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100 Love Messages For Her And Him To Help You Express Your Feelings

100 Love Messages For Her And Him To Help You Express Your Feelings

Being in love with the right person who loves you back is one of the greatest things you can experience in life, and it’s something we all live to feel.

When you are head over heels for someone, you feel overwhelmed with this love, and it consumes you completely.

You feel like this love inspires and makes you a better person, and you know this is the thing you’ve spent all of your life waiting for.

And usually this love for your better half is so strong, that you simply find it impossible to put into words.

You’ve read all the love poems and love letters for him or her you could find. You’ve looked for love quotes but nothing can measure up with this feeling you have in your chest whenever you think about your loved one.

You’ve tried to describe your emotions to them, but you feel that whatever you say is not enough to express the magnitude of the love that exists in your heart.

This is especially the case when you’ve been with someone for ages. The love for this person didn’t fade away with years, and you want for them to know this.

You’ve told your partner how much you love them on a million occasions and in a million different ways. But you are still trying to find the right way to express your love for them.

You are still trying to find something original, and something you haven’t told them before.

The situation is similar when you’ve just fallen in love with someone.

You don’t know what to say to them and how to show them how much they mean to you. You don’t know how to tell them that you know they are the one, even though you’ve just met.

So you send them sweet texts (such as goodnight paragraphs, or cute good morning texts for him or her) every day, trying to demonstrate your love for them, but you can’t find the right way to put your true feelings into words.

Well, you’ve come to the right place.

Here is a collection of 100 sweet, romantic text messages which will help you express your feelings for your partner.

Besides, trust me that each one of these texts will make their hearts melt and will put a smile on their faces.

1. ”I could never imagine that I would ever love someone the way I’ve grown to love you“.

2. ”In the past, I thought I loved other people. But now I see that no love I thought I felt could ever compare to this I feel for you“.

3. ”I could never imagine living my life without your love and without you by my side“.

4. “Every time I see you, I fall in love with you all over again”.

5. “Sometimes I think that I love you more than I love myself, and I didn’t even know it was possible to love someone this much”.

6. “I used to dream about having a fairy tale kind of love. I used to dream of finding my soulmate and my forever person. I used to dream of finding a person like you. And all of my dreams came true. And not only that, my reality is even better than my dreams”.

7. “Until I met you, I didn’t believe in soulmates. I didn’t believe that there exists a person who will be my other half. But you’ve proved me wrong. And I am so happy you did”.

8. “Meeting you was the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I don’t know what I would do if you hadn’t walked into my life”.

9. “You are my only light at the end of the tunnel”.

10. “Whenever I am feeling down or when I’m sad, the only thing which can brighten me up is your love”.

11. “Sometimes, I dream about having you. And when I wake up and realize that it’s not a dream and that you are really mine, I am happy because my reality with you is better than every dream”.

12. “You complete me. You fill all the holes in my heart and soul”.

13. “I know I love you because I don’t love you despite your flaws. I love you because of your imperfections because I know they make you the person you truly are, and I wouldn’t change a thing about you”.

14. “I can’t thank God enough for sending you into my life”.

15. “You are my lucky charm”.

16. “When I am with you, every life difficulty seems bearable”.

17. “As long as I have you holding my hand, I feel like I can conquer the world. As long as I have you, nothing seems impossible. I know I can achieve and accomplish whatever I want because you make me feel powerful, and you give me the strength I never thought I had”.

18. “Your love is the light which illuminates my life journey, and I would be completely lost without it”.

19. “I wish I could write you a love song, but I could never put the love I feel for you into words. I could never describe all the emotions I have for you. And that is why I am just going to tell you that I love you”.

20. “I would rather spend a day with you by my side than a lifetime without you”.

21. “I know I love you because I couldn’t be without someone else, even if I wanted to. I could never imagine kissing or hugging another person. You are the only one I want to share my life with”.

22. “Sometimes I am scared of the amount of happiness I feel whenever I am near you. I am afraid that someday it will go away, and I know I couldn’t live without it”.

23. “I will never ask you for much. I just need your respect and love, and that is more than enough for me”.

24. “I love you the same at your worst and at your best”.

25. “I’ve always hated romance. Until I met you. All of a sudden, I became everything I never wanted to become. My old self would call me pathetic and cheesy, but the truth is that I love every minute of being like this”.

26. “You are my everything”.

27. “You should never worry about me leaving you. Because trust me, that will never happen”.

28. “My biggest fear is having to spend my life without you”.

29. “Before I met you, I felt like I had no reason to live. But ever since you came into my life, every new day is a new reason to be happy”.

30. “Your happiness is the most important thing in the world for me, and I would do literally anything just to see you smile”.

31. “Whatever I go through during the day, seeing your face makes my all worries magically go away”.

32. “You feel like home to me and when I’m without you, I am homesick”.

33. “You are the only person who can make me calm. You are my peaceful harbor.”

34. “I can’t believe I still feel the same butterflies every time I see you, like I am looking at you for the first time”.

35. “You bring color into my world”.

36. “The love I feel for you is unearthly ,and sometimes, I can’t believe it’s real”.

37. “Our love story is the most beautiful real life fairy tale”.

38. “You make all of my weakness go away”.

39. “If anyone has ever told me it was possible for me to love someone this much, I would never have believed them”.

40. “I love you to the moon and back”.

41. “Even when you are not physically with me, I always carry you in my heart. And sometimes I think you are the only reason my heart beats”.

42. “I’ve spent an entire night thinking of you. Good morning, my love”.

43. “From the moment I laid my eyes on you, I knew you were the love of my life”.

44. “Before I met you, I didn’t believe in love at first sight. But when I saw you, I felt like I’ve known you forever. And I knew I would spend the rest of my life loving you”.

45. “I have no doubt that I will love you forever”.

46. “You are special and unique, and nobody else could ever compare to you”.

47. “Just looking at you puts a smile on my face”.

48. “Your voice is my favorite sound and when I hear you talk, I feel like I’m listening to the most beautiful melody in the world”.

49. “I wish for you to think of me even in your dreams. Good night. I love you baby”.

50. “I don’t need a special occasion to tell you how much I love you. Because I love you every second of every minute of every hour of every day. But I feel I love you even more on this special day. I wish you a Happy Birthday”.

51. “My life without you was a stormy, cloudy sky. And you were the sun who chased away all the clouds and brought the light”.

52. “I could never thank you enough for being in my life and for loving me the way you do”.

53. “I don’t love you for your looks or your brains. I love you for the person you are and for the person you’ve made me become. I love you for the way you make me feel”.

54. “I love every part of you with all my heart and soul”.

55. “I would move mountains, and I would swim all the oceans in the world for your sake”.

56. “Whatever happens between us, a part of my heart will always be reserved for you. A part of me will always stay yours”.

57. “Even when I spend an entire day with you, I still miss you the second you walk out of the door”.

58. “Everything around me makes me think of you. And everything reminds me of how much I love you”.

59. “You made me believe in love again, and I can never thank you enough for that”.

60. “I hope that I will wake up next to you every morning for the rest of my life”.

61. “Having you in my arms is one of the most relaxing and calming things I’ve ever experienced”.

62. “Whenever you are not with me, I spend all my time daydreaming about having you near me again”.

63. “You are the yin to my yang. You bring balance into my life”.

64. “You are not just my lover, you are also my best friend. You are my partner in every sense of that word. The only person I can tell everything to and the one I would rely my life on”.

65. “I promise you, that whatever happens tomorrow, I will never leave you”.

66. “I love you the same on your bad days just as much I love you when everything is going great. I want you to know that I’ll never leave your side and that I’ll always have your back, no matter what. That is how much I love you”.

67. “Sometimes, it’s enough for me to know that we are sleeping under the same sky and that we are breathing the same air”.

68. “I won’t talk to you about how much I love you. Instead, I will let my actions prove my love for you”.

69. “Our love story is my favorite”.

70. “I just want to hold you in my arms without saying a word, and enjoy that blissful silence”.

71. “You shine brighter than all the stars on the sky”.

72. “I am not asking much from life. I just want to have you and that will be more than enough”.

73. “You are my family. You are all I’ve got, and I don’t ever want to lose you”.

74. “Even when you break my heart, you are the only one who can put it back together”.

75. “Sometimes I get scared of needing you this much”.

76. “You are my person, my match made in heaven, my other half, my soulmate and my forever person. I love you and I will always love you”.

77. “I can’t wait until the day on which I’ll meet you at the altar”.

78. “You’ve never tried to change me, but somehow, you got the best out of me. Somehow, your faith in me and your always pushing me forward has made me become a better person. Thank you for being in my life”.

79. “You are my reason to live”.

80. “I love you because you accept me for who I am, together with all of our differences”.

81. “Your love has awakened my soul”.

82. “They say that the most beautiful things in the world can’t be seen or heard. They need to be felt with the heart. And I love you with all my heart”.

83. “If I hadn’t met you, I would have spent the rest of my life in misery, searching for you and feeling a part of me is missing”.

84. “I know how special you are because you are the only person who knows everything about me but still loves me the same”.

85. “Whenever I see you, my darkest night turns into a sunny morning”.

86. “I will love you ‘till the end of time. Even when we grow old and when our faces get wrinkled, I will still love you like the first day”.

87. “Nothing and nobody could ever make me stop loving you”.

88. “I know we are meant to be. I know that our love is destined to last. I was born to be yours and you were born to be mine”.

89. “I want to be with you always and forever”.

90. “I never chose to love you. It was stronger than me, and not falling in love with you was never an option”.

91. “Talking to you is my second favorite thing I like to do with my mouth when I’m around you”.

92. “Before you entered my life, I was so lost. But I found myself in finding you”.

93. “Every single moment I spend with you is heaven on Earth”.

94. “If I could give you one thing, I would give you the possibility to love yourself the way I love you. This way, you’d see how special you actually are to me”.

95. “If there exists an afterlife, I’ll love you even there”.

96. “I could write a book, telling you how much I love you. And even that wouldn’t be enough”.

97. “I wouldn’t change a single thing about you. I love you exactly the way you are”.

98. “Loving you feels so natural and effortless”.

99. “If someone asked me why I fell in love with you, I wouldn’t know the answer. The truth is that I love you without reason, without questioning why and without any calculation. I love you just because”.

100. “You are the first and the last thing that crosses my mind each day”.