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THIS Is What It Means When A Sagittarius Man Ignores You

THIS Is What It Means When A Sagittarius Man Ignores You

What does it mean when a Sagittarius man ignores you? What should you do about it? Does it mean that he misses you?

Today, I’m going to give you insight into a Sagittarian man’s mind.

We’re going to uncover what his Zodiac sign says about his proclivities and what you NEED to do when a Sagittarius man is not interested.

I’ll be perfectly honest with you. When a Sagittarius man ignores you, more often than not, it’s not you.

Sagittarian men are well-known fans of bachelor life. They tend to focus on themselves and avoid the C-word (COMMITMENT) as much as they can.

Your Sagittarius guy probably just wants to spend as much time as he can on his own before he’s pinned down, so the last thing you need to do is start to dread the word break-up.

I’ve had the pleasure of dating many Sagittarius men, so I’m sort of a self-proclaimed expert on the Sagittarius male psyche.

While I’ve been involved with Virgo and Scorpio men as well, I have a couple of Sagittarian male best friends, so you can count on me to lay it all out with zero sugar-coating.

Understanding what happens when a Sagittarius man ignores you is the best first step toward finding a way to make him miss you and surviving his silent treatment.

This is why we’re going to go over what it actually means when a Sag ignores you. Then, I’ll explain HOW to react without risking losing him for good.

Lastly, we’ll expose the real reasons why he’s ignoring your text messages (this also includes phone calls or social media DMs).

Here is the brutal truth: Sagittarius men aren’t fans of mind games. If he’s ignoring you, there’s a deeper reason, but don’t worry because we’ll get to the bottom of it.

Maybe you’re going to have to come to terms that you’re simply not the best match, and maybe all he needs is a little nudge in the right direction.

All will be revealed very shortly, so get ready for some brutal honesty.

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Here’s What It Means When A Sagittarius Man Ignores You

Here is why Your Sag man is ignoring you. You might be wondering how you ever thought you had a future with him in the first place, but consider these before making any rash decisions.

He’s starting to feel caged and suffocated.

One thing you should know about Sagittarius men is that they LOVE their freedom. The moment they start feeling caged, they’re one foot out the door.

They can be best described as nomads with an insatiable thirst for life, adventures, and new experiences.

Maybe you no longer excited him precisely due to your desire to tie him down and ask him to conform to your needs. You may want to settle, but he doesn’t, and this is him taking his power back.

This is his retaliation in response to something you did recently.

Think back a few days/weeks ago. Have you done anything that may have rubbed him the wrong way?

Perhaps at one point, everything seemed fantastic and peachy, and the next day, he was an entirely different person. These things don’t just happen out of the blue.

Sagittarius men appreciate honesty above everything else. If he senses that you’re ingenuine or you’re hiding something bad that you did, this is his way of showing his displeasure with your behavior.

He placed his trust in you, and in some weird way, you betrayed him. He’s bound to react negatively as they don’t tolerate lies.

Something BIG is in the works.

According to his Zodiac sign, he’s very patient. This means that unless he’s certain of something, he won’t spill the beans.

He likely has something big coming (be it at work, in his private life, or something completely different), but he can’t discuss it just yet. See? It’s not all bad!

When a Sagittarius man ignores you, it can easily be for positive reasons; he’s just not at liberty to discuss it right now. Be patient and you might get your answer.

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You’re no longer his priority (he’s found a new interest).

Sagittarius guys are very popular with women. This means that he’s got a LOT of options and he may have found a new squeeze, so he’s slowly pushing you away.

In other words, he’s trying to find his best match. While this is anything but ideal, you can’t blame a man for not settling for someone he doesn’t feel the spark with.

Let him figure out what he wants, and you’ll get your answer soon enough. Maybe his new interest is more suited for his particular needs and he’s simply going after what he wants.

He doesn’t want to lead you on.

When a Sagittarius man ignores you, sometimes, it’s simply because he doesn’t want to give you false hope.

He doesn’t want to be with you anymore, but he also doesn’t want to hurt you. This might seem like a harsh thing to do, but actually, it’s not. He’s just trying to do the right thing (in his own weird way).

Think about it. He doesn’t want to lead you on. Maybe his approach could’ve been a more direct one, but still, you’re getting the picture, right?

Directly or indirectly, he’s letting you know about his true feelings, and that’s much more than most men EVER do.

What To Do When A Sagittarius Man Ignores You

When he’s giving you the silent treatment, this is how you should respond to it. If you want to make your man miss you, then this is your golden ticket.

Talk about it without letting it pile up

Here’s an intriguing fact about men born under the Sagittarius Zodiac sign. They are open-minded people with an exceptional ability to consider your point of view, EVEN if they don’t agree with it.

This leads me to my main point: TALK to him. Out of all the men I’ve dated (we’re talking Virgo men, Aquarius men, Aries men, and Gemini men), the Sag is the most likely to pay attention.

The worst thing you can do is let it pile up. Knowing how to communicate with men gets you far.

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Focus on what “is” instead of what “could be”.

The best way to make him miss you? Stop crying over what could be and focus on what IS. Sagittarius men love goal-oriented women who are focused and independent.

He won’t appreciate you pining after him and begging him to take you back. It’s not in his nature to try to understand the reasoning behind your clingy behavior.

Take back your power and focus on your present. Things might work out with him, and they might not.

That’s something you can’t know. But, you CAN take control of your life and focus on things you have control over.

Give him some space to figure it all out.

Trust what his Zodiac sign tells you about him. He doesn’t like to feel suffocated as I’ve already stated above.

So, what should you do? Give him space! Trust me, Sagittarius guys LOVE their personal space. The moment they feel crowded, oh boy… let’s just say they’re highly unlikely to stay.

So, give him some distance and let him figure his stuff out. If it’s about his inner demons, don’t worry. He’ll come back to you as soon as he deals with them.

Get a third-party perspective.

Sometimes, I find it MOST helpful to talk to a close friend to get a completely new and fresh perspective.

Am I imagining things? Am I overreacting to a perfectly manageable situation? Should I just let him figure it all out and come to me when he’s ready?

This is where your best friend comes in. She’s most likely familiar with your man and your relationship. Let her help you out!

Sometimes, you’re too close to a situation to see the answer (that might be right in front of you).

Your Sagittarius man probably just needs some time to think, and you’re perceiving it as the end of the world.

Stop stressing and start thinking rationally. Who better to listen to than a best friend who knows you best?

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What Does It Mean When A Sagittarius Man Ignores Your Text?

A Sag ignoring your text is most likely due to one (or a combination) of these signs. Which one do you think is the case for you?

He hasn’t had the chance to respond to you just yet.

When a Sagittarius man stops texting you, it isn’t all doom and gloom. Have you given him a chance to respond yet?

Don’t you know that Sagittarius men don’t like to be pinned against the wall (metaphorically speaking, of course)? Give him room to breathe.

Who knows where he is and what he’s doing. Don’t immediately assume the worst in people. I bet he’ll respond by tomorrow.

God knows that I’ve accidentally ignored my fair share of text messages. And, it’s seldom on purpose, and I’m guessing the same goes for you, right? So, relax and don’t worry unnecessarily.

He has grown tired of your constant texting.

Here’s everything you should know about double texting: DON’T do it. All joking aside, if you’ve been known to send a few texts in a row, he may have grown tired of it.

How do you like it when someone sends you a bunch of texts without giving you a chance to respond to the first one? To me, it’s annoying AF, and that’s exactly how your man is feeling.

Take it easy with the texting. He’s got a life, you know? If you keep pressuring him to be at your beck and call non-stop, he’s not going to take kindly to it.

Unfortunately, Sagittarius men don’t have time for that BS. It’s okay to shoot him a text (or DM him on social media) now and again, but not giving him a breather will make him run for the hills.

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His life simply got a lot busier.

Life can get so unpredictable sometimes. One day, things are chill, and there’s not much going on, and the next day, you’ve got a million deadlines and ten people to get back to.

If this is the case with your Sag, you best believe that he’s feeling the pressure.

His life might’ve gotten insanely busy and he’s trying to juggle it all successfully. Don’t be yet another ‘chore’ on his calendar that he feels like he needs to check off his list.

Instead, be the person he can’t wait to tell all about his day. How are you going to do that? By being there, but also by giving him time to organize his life the way he sees fit.

He’s trying to take it slow.

If your relationship is still new or if you’re merely only starting to talk and flirt with each other, there’s a chance your Sag is merely trying to slow down the tempo, and honestly, who can blame him?

I’ve already mentioned that they aren’t fans of mind games. Maybe things were heating up too fast and he’s trying to set the dynamic that he feels comfortable with.

He’s probably not ignoring your text at all. He’s just giving it some time before replying so as not to get you accustomed to automatic responses every single time. It kind of makes sense.

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What NOT To Do When A Sagittarius Man Ignores Your Text

Instead of telling you what you should do, I figured it would be best to advise you what to avoid doing. In this situation, I believe you’ll gain much more from this approach.

Don’t accuse him of ignoring (or ghosting) you.

The first thing on your NOT-to-do-list is this: NEVER accuse him of ghosting you unless you want it to happen for real.

One thing they don’t appreciate is being falsely accused of anything. It’ll set him off and make him unlikely to forget about it.

Sagittarius men will take this behavior as a sign of possessiveness (which they’re not fans of) and push you away. Ergo, this is the WORST way to make him miss you.

A rational conversation beats false accusations any time, especially with men born under this particular Zodiac sign.

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Don’t crowd him with your worries.

This is the easiest way to scare him away. Don’t ask him if anything’s wrong as it’ll only stress him out even more.

This is especially the case if your reason for worrying is him not responding to you within hours.

Come on… does that seem like a rational thing to stress over? Surely, there are bigger things you should worry about.

It’s one thing to be worried if he gave you a good reason, but not getting a text back and making it into a whole thing is the best way to make him resent you and leave.

Don’t resort to theatrics to get him to contact you.

Here’s something I found out the hard way. Sag men are NOT fans of theatrics. If you resort to any kind of dramatic behavior or attempt to provoke him, you’re in for the fastest break-up ever.

Don’t believe me? Try it and see for yourself (but don’t, really). Drama will get you nowhere with this guy.
He despises contrived behavior. He’ll smell it from a mile away and get away from you as fast as he can.

Also, if you try to get a rise out of him by making him jealous, it’ll backfire BIG time.

What can I say, this man isn’t about the fabricated, dramatic lifestyle. He’s more about that old-school love… honesty, transparency, respect, and setting healthy boundaries.

He won’t even be bothered by your dramatic behavior as he’ll be too busy moving on to someone more like him.

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Don’t go prying (unless you want to chase him away).

As you’ve probably already guessed, this type of behavior will drive him off before you get a chance to say anything.

Don’t pry into his life. Don’t be overly curious as to what’s going on with him, especially if you’ve only begun dating. Relax and let things be. Sag men hate prying behavior, particularly in relationships.

You’ll be curious and tempted to ask around and stick your nose where it doesn’t belong, but please DON’T. Take it from someone who’s had her fair share of Sagittarius romances.

That’s your ticket to chasing him away. Just breathe and let things happen. He’s going to let you know what’s going on sooner or later, but if he finds out you’ve been prying, let’s just say he won’t be too happy.

Sagittarius Men Are Notoriously Bad At Communicating

So, when a Sagittarius man ignores you, it might just be due to him running out of words to say. So funny, I know!

This should reassure you to keep pursuing him if you believe you are a good match. Sagittarius men are straightforward. If he wants you, he will show it (just give him some time).

But, you know what this means, right? Since he’s not the BEST when it comes to proper communication, you’re going to have to do the heavy lifting. Can you do that?

If you’re unhappy or confused by his behavior, initiate a conversation. IF he’s ignoring your texts, ask him about it in person and you’ll most likely get a genuine reason for this mishap.

According to my own experience, you should never attempt to force a Sag man into anything. It almost always backfires.

If he likes you, he’ll come back to you. If he doesn’t, let it go and see what happens. Let destiny take care of this one.

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Sagittarius Men Are Notoriously Bad At Communicating

So, when a Sagittarius man ignores you, it might just be due to him running out of words to say. So funny, I know!

This should reassure you to keep pursuing him if you believe you are a good match. Sagittarius men are straightforward. If he wants you, he will show it (just give him some time).

But, you know what this means, right? Since he’s not the BEST when it comes to proper communication, you’re going to have to do the heavy lifting. Can you do that?

If you’re unhappy or confused by his behavior, initiate a conversation. IF he’s ignoring your texts, ask him about it in person and you’ll most likely get a genuine reason for this mishap.

According to my own experience, you should never attempt to force a Sag man into anything. It almost always backfires.

If he likes you, he’ll come back to you. If he doesn’t, let it go and see what happens. Let destiny take care of this one.

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