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How To Apologize To Your Girlfriend Over Text: 65 Best Examples

How To Apologize To Your Girlfriend Over Text: 65 Best Examples

Oh no, you said or did something that hurt your girlfriend’s feelings, and now you’re wondering how to apologize to your girlfriend. Should you buy her 100 red roses, wash the dishes for the next 2 months (if you live together), or write an apology letter?

Well, if you ask me, all the above choices sound great, but I’m pretty sure you want to start with a simple one, such as sending her a sincere apology message. Trust me, we women aren’t as complicated as others say. 😂

If you send your girlfriend a genuine apology text, you will let her know that you’re truly sorry for hurting her. Also, you’ll let her know how much you care about her.

Below you’ll find a short guide on how to apologize to your girlfriend over text and a collection of sincere apologies to send. Feel free to adjust (delete or add) parts of these messages so that they are fully optimized for your loved one.

Ready, steady, go! 😊

How To Apologize To Your Girlfriend Over Text

Here are the 2 most important things you should pay attention to when apologizing to your girlfriend over text:

1.The tone of your message.

2. Your choice of words. 

You want your girlfriend to see that your apology is sincere and written from the heart. Your choice of words should be specific, simple, and with a warm undertone. Following these tips is strongly recommended:

Be personal and specific

You want to be as specific and personal as possible so that your girlfriend sees you’re genuinely sorry for hurting her feelings. You don’t need to mention every single detail of what happened between the two of you, but be specific when it comes to your intentions and emotions.

Acknowledge your willingness to improve

Let your girlfriend see that you take responsibility for your actions and that you’re determined not to repeat the same mistakes again. Self-reflection and a willingness to improve are the keywords here. Verywell Mind perfectly summarizes these key points for apologizing in relationships:

“One of the important functions of an apology is that it affords the opportunity to re-establish trust; resolving not to repeat the offending behavior—or to make whatever change is possible—is an important part of an apology.

Express your feelings

Of course, don’t forget to express your deepest feelings for your girlfriend by choosing emotional and heartwarming words. Let her see how much effort you invested in your apology because that’s how she’ll know that you truly care.

Start your sentences with “I”

Stay away from accusations such as: “You did this or that.” Instead, start your sentences with “I” and avoid mentioning things that could potentially upset your girlfriend.

Follow up with a phone call or in person

After apologizing over text, you should also call your girlfriend or talk to her face-to-face. Don’t recite the apology you already sent over text but try to summarize it and add some new elements to it. Just look her in the eye and say what’s in your heart.

See also: How To Apologize To Your Boyfriend Over Text: 83 Sincere Apologies

Best Way To Say Sorry In A Text To Your Gf

Apologizing to your girlfriend is actually very simple if you use the following I’m sorry text messages:

1.“I know I’ve not been the true gentleman I promised to be. I’m sorry for not spending enough time with you. I promise to start taking steps to be the man of your dreams. I’m sorry.”

2.“Even though you don’t like me right now, I want to remind you that you’re the woman of my dreams and the love of my life! I hope you forgive me.”

3.“I haven’t heard from you today, which I assume means that you’re upset about what I said yesterday. I’m sorry about that. I never meant to hurt your feelings. Can we meet up to talk things through?”

4. “I’m so sorry you were hurt by what I did last week. I never meant it to happen; things just got out of hand. Will you ever be able to forgive me?”

5.“I’m sorry for causing the fight we had yesterday. I didn’t need to keep talking about it, but I did anyway, even after you asked me to stop. So, this is just to say I’ve thought about my behavior a lot, and I’ll do better next time. I promise.”

6. “I have learned to accept all my mistakes, but when they hurt the most important person in my life, then that is something I cannot accept. So I beg for forgiveness; I love you.”

7.“I don’t know what has happened to me. I know that I’ve been acting strange and very annoying. I’m sorry, darling.”

8. “Hi. First and foremost, I just wanted to text you to tell you I know I really blew it. I heard what you said and how it made you feel. I apologize from the bottom of my heart.”

9.“I understand your anger, and I’m really sorry. I hope this doesn’t mean you want to end things, though, because I would be completely devastated. You are by far the most important person in my life.”

10. “It’s so hard for me to see you sad. And it’s even worse knowing that I’m the person who made you sad. Do you think you’ll ever be able to forgive me?”

See also: Should I Text Her? 22 Important Things To Think About First

Emotional Apology Messages For Her

Heartfelt apologies (and love letters for her) always include the following elements: Your feelings, a sentimental writing tone, and they are simple. Here are a few examples to choose from:

1. “Please forgive me and give me a chance to express how sorry I am in person. I know this probably isn’t the best apology text ever, but I just can’t think straight knowing I hurt you. Please tell me we can make up.”

2. “I don’t know how I could do this to you, and I know I’ll never truly be able to make up for it. I’m not asking for forgiveness. I’m just telling you that I understand the gravity of what I did. I’m so sorry, and I’ll regret it forever.”

3. “I can’t believe I am the reason behind those tears on your beautiful face. I’m deeply sorry for everything. Please forgive me.”

4. “You mean everything to me, and I will do whatever it takes to make it up to you. I’m so sorry I disappointed you. Please, forgive me.”

5.“You need to know that I was a fool. I allowed my pride to get the best of me. I forgot that you are on my side, that you are my best friend. I love you so much.”

6. “I am so sorry that I caused you so much awful pain and heartache. You are a truly wonderful person who deserves to be treated with love and respect, and I really failed you. I will never ever cause you so much pain again. Could you find it in your heart to hit the reset button with me?”

7. “I hate seeing you down. You know I love you, and I’m sorry about the argument we had yesterday; that was completely my fault. Tell me how I can earn your forgiveness.”

8.“I am sorry for arguing with you. It’s just that I want the best of things to happen in your life. Please forgive me, baby.”

9.“I never thought that I was capable of such a thing. It hurts me to know that I made you feel bad. You deserve so much better than this. I’ll do anything to be a better person for you. Forgive me.”

10.“I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings yesterday. I’m sorry for what I said. Let me take you out to dinner and make it up to you.”

Sorry Messages For Her

Do you want to let your girlfriend know how sorry you are for hurting her feelings? Saying I’m sorry is the first step to saving broken relationships. The following messages are the best examples of how to apologize to your girlfriend over text:

1. “With eyes filled with tears and a bleeding heart, I’m apologizing for causing you so much pain and hurting your feelings. Please forgive me.”

2.“I am very wrong and need to apologize for the trouble we’ve had. I hope we can get back to normal and be as happy as ever. Please, forgive me.”

3.“Don’t forgive me just because I’m saying sorry. Forgive me because I love you and don’t want to waste a single moment of our time together fighting. Truly yours, now and forever.”

4.“I am so sorry. It’s going to kill me for the rest of my life that I did this to you, whether or not we stay together. I want nothing more than to go back to how things were before. I’ll give you space, but if you want to talk, I’m here.”

5.“I wish I would be perfect all my life, but I realize that I am still human, prone to committing mistakes. Please forgive my errors. I can’t continue to bear life without you.”

6.“It’s hard to express myself with words at this moment because I’m feeling so sick I can’t even put words together to say how sorry I am.”

7.“You may not be aware of how guilty I feel after my misconduct. Nothing can heal my pain now until you find a place in your heart to forgive me. I am deeply sorry. Please accept my apology.”

8.“I feel terrible after knowing that I’m the cause of the pain you’re going through now. I’m deeply sorry, dear. Please forgive me.”

9.“My love, I do not want you to continue being upset with me. I want us to solve things as soon as possible. Do not end the day being angry. I love you infinitely.”

10.“You are a fantastic person, and I feel sad when I see you worry. I can’t tolerate seeing you crying. So please forgive me for all the mistakes that I have made. I promise that I will never repeat them, and I will never hurt you.”

11. “Hey, I’m sorry my drinking has come between us recently. I promise to go back to meetings. I’ll start this evening.”

See also: How To Apologize For Cheating: 10 Ways To Make Your Partner Forgive You

Heartwarming Apologies For Girlfriend

True gentlemen know that a heartwarming apology is the best way to melt their girlfriend’s heart. So, what are you waiting for? Choose one of the following sentimental apologies to send to your Gf via SMS or social media:

1.“I’ve been yearning to see you so that I can tell you how sorry I am. I really let you down, and I know how much I’ve hurt you. I can’t stand the thought of you being angry with me or the thought of how I treated you. Please forgive me and give me a chance to make it right.”

2.“Hey, I realize I may have been bombarding you with talk about my work recently. You’re so sweet not to complain, and I promise I’ll reel it in.”

3.“You’re my everything, and it pains me to see you annoyed and mad at me. I’m so sorry, sweetheart.”

4.“Sorry that I haven’t been around in the evenings. Work has been kicking my butt, but I know that I also need to prioritize our relationship.”

5. “Hey, I’m sorry that I’ve been so stubborn about the car lately. I’ll try to ease up.”

6. “I’m sorry if anything I did at the party last weekend offended you. I didn’t mean to hurt you. You will forgive your darling boyfriend, won’t you?”

7. “Since I hurt you, my eyes keep dropping tears uncontrollably. My handkerchief is soaked with tears of regret. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, dear. I wish I could turn back the hands of time. I wish I could erase the ugly happenings.”

8.“You’ve done so much for me and loved me despite all my flaws. The way I treated you was a poor reflection of the love for you that I have in my heart. I’ve acted like a fool, and I can only hope and pray that you’ll accept my sincere apology and give me another chance.”

9.“You mean the world to me, and I cannot believe that I jeopardized our connection. I was weak and insecure. What I did was unacceptable and inexcusable. I totally own it. Please let me make things right.”

10. “I just wanted to apologize for being so difficult about your upcoming girls’ trip. Of course, I want you to have fun with your friends, and I do trust you. I was just in a bad mood, and I took it out on you, but that’s not okay, and I’ll make sure it doesn’t happen again.”

11. “I know I made mistakes, made you cry, and hurt you. I accept all of my faults, and I can assure you that I will never do anything like that again.”

See also: When Someone Says Your Name In A Text: 13 Hidden Meanings

Sincere Apology Paragraphs

Sincere apology paragraphs for your girlfriend are a surefire way to earn her trust and respect. If you send her one of these texts, she’ll definitely forgive “all your sins”:

1.“I have hurt myself by hurting you. You are my favorite person on earth, and I cannot believe that I stooped so low. I want you to see that I am doing everything I can to become a better person. I am sorry for hurting you. I don’t know the best way to say sorry in a text, but I wanted to apologize now and not wait. Could you please forgive me?”

2.“I’m sorry that I’ve been distracted by the patio. I know it seems silly, and I know I’ve been obsessive. It’s just that I really want everything about the house to be perfect. Let me make it up to you by cooking whatever you want for dinner tonight.”

3. “My heart is heavy knowing that I’ve wounded yours. I can’t stop thinking about you, and I need you to know how much I regret what I did. I don’t want to lose you over my stupidity. I guarantee that I’ll never do that ever again. Please give me another chance.”

4.“Hey, I’m really sorry for the comment I made about your mother last night. I said it in the heat of the moment, and you know I don’t really think that. It was unacceptable behavior.”

5. “I will do whatever it takes to make things right between us again. I absolutely adore you, and it hurts me to think that I caused you pain. You have my word that it will never happen again. Would you forgive me?”

6.“I’m sorry that everything didn’t work out the way it should have. I know that together we can get past this if you let me make it up to you and show you I’ve learned from my mistakes. I promise that I won’t screw up again like this.”

7.“I know this is not the perfect apology, but I have a perfect intention to ask your forgiveness. I have been hot-tempered lately, which caused me to say unnecessary things. Now I realize that there are things that are better left unsaid. I am truly sorry sweetheart.”

8.“My love, please accept my sincere apology. Since you left, I feel like a significant part of me is gone. I want you back. I want you here beside me. Living without you is hell. I’m so sorry for hurting you so badly.”

9.“I miss your company so much, your cute texts, and making plans with you because right now, I only feel your indifference every time I see you. So I apologize a thousand times. I want us to be as happy as we used to be. Please forgive me.”

How Do I Say Sorry To My Girlfriend For Hurting Her?

Are you still wondering how to apologize to your girlfriend over text? Here are more great examples to choose from:

1. “I wish I could say I was blameless. I wish I could have you to myself like I used to. Forgive me, dear. I’m sorry for being wrong.”

2.“Sorry that I haven’t been able to stop talking about my anger at my brother recently. I know it must be irritating to be around. I’ll be more mindful of how much I talk about it from now on.”

3.“Darling, I’m broken, and I can’t believe I caused you pain. I may never be able to make it up to you. But can you allow me to try? Please accept my apology. I’m sorry. P.S. I miss you.”

4.“You are the girl of my dreams, and it pains me to see you cry. Please accept my apology and smile at me because your tears are too precious to be wasted. I’m sorry.”

5. I will never forgive myself for the way I hurt you. I hope that I can prove myself worthy in your eyes. Please know that I am deeply sorry for all the grief I have caused you. Will you forgive me?”

6. “I did not realize what I was doing because I acted selfishly. It was never my intention to cause you so much pain. I’m very sorry for being unfaithful. I hope you accept my apology, and we can start again.”

7.“It hurts me to see tears rolling down your pretty face and most especially when I was the cause. I’m sorry, baby.”

8.“I hope you’ll find a place in your heart to forgive me. My heart is heavy. My eyes are teary. I’m sincerely sorry.”

9. “I feel like the worst person in the whole world. I’m truly sorry for shouting at you, and I promise I’ll never do it again. Forgive me, babe.”

10. “I’m sorry that it took me so long to see where I was wrong. Will you forgive me, baby?”

11. “I have so many regrets about the way I have been treating you recently. Nobody deserves to be treated like that, and I am truly sorry. I hope that you can forgive me and give me another chance.”

Final Thoughts

What is your personal favorite emotional sorry message for your girlfriend? I’m pretty sure that you mastered the art of how to apologize to your girlfriend over text. Just make sure that your apology comes from the heart and that you show true remorse.

Ready to apologize to your girlfriend? Hell, yes!

Good luck! ❤