right away.

1. There’s a huge sale going on in my bedroom right now. All clothes are 100% off, it’s a limited-time offer.

2. I’m fantasizing about you right now. Want to come over and make my fantasies a reality?

3. I know you had a long day, so why don’t you come over and I’ll give you a back massage… naked.

4. Work is going very slowly today, because I can’t stop thinking about all the fun we had last night. Can’t wait for a repeat session.

5. The thoughts I was having about you were so dirty that I had to take a shower.

6. You should probably clear your schedule for tomorrow morning because I plan on staying up late with you tonight. Very late.

7. When I come home, I want those pants off and you waiting for me in bed/the kitchen.

8. If you were here right now I would tear your clothes off and shove you onto my bed and have my way with you. But you’re not, so… rain check?

9. Thinking about you touching me literally turns me on.

10. Let’s get one thing straight. When we meet later on, there will be no foreplay.

Related: How To Turn A Guy On Over Text? 15 Incredible Tips

11. Hey, just wanted to let you know that if you’re ever having a hard time, like a really hard time, I’m there for you. I mean, I can give you a hand… or something.

12. I knew something was missing today… Know what it was? You between my thighs.

13. You’re in my (NSFW) thoughts.

14. Let me be clear: When I see you later, I’m going to undress you, button by button. I’m going to unzip your pants and take them off, leg by leg. I’m going to take off your boxers and throw them against the wall. What happens next is all up to you.

15. I have a mystery for you but I’ll give you a clue. Tonight, I’m gonna make you the special guest between my legs.

16. Should I wear a short skirt or a really short skirt tonight?

17. Why don’t you come over later? I bought a new bra and I need someone’s second opinion.

18. Can’t stop thinking about your mouth and your hands in places they shouldn’t be.

19. You were screaming some filthy words last night. Want to do it again tonight?

20. You are so hot, even my pants are falling for you.

21. I am sooo hungry right now… And the thing is…I don’t want food.

22. Congrats. You’ve leveled up. I won’t be holding back the next time I see you. Prepare yourself!

23. Hey… I feel really odd now. I just took a bath, and I feel so mischievous. How are you?

24. Excuse my curiosity, but what kind of underwear do you like to see on a woman?

To Wrap Up

Don’t let your love life suffer anymore just because you’re too afraid to send your crush a message. Now, you’ve learned everything you needed to know to become a fun and exciting texter.

And if you still aren’t sure how to text a guy or what to text a guy to get his attention, you can simply use one of the texts from the collection above.

I’m sure that these messages won’t only help you get his attention but that they will also help make him chase you.

Don’t wait another second. Choose the message you like the most (it’s just for the beginning because I’m sure you’ll come back for more), type your message, add your crush’s number and simply hit the send button.