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Excuses To Get Out Of Plans Easily: 37 Persuasive Ideas

Excuses To Get Out Of Plans Easily: 37 Persuasive Ideas

Who likes to socialize? Well, not me, obviously. You must have a lot of upcoming plans you are probably dreading. Most of us don’t want to get out of our PJs all day. Sometimes, we make plans we later don’t feel like. Tonight, the combination of couch and TV just seems too good to leave.

Whatever your reason might be, you don’t need to feel bad about it. I get it. We have all been on both sides, both the receiving end and the giving end of excuses to get out of plans.

In fact, I have a list of the most popular excuses you can use on your friends and colleagues to get out of your friend duties and not go out. Get your popcorn and movie ready!

37 Last-Minute Excuses To Get Out Of Plans

Is lying to get out of plans ok? Decide for yourself with these excuses to get out of plans last minute:

1. I don’t feel like it

Why look for good reasons to cancel plans when you can just be honest? A Netflix or Amazon Prime day is everything you need right now, not a get-together. Be honest with your friend and tell them this is the case while rescheduling for another time.

2. I’m sick

Some people look for excuses to leave the house, and others look for ways of bailing on plans and staying home. This is one of the most believable excuses to get out of plans that will save you from rescheduling for the next day. You can’t go out when you’re sick!

3. I hurt myself

A legit reason to avoid doing something you don’t want to do. It’s a good way to show your friends that you care about them and their feelings but also that you need some time for yourself.

Its effectiveness is due to the fact that people are often more sympathetic when someone has an injury than when they try to make excuses not to hang out with friends.

4. Still doing laundry

No, I’m not joking. I’m stuck at the laundromat and can’t hang out because I’m still in my sweats. My laundry isn’t done, and I can’t go out looking like this. A good friend would understand. Too bad you’re lying.

5. Something came up

One of the easiest ways to get out of plans is by telling people that you have something important to do. It’s not really a lie, a new series came up, and you need to watch it. I hope you don’t use this to cancel plans last minute because that’s no good.

6. Need to clean up ASAP

This reason to cancel plans is legit, especially if you say you have family coming over or one of your loved ones is sick and needs attention. It’s a great excuse that will make your friends understand and forgive you for backing out last minute.

7. My stomach hurts

You can’t go wrong with this because it’s one of the best excuses to get out of plans. No one wants a puker while they’re on a hangout. They will probably just answer: “I’m sorry to hear that you’re feeling under the weather. I hope you get better soon.”

8. Migraines

We all know people make time for what they want, and putting on make-up and dressing fancy is not what you want. This is why this great excuse is your way to go. Have your best friend back it up by saying you had a migraine last night too.

9. Sleeping

Sleeping is a great excuse to get out of plans. The most important thing about this excuse is that you can use it anytime and anywhere without being judged. The first thing you need to do is say you’re sleep-deprived and can’t go out because you want to rest.

10. Preparing for the holiday season

Of course, this one only works if a holiday is coming up next week. It is not uncommon to find yourself with a lot of invites for different events during the holidays. Whether you are hosting a party or going to someone else’s event, you will need to prepare.

11. I have to get up early

“I have to get up early” is a great excuse to get out of plans. It’s not that I don’t want to hang out with you, but I am so tired and need some sleep.

12. I have an emergency

Emergencies can be a great excuse to get out of plans when they arise. They can’t say you’re lying or expose you because you never said the reason. I love this because it’s one of the simplest but most effective good excuses to get out of plans.

13. Family trouble

I swear, when family trouble occurs, it’s like your life starts to fall apart. It’s like nothing works anymore. It can be a good excuse to get out of any commitment, no matter how important it might seem.

14. Never sent a follow-up

For you, every day counts and should make a difference. But because your friend never sent a follow-up text to make sure your plans were still on, you thought they canceled them. That’s why you didn’t show up.

15. It’s gonna rain

TBH, this is a trending excuse to get out of plans! There is not a cloud in sight, but you still think it’s gonna rain. Add a screenshot of the weather forecast to your text, and voila! You’ve got yourself one of the best excuses to cancel plans.

16. I’m stressing out

It’s not just an excuse – it’s the truth. When you are stressed out, getting out of your house and going to a bar or restaurant is not what you need. Getting some fresh air and doing something to help yourself feel better is what you need.

17. I’m busy

Yeah, I’m busy watching reels on Tiktok and eating a whole bucket of popcorn. This excuse is one of the most popular ones people use. This is a sign to start being honest with ourselves and others about what we want in our happy lives.

18. Washing my hair

Oh, one of the classics when it comes to excuses to get out of plans, especially for girls. In fact, I always find myself coming up with excuses to get out of plans with friends or family members. It’s because I don’t want them to see me without my hair looking all pretty and perfect.

19. I need to attend something

My favorite writer is in town doing a book signing, or an ex is attending a birthday. I need to be there. In fact, I’m planning on staying home. I just use any old excuse not to attend a social gathering.

20. A family member is sick

Some people might think that it is not a good idea to use illness as an excuse to get out of plans. You might jinx them into getting sick. Still, it is normal that you want to take care of them and spend time with them. Give yourself a break – you deserve it.

21. I don’t have anyone to babysit

There are some excuses that are better than others. Not having anyone to babysit is a great excuse to get out of plans. You can still use this excuse if you don’t have kids, but just pets.

22. Feeling down

A life-changing revelation I had, regarded feeling good about myself. If something doesn’t feel good, there is no need to partake in it. If I don’t feel like going out, then I should not. I use this excuse to get out of it.

23. Unfinished business

An unfinished project, for example, is a good enough reason to bail on a party or other social event. It can be seen as rude and inconsiderate. But if you have been working on something for days, and it has taken over your life, then you might have an excuse to get out of plans.

24. Working late

Let’s face it – working late is a great excuse for people who want to get out of plans. They can use this excuse to get out of the plans without hurting anyone’s feelings.

25. Pet emergency

Every one of your friends knows how much you love your pet. This is why an emergency is a must for you. Your pet is not feeling good, and you need to take care of it. I am sure they will understand.

26. Car problems

You can use a car problem as an excuse in many different ways, and it could be the perfect way to get out of any situation. Just make sure they don’t send an Uber your way.

27. I forgot 🙁

It’s easy to forget things, especially on a Sunday. Sometimes, it’s even easier to just “forget” about plans that we don’t want to go to. But don’t let this become a habit because everyone hates people that forget meetups.

28. I’m stuck in traffic

Are you really stuck in traffic, or are you still home? This is one of the most popular excuses to get out of plans. It is also one of the most popular excuses for not showing up to work, shows, and other events on time.

29. Social media broke down

You wanted to text them to confirm plans, but neither Facebook Messenger, Instagram, or Whatsapp worked. That is why you didn’t show up to the event.

30. I’m broke

Everyone has their excuses for not wanting to do something, but “I’m broke” is the best excuse. In fact, if you’re broke or want to save money instead of going out, your friends are bound to understand.

31. I can’t party all the time

We all want to feel at peace, but going out every night is not the recipe for this. No, it’s the complete opposite. Using this as an excuse to get out of social obligations has become more prevalent in recent years.

32. I am exhausted

Having trouble sleeping? Or is it your work? It’s the perfect, easiest excuse for when you are feeling too tired to go out. All you need to do is say, “I am exhausted,” and your friend will understand that you don’t want to go out tonight.

33. Focusing on mental health

Mental health should be prioritized more in our world. This is a new type of excuse people use to get out of social plans. It is a great way to avoid doing something you don’t want to do. You want to love yourself.

34. Running errands

Running errands is a great way to break up our daily routines and take a break from the monotony of life. Perfect for excusing yourself from things you don’t want to do. Use it as the best excuse.

35. It’s too hot

In the summertime, it’s too hot to go outside and do anything. This is a great excuse to get out of plans, especially when they involve going outside.

When you’re sitting at home in your air-conditioned room, it’s hard to convince yourself that you should go outside and do anything.

36. Practicing self-care

Life is too short – we all know that. This is especially true if you don’t want to be somewhere. Use this excuse. Still, we need to understand the importance of self-care in the modern world and how we can use it as an excuse to get out of plans.

37. Surprise visit

This can be a great way to reconnect with friends and family members. Of course, if it is not an excuse. It can also be a great way to get out of plans if you don’t have an excuse handy. I mean, who wouldn’t understand?

See also: 19 Best Excuses To Get Out Of Work Immediately

Is It A Good Reason To Cancel Plans?

We all have been in this situation before. You’ve agreed to meet up with a friend for coffee or lunch, and then they cancel on you at the last minute. Or you’ve agreed to go to an event with your partner, but they want to stay home and watch TV.

Some people might think that it’s okay to cancel plans whenever they want or to cancel last minute. Some say it is. Some say it isn’t. The best way to avoid being a flake is to make sure you’re clear with your plans and that you don’t leave anything up in the air.

The best way to get out of plans is by saying that you are sick, need help from someone else, or that you’re just not feeling well enough. I hope these excuses to get out of plans helped you choose your best option.