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4. Play hard to get

No matter what they say, all men like girls who’re playing hard to get. I’m not saying that you should do it in a long-term relationship, but it’s definitely the way to go at the beginning of your relationship.

You probably don’t understand it, but it’s just a part of male psychology.

They’ll always choose a girl who is playing hard to get over the one who carries her heart on her sleeve right from the start.

If you’re wondering how to make a man chase you, or how to make him stop ignoring your texts, don’t reveal too much too soon. Yes, this applies to sleeping with him as well.

It’s actually pretty simple to capture his undivided attention and make him want you – you just have to ignore him for a while. 

First of all, postpone physical intimacy for some time. As attracted as you are to him, be certain that he’ll appreciate you more if he has to wait.

When he sends you a text message, don’t respond right away. Make him a little bit anxious about your reply. Don’t text him and he will text you

Tell him you’re busy when he asks you out. The worst thing you can do is show him that he’s your number one priority right from the start – he’ll get tired of you pretty soon.

Also, there is no harm in making him a bit jealous. Make him wonder if he’s the only man in your life.