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190+ Kinky Questions To Ask Your Partner To Spice Up Your Sex Life

190+ Kinky Questions To Ask Your Partner To Spice Up Your Sex Life

You are just getting to know someone new and you’ve got to the part when you are about to have sex or your sex life has just begun. But why wouldn’t you engage in some dirty talk as a part of foreplay? What are the kinky questions to ask a guy or a girl to get them in the mood?

You want to do everything possible to turn this person on, even when you are not having sex. Besides, you want to find out as much as you can about this person’s sexual history and about the things that arouse them the most.

Or you are in a long-term relationship or in a marriage and you feel like you’ve gotten in a rut. You know it’s about time to spice things up in bed between you and your partner but you don’t know the right way to do so. What better way than these kinky questions to ask your SO?

Whatever the issue, there’s a way to fix it. Discover the deepest secrets of sexuality with the Language of Desire and make your relationship blossom.

Either way, you’ve come to the right place. Here are 190 kinky questions to ask a girl or a guy, which will definitely turn them on and which will spice up your sex life.

You may think some of these flirty questions are too kinky to ask but trust me—they will improve your sex life for sure and they will help you get inside the deepest corners of your partner’s mind.

69 Kinky Questions To Ask Your Boyfriend Or Girlfriend

The number of the questions is kinky enough, isn’t it? Read on and enjoy yourself!

1. What is your favorite sex position? Do you like to be on top or on the bottom? Do you prefer looking your partner in the eyes and kissing them while you are having sex or do you like positions in which you can just concentrate on the penetration itself?

2. What is the craziest thing you’ve done during sex? How did it make you feel? Would you do it all over again?

3. What is it that you enjoy the most during sex? Is it the penetration itself? Is it oral? Is it the tension during foreplay?

4. How do you feel about giving and receiving oral? Are you selfish with these things? How do you feel when you know you are making someone cum with your mouth?

5. What is the weirdest place you had sex in? Have you ever done it in your parents’ bed, in a public place, in a public restroom, or while driving?

6. Do you like to have sex outdoors? Does the possibility of someone catching you doing it turn you on?

7. What is your favorite porn category? Do you enjoy doing everything you see on the screen?

8. What is your fetish? What is the thing you would like to do but you have no courage to do?

9. What is your favorite time of the day to have sex? Do you prefer to do it as soon as you wake up or just before sleeping?

10. Have you ever thought about having sex with a stranger? Did it ever happen to you that a stranger turned you on, without saying or doing anything to you?

11. What do you think about threesomes and group sex in general? Have you ever had sex with your partner, together with another guy or girl?

12. Have you ever experimented with the same sex? Have you ever fantasized about sleeping with someone of the same sex?

13. What do you masturbate to most frequently? Is it porn or do you prefer imagining things and people?

14. When was the first time you touched yourself? Are there times when only touching yourself is the thing you enjoy the most?

15. How long do you like foreplay to last? Do you prefer sex to last longer or do you enjoy quickies the most?

16. Do you prefer being the dominant one or the submissive one? Would you ever allow someone to dominate you and to what extent? Have you ever tied your partner up or have you ever allowed another person to tie you up? How do you feel about spanking?

17. Do you prefer rough or gentle sex? Do you like to kiss during sex?

18. Do you think that you are good in bed? Why?

19. Do you like to be watched during sex? Would you like to watch a couple having sex, without them knowing?

20. What do you usually dream about the most in your sex dreams? What was your last sex dream and who was it about?

21. Do you like one-night stands? Have you ever had a one-night stand? What was it like?

22. Did you ever masturbate with someone near you, without them knowing what you were doing? Does the thought of you doing something like that turn you on?

23. Do you like anal sex? Have you ever tried it? How was it? Would you do it again? Is it something you really enjoy or did you just do it to please your partner or to see how it felt?

24. Are there some things you would never agree to do in bed? What are your boundaries when it comes to sex?

25. How would you describe the feeling you get when you are having an orgasm? Does the thought of it turn you on?

26. Do you make noises during sex? Do you scream or moan? And what do you like your partner to be like during sex—loud or quiet?

27. Do you like dirty talk? Do you like to call your partner names in bed? Do you like your partner to call you names during sex? What do you enjoy saying to your partner the most in bed? What do you like to hear from your partner during sex?

28. When you masturbate, do you prefer to use your fingers and hands or do you use something else?

29. Are you into sex toys? Which sex toys have you used and how did you use them? What is your favorite sex toy?

30. Have you ever filmed yourself while masturbating and then watched it later or sent it to someone? Would you like to do it? Is that something that turns you on, knowing that you’ve aroused someone?

31. Have you ever made a sex tape with your partner? If not, would you like to do so? If yes, did you delete it right away or did you guys watch it afterward? Does seeing yourself having sex turn you on?

32. Do you like sending and receiving nude photos? Do you do it to turn yourself on or just to please another person?

33. What is the body part of the opposite sex that turns you on the most? Is it maybe their voice or their butt?

34. What do you do to turn another person on? Do you like playing games and teasing someone to turn them on?

35. Who is the person who gave you the best sex of your life?

36. What was the best sex of your life like?

37. If you could sleep with any person in the world, fictional or real, a celebrity or someone you know personally, who would it be? Would you actually do it if you had the chance?

38. What turns you off the most in the opposite sex? Is it something about their appearance or something they do in bed?

39. How do you feel about being nude in front of others or in public? Does this excite you or does it make you feel embarrassed?

40. What is it that you like the most about your own body? What body part of yours do you think turns others on the most?

41. Do you like to have sex in the shower? Have you ever done it in the shower? What was it like?

42. What are you wearing right now? What is your underwear like? What color is it?

43. What would you like to see me wear? What do you imagine me wearing when you think of me? Am I completely naked?

44. Would you ever participate in an orgy? Does the thought of switching partners during one occasion turn you on?

45. Do you think size matters?

46. How long do you like sex to last? Do you prefer it to be longer or quicker?

47. What was the most number of times you had sex with someone in one day? How much did you enjoy it?

48. Have you ever fantasized about someone else while having sex with another person? Who was it? Did the realization that you were thinking about someone else while you shouldn’t make you feel embarrassed and guilty or did it turn you on even more?

49. How old were you when you lost your virginity? How was it?

50. Have you ever had sex in a lake or in an ocean? If not, is that something that you would like to experience?

51. What is the part of your body where you like to be touched the most?

52. When was the last time you had sex? What was it like?

53. When was the last time you touched yourself? What or who did you think of during masturbation?

54. What was the longest period in which you didn’t have sex? How was it?

55. Do I turn you on right now? What would you like to do to me?

56. Do you like to have sex with music on or off? If the answer is on, which songs put you in the mood the most? Is there an artist who you find puts you in the sexiest mood?

57. If there was one position you had to have sex in for the rest of your life, which one would it be and why? Could you only do it like that for the rest of your life or would it be hard?

58. Do you like it when a girl is the first one to make a move on you and seduce you or do you prefer being the one in control at all times? Does it turn you on when a girl tells you what to do?

59. Do you like the idea of getting caught while having sex? Have you ever got caught and what did you do? Did you get embarrassed or did you keep going?

60. What is your dirtiest sexual fantasy that you could never share with anyone? Do you have something so twisted and kinky in your mind that you’re afraid people wouldn’t get it? If so, please share it with me, as I’m very open to any new ideas in bed.

61. What article of clothing do you like to see me in the most? Tell me which thing that I own turns you on the most and I’ll make sure to wear it in the most inappropriate situations.

62. Who turns you on the most—older girls or younger ones? Do you believe that older girls are more empowered in bed due to their experience or do you prefer the wicked minds of young girls who are down for almost anything?

63. Do you enjoy watching me pleasure myself? Or do you prefer being the one who does all the work? Would you like me to put on a show for you?

64. If you could have any celebrity join us for a night in bed, which one would it be? It’s gender optional, so you could choose literally whomever you wish?

65. If you could go back in time, what would you change about your first sexual encounter and why? Is there anything you think you’d do much better now, and if so, what is that thing?

66. If you had to choose just one which one would it be: Have sex every day for the rest of your life with me or get head by random girls every day for the duration of a year?

67. Do you like it when I moan in bed?

68. Have you ever been in a situation where you (or your partner) had to take Viagra and who was it with? What was the experience like and how long did you last? Would you take it (or have your partner take it) again?

69. Do you think you are a good lover and if so, why? Do you believe there’s room for improvement and which area do you think you could improve in? Are you as confident in your sexual prowess as you appear to be?

What Are Some Juicy Questions To Ask A Guy?

If you want to ask some teasing questions to a guy, tell him something like this: “Do you prefer kissing or making out?” or “What was the last time you were in love?”.

Of course, these are not the only things you can ask him to spice things up. That’s exactly why we’re bringing 20 of the juiciest questions to ask the man you like.

1. Who did you have your first kiss with? When was it?

2. Who is your celebrity crush?

3. Do you think you know what women want?

4. If you could change one thing about your looks, what would it be?

5. What does your perfect woman look like? How does she behave?

6. Is it more important for you to be called sexy or smart? And what about girls? Is it more important to be with a good-looking girl or with an intelligent one?

7. What do you think is your biggest advantage when it comes to hitting on girls? What makes you stand out from other guys?

8. What do you value the most in a relationship?

9. What is the most embarrassing thing about you?

10. What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done in life?

11. What is the silliest lie you ever told a girl?

12. What is the silliest lie you bought from a girl?

13. Did you ever cheat on a girl?

14. Were you ever cheated on? If you don’t know for sure- did you ever suspect of being cheated on?

15. What is the silliest thing you’ve ever been jealous of in a relationship?

16. How much money would you take to sleep with someone?

17. What is your biggest deal-breaker in a relationship?

18. Have you had a crazy ex-girlfriend experience?

19. How did your weirdest relationship look?

20. What is your cheesiest pick-up line that actually worked?

21. What is the dirtiest pick-up line you used on a girl?

What Is A Good Flirty Question?

One of the flirtiest questions you can ask a girl or a guy is: “What are you doing for the rest of your life?”. Or you can ask them something like “How come you’re still single?”

But of course, there are other ways to tease your potential partner. Here is a list of some other great flirty questions to leave them wondering.

1. If you could pick one romantic thing to do for me right now, what would it be? What is the most romantic thing you’ve ever done for a girl?

2. What’s your idea of a perfect date? What was the best first date you ever had?

3. Have you been working out lately? You look smokin’ hot.

4. What do you look for in a guy/ girl? What is the first thing that attracted you to me?

5. Do you believe in love at first sight? Have you ever experienced it?

6. Have you ever been obsessed with a girl you couldn’t have? What did you do about it?

7. What is the best way to ask someone out?

8. If we went out on a date right now, what would it be like?

9. Do you let anyone influence your opinion of your partners? Do you let anyone impact your relationship?

10. What is the best gift you’ve ever gotten from a girl?

The Best Would You Rather Dirty Question

The best what would you rather dirty question is: “Would you rather be on the top or bottom?” When you ask this question, you’re putting all the cards on the table right away instead of playing around the bush.

Nevertheless, if this is not enough for you, here is the ultimate list of the best and dirtiest Would you rather questions to ask your crush.

69 Would you rather kinky questions

Would you rather…

1. end a first date with sex or with a passionate kiss??

2. have unbelievable sex that lasts ten minutes or average sex that lasts an hour?

3. have sex in the shower or on the kitchen table?

4. do it with the lights on or with the lights off?

5. sleep with someone on the first date or wait for six months?

6. pay for sex or be paid to have sex?

7. use a hot wax or ice cubes during foreplay?

8. make out at the movies or in the back seat of my car?

9. take a body shot off of me or have me take a body shot off of you?

10. have a naked picture of you become an Internet meme or be caught on camera naked during a live newscast?

11. be in a loveless marriage or a sexless marriage?

12. shower with your celebrity crush or with your high school crush?

13. have your naughty search history published or never be able to get aroused watching a naughty movie?

14. hold hands or have a hand placed on the small of your back?

15. sneeze every time you orgasm, or orgasm every time you sneeze?

16. get a tattoo with my name in a secret spot or get matching tattoos?

17. you find me red-handed or you hear about it from friends?

18. do it in the shower for the whole year or on the couch?

19. go in bed with someone way younger than you or way older than you?

20. have a partner who is extremely skinny or one who has more weight?

21. have our parents walk in on us while doing it or we walk in on our parents?

22. discover I was a former sex offender or a former hard drugs addict?

23. be woken up with breakfast in bed or a very romantic and sensual morning sex that ends with an intense orgasm?

24. be a good kisser or great in bed?

25. lose your virginity with a stranger or with your arch-enemy?

26. know that you can’t please your partner in bed or spend your life in ignorance, thinking you are rocking their world?

27. be able to only have kinky sex or only romantic sex?

28. have sex with only one person for the rest of your life or a new partner every year?

29. do it in a public place or in your parents’ house?

30. lick ice cream off someone’s body or whipped cream?

31. kiss your ex or your mortal enemy?

32. send nudes to your boss or to your high school teacher?

33. get back with your ex or let me get back with mine?

34. kiss a stranger and be dropped home or walk five miles home by yourself through a forest?

35. want a bad boy/naughty girl or nice guy/ proper lady?

36. be single forever or date someone with no interest in sex ever?

37. masturbate to your favorite TV show or your favorite movie?

38. have morning sex or late-night sex?

39. try hot wax play or blindfold play?

40. have only oral every day or nothing except for anal once a month?

41. bite someone’s ear during sex or bite someone’s lip during sex?

42. take nudes or send nudes?

43. give a public presentation naked or never see your partner naked again?

44. have sex in your childhood bedroom or in your childhood basement?

45. take a shower or a bath with me?

46. fart or burp every time you orgasm?

47. lick every inch of my body or rub every inch with massage oil?

48. write erotica or make a sex tape?

49. watch me make out with someone else or have me watch you?

50. have no sex forever or no emotional conversations forever?

51. have sex with your best friend or someone you don’t even know?

52. have phone sex or exchange sexy messages?

53. discover all of my kinks or let me discover your kinks?

54. lose your sexual desire forever or not be able to control your sexual desire for the rest of your life?

55. give or receive a lap dance?

56. shower with my best friend or let me shower with your best friend?

57. be the submissive partner during sex or the dominant partner?

58. have the best sex of your life once or have average sex every day?

59. kiss me or wait for me to take the initiative?

60. forgive an emotional affair, without sex included or a sexual affair, without feelings included?

61. be with a partner you can’t please sexually or a partner who can’t please you sexually?

62. have a leaked video of you masturbating or one where you’re having sex?

63. have unprotected sex with your ex or unprotected sex with a total stranger?

64. accidentally send a dirty-flirty text message to your boss or to your mom?

65. have sex with a handsome person that isn’t good in bed or an unattractive person that is great in bed?

66. have sex with your best friend’s mother or your mother’s best friend?

67. have your grandparents or your Facebook friends see your nudes?

68. slap your partner’s butt in public or grab your partner’s genitals in public?

69. take off your partner’s underwear with your teeth or tease them with your tongue till they take off their underwear?

What Are 21 Questions To Ask A Guy?

Have you ever heard of 21 questions game? It’s one of the best ways to meet the person standing in front of you.

But this is not an ordinary 21 questions game. Here is the list of 21 sexy questions to ask a guy if you want to knock him off his feet.

1. What kind of lingerie do you like the most on girls?

2. What is your favorite place to have sex (that’s not the bedroom)?

3. If you could do it with any porn star in the world, who would you choose?

4. What is your favorite part of my body?

5. Have you ever gone skinny dipping? If the answer is yes, did you like it? If the answer is no, would you like to try it with me?

6. Do you prefer blowjobs or handjobs?

7. Do you like big boobs or big butt?

8. Have you ever used a vibrator on yourself or somebody else? Would you like to try using a vibrator on yourself?

9. What was your most embarrassing sexual experience?

10. What was the dirtiest thing you’ve ever done in sex?

Related: 100 Sexy, Freaky Things To Say To Your Boyfriend To Turn Him On

11. What is your kinkiest turn-on?

12. Would you have the courage to play dirty truth or dare or a dirty never have I ever game with me?

13. What do you wear to bed when you are in the mood?

14. What part of your body do you think women like the most?

15. How many people have you slept with? Do you think that number of sexual partners matter?

16. Have you ever done something in the bedroom you later regretted?

17. If you could change one thing about your performance in bed, what would it be?

18. Would you change anything about your sexual history? What would it be?

19. Did you ever cry during sex?

20. How do you like doing it with a condom? Do you prefer to put a condom on or for a girl to take the pill?

21. What are the sexual questions you’ve always wanted to ask someone but never had the guts to do so?