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Anniversary Letter For Husband: Thank You For Being You

Anniversary Letter For Husband: Thank You For Being You

An anniversary letter for your husband is one of the most special ways to show your hubby how much he means to you. It’s also one of the most romantic ways to celebrate the precious bond between the two of you.

Be it your first anniversary or your 10th, every anniversary is equally (if not even more) special. Every day and year that passes by makes your love for each other grow even stronger.

If that’s not the reason to celebrate your wedding anniversary and make your partner feel loved up on that day, I don’t know what is!

Letter for your husband on your anniversary is a simple but one of the most effective ways to make your hubby feel special on your wedding anniversary.

When I wrote an open letter to my husband on our 2nd wedding anniversary, it was so sentimental because my hubby literally couldn’t stop crying. I bet those heart-touching love quotes I added to the letter made him feel even more emotional.

If you want to make your husband feel the same way, below you’ll find an example of an anniversary letter to husband after which you’ll find more anniversary letters (just in case). After that, I’ll teach you how to write your own.

Sounds like a really good deal, right? So, let’s get started!

Anniversary Letter For Husband: You’re Totally Amazing!

Hey, you! I know you aren’t used to me writing to you or me expressing my emotions in this way. I know you aren’t used to me being romantic so receiving a love letter for our anniversary is probably the last thing you expected to get.

But here I am, doing exactly that. Here I am writing a letter to my husband.

While I was thinking about what I should get you for this special day, I was looking for an appropriate card to go with my present.

But somehow, none of the cards I found could verbalize everything I feel for you. And a simple ‘I love you’ was not enough for the man whose love is the greatest blessing in my life.

So I decided to try and put all of my emotions on paper by myself. I am not sure whether I’ll be successful in doing this because you know I was never much of a writer but I’ll do my best.

Today marks another one of our anniversaries and is, without a doubt, one of the most important dates in the year for me.

This is the date on which I married the love of my life, my partner, my lover and my best friend.

The day on which I married my better half, my biggest support, my number one fan and my family.

The day on which I married the man of my dreams and the man I want to grow old with. The day on which I swore to spend the rest of my life with you.

This is the day on which I recapitulate everything you and I have been through in the past year and on which I think of how far we have come. And the truth is that we’ve accomplished a lot.

This is a day on which I always remember the first time I saw you.

On which I remember the feeling I had when our eyes met. I remember how I felt like you were the person I’d been looking for my entire life.

Even though we didn’t know each other before that moment, strangely, I thought you were familiar to me.

It was strange how I immediately knew I could trust you. How I felt safe around you and how I felt I was right there where I belonged.

Later, I realized that the day you and I met, our souls recognized each other. I realized that could only mean one thing: you are my soulmate and my other half.

You are the person who completes me and the person who gives my life meaning. The only man I could ever love.

Today, I remember our wedding day. I remember you, standing at the end of the aisle, with tears of joy in your eyes, waiting for me to show up.

I remember our vows and I remember the way I felt when we said, “I do”.

I remember how we promised to love each other until the end of time.

And how we were strong enough to make those promises come true.

The truth is that our love story was never a real-life fairy tale. Like any other couple, we had our ups and downs.

Not everything between us was always great and our relationship wasn’t always a bed of roses.

The truth is that we had some happy and some less happy times. We shared some good times and bore some bad ones.

The truth is that we had our share of fights and disagreements and that we’ve never been a perfect couple.

But we always had trust in love to show us the right way. We’ve always had faith in us and that is what makes our marriage perfect and special. It is the fact that we’ve never questioned our love or our bond.

It’s the fact that we never questioned each other and that we never gave up on us. It’s the fact that we always fought for one another and that walking away was never an option.

It’s the fact that we are obviously imperfectly perfect for each other and that has always been more than enough.

You know, I’ve never doubted the depth of my love for you.

I’ve never questioned the fact that you and I are meant to be and that you are my forever person.

I’ve never, not even for a second, thought that I could stop loving you or that I should walk away from you. And I know that you’ve felt the same.

Because we always knew it. We knew that we would make it, no matter what.

We knew that we would overcome every obstacle which came our way and that we wouldn’t allow anyone or anything to hold us back.

We knew that our love was and always will be unconditional and incredibly strong. And look at us now. Look at how far we’ve come and look at everything we’ve accomplished.

But this is not going to be me talking about the past. This letter is about me trying to tell you how much I love you, how much you mean to me. And this is me thanking you.

I know this sounds cheesy but my life really wouldn’t have been the same if I hadn’t met you. I wouldn’t be the same if you hadn’t become a part of me.

Don’t get me wrong—I am not trying to tell you that you ever tried to change me.

But you did inspire me to become the best version of myself. You did push me forward and you did believe in me, even when I lost faith and hope in myself. And I can never thank you enough for doing so.

I could never thank you enough for being my rock and my biggest support. For being someone I could always count on and for being the man I could rely on with my life.

I could never thank you enough for being my best friend in the whole world, my safe harbor and my peaceful haven.

I could never thank you enough for feeling like home.

For being a loyal man, worthy of my trust.

For never making me doubt you, your intentions or your honesty.

For remaining faithful to me all these years and for never comparing me with any other women.

I could never thank you enough for being so committed to me and for putting this much effort into our relationship.

For appreciating my sacrifices and for making your own. For always being ready to compromise and to do whatever it takes for the sake of our relationship.

I could never thank you enough for making me fall in love with you every day for all these years.

For always reminding me what butterflies feel like. For never failing to surprise me and for remembering every little detail about me.

Related: 81 Best Love Letters For Her Straight From The Heart

Thank you for listening to me and for always being there for me.

Thank you for taking care of me and for always taking my needs into consideration. Thank you for always having time for me and for always showing me that our marriage is the most important thing to you.

Thank you for being the husband you are. For showing me that not all men are the same and proving to me that I should never lose faith in love.

Thank you for being the best possible father to our children. Thank you for making me proud to have children with a man like you.

But most of all—thank you for loving me the way you do. Thank you for never taming me and for always encouraging my strength and independence.

Thank you for the fact that you were never intimidated by me and thank you for never trying to control me.

Thank you for putting up with me for all these years. For embracing my imperfections and for loving me because of them.

For loving my flaws and my qualities and for loving me at my best and at my worst.

Thank you for being you. And thank you for always allowing me to be myself around you.

I love you and I will always love you, for whatever comes our way and for the rest of our lives.

Happy anniversary, my dear husband!

More Heart-Touching Anniversary Letters To Husband

What should I say to my husband on our anniversary? How do you tell your husband how much he means to you even after 10 years of marriage?

A wedding anniversary message for a husband is multi-practical. You can use the following emotional lines when writing a Valentine’s Day letter or for any other special occasion.

I hope the following letters will boost your creativity and help you find the inspiration to write your own anniversary letter for your husband, so let’s see!

My Dear Husband,

“Today, on our anniversary, I want to tell you how much you mean to me. You are my guardian angel, and I feel lucky to have you in my life.

Thank you, my love, for filling my life with happiness all these years. You are a great husband and a fantastic dad; I wish our children grow up to be just like you.

All those late nights at work make you tired, but you always manage to return home with a smile; this shows your dedication towards us.

You made me realize how beautiful life is when you have someone dear to share it with. I wish you a happy anniversary, darling! And I hope we stay happy and blessed until eternity.”

Your loving wife,


Dear Hubby,

“Happy first anniversary! I cannot believe it has already been 365 days since we got married. I guess we were too busy having fun and lost track of time.

First of all, thank you for being the most amazing husband; you opened up a whole new world for me. I never thought I could fall madly in love, but it happened, and now I cannot imagine my life without you.

You are a constant thought in my mind, and most of the time, I find myself wondering what you might be doing! This is the reason behind my countless calls throughout the day! Call me crazy, but I cannot help it! I miss you so much.

In this one year, you taught me what patience and compromise are. I have no shame in admitting that you brought out the best in me. Now, I have a whole new perspective on life, and with you by my side, I feel I can achieve anything.

I know I gave you hard times, but I get by because I am cute, and you love me. Jokes apart, this year, I will try to be more understanding and less stubborn. Also, I have planned a little something for us tonight, so come home quickly.”

Once again, A Happy Anniversary!

Your loving wife,


See Also: A Lonely Wife’s Letter To Husband (I Wish You Still Wanted Me)

Dear Husband,

“I wish you a very happy anniversary!

It has been a magical journey of ten years! And I can proudly say that I enjoyed each and every minute of it. You showed me a whole new world and also made me the happiest person I had ever been. Thank you for all that you did for me and our family.

All my friends say I am lucky to have a caring and loving husband like you. Yes, I am indeed lucky, for there was not a single day when you made me feel bad, or unimportant.

You always took care of the small things that I tend to forget. You always had my back, praised me in public, and corrected me in private. I am happy to share this life with you. Cheers to you, my complete man!”

With love,


Dear Hubby,

“I thank God for blessing me with a life partner like you. You never miss an opportunity to charm me. Your intellect, personality, and sense of humor have always amazed me.

You are not only a great husband, but also an amazing dad to our baby girl and baby boy. I am sure our children will grow up with compassion and a kind heart just like you.

You never let anything come in between the kids and me, and thank you for making us your priority every single time. I know you sacrificed many things for us, and the best part is you did it all with a smile.

Though I have told you all these things a million times, it doesn’t seem enough.

I still remember that day when you left your important meeting to make it to our child’s first school play. You always lent a hand in the household work and in bringing up the kids.

My Superman! Thank you for everything. I am blessed to have you by my side. I hope our love grows stronger with each passing year.”

Happy Anniversary!

Love you to bits.

Dear (Nickname)

Happy First Anniversary!

“On this special day, I would like to tell you a little secret! I hope it makes you happy.

I still remember the first day I saw you. You wore a blue t-shirt and cream-colored shorts. Well, it was love at first sight. My heart fluttered when I saw you, and the voice in my head nudged me to talk to you.

I slipped into a daydream of getting married to you; silly me, no? By the time I came to my senses, you had left. I thought that was the last time I would see you. I felt sad and disappointed.

But, I guess destiny had other plans! A few days later, I saw you across the street. I couldn’t believe my eyes; you were moving boxes into the house. You and I became neighbors! It was the happiest day of my life.

Slowly, we became friends and hung out, and finally got married. I hope you will forgive me for keeping this from you till now. I am glad that I married the man of my dreams.”

Love you.

Yours lovingly,


Hey, Handsome!

“Happy Anniversary!

Ten years! It feels like it was only yesterday that you and I got married! The memories of our first meeting are still fresh in my mind.

Do you remember the day we bumped into each other at the coffee shop? Someone spilled coffee on my books, and I misunderstood and started shouting at you? But, you just smiled and tried to calm me down.

I didn’t stop until the waiter explained the situation. God! I was so embarrassed then. But, I am glad the incident happened, else I would have missed meeting an amazing person.

I know, at times, I can be a handful, and you are the only person in this entire world who can handle me. How do you remain so calm and patient? Well, that is one trait I’ve wanted to learn from you.

You are an amazing dad and an even greater son-in-law; the way you take care of my parents amazes me every single time. Thank you for being there for me and shaping me into the person I am today.”

Once again! A Very Happy Anniversary!

Dear (Name)

“On this day, ten years ago, we made the best decision of our lives. I always knew we would make a good couple, but never thought we could become best friends too. Maybe that is the secret to our lasting relationship.

Although we both knew each other only for a year before marriage, we became close and inseparable. We have no secrets and share minute details of each other’s lives. I am lucky to have a husband with whom I can share anything without the fear of being judged.

We have faced many ups and downs, and thanks to your love and understanding, we overcame every roadblock with grace.

Honey! I know when we turn old, your love for me would be the same, and that’s the most precious thing in this world.

Thank you for giving me such an amazing life and for making me feel like I’m the luckiest woman in the world.”

Happy Anniversary, Darling!

Dear (Name)

“From being my best friend to my life partner, you have been my rock through thick and thin. On this anniversary, I want to tell you how lucky I am to have married my best friend.

You always gave me my space and never tried to change me. You believed in my dreams and encouraged me to chase them. I have always received unconditional love from you, and that is all I want for the rest of my life.

Darling, it’s been 14 years we have known each other, and still, your love for me is the same. I cannot tell you how happy I am to experience such unconditional love.

We have shared many amazing adventures, and I cannot wait to start another adventure with you. Cheers to our friendship.”

Happy Anniversary!

Your loving wife,


Dear (Name)

Happy 50th Anniversary!

“This is a huge milestone in our lives, and I cannot imagine sharing it with anyone but you. Our journey as a couple started 50 years ago on this very day.

I remember the sparkle in your eyes when I walked towards you down the aisle, and after all these years, I can still feel that same magic. Thank you for showering me with unconditional love all these years.

All those ups and downs in life have only brought us closer and made us realize that no hurdle is too big to cross when you have the right person beside you.

When I look at our happy family, I feel proud for what we have achieved, and I should say it wouldn’t have been possible without you.

Thank you for all the dedication and sacrifices. For this special occasion, I have planned a surprise trip to the same place where we got married! Let’s relive that magical moment once again.”

Your loving wife,


Dear Hubster,

Happy Anniversary!

“I still remember walking around you at the mall, just so you could notice me! Your one smile, one glance used to make my day.

I was one among those girls who fell for you, but I am the luckiest of all for being able to call you mine. Although you get a lot of female attention, you never gave me a chance to doubt your loyalty.

It amazes me how you can figure out the sadness behind my smiles and remember all the minute details about me. I always wonder what I did to deserve you. I guess the gods must have been pleased with me.

On this special day, I am writing this letter to tell you how blessed I am to be your partner. I hope our love stays alive and prospers with each passing year.”

Lots of love,


Anniversary Message For A Husband Ideas

If you’re running out of anniversary message ideas for your husband, worry not because two heads are better than one. I totally understand that feeling when there is so much you want to say to your loved one but you simply can’t find the right words. Now, we’ll fix that ‘bug’.

What can I write to my husband on our anniversary?

You can thank your husband for being the man of your dreams, your best friend, and a partner in crime all in one. Let him know that he’s everything you ever wanted in a man and a husband.

Besides writing an anniversary letter for your husband, you can also make an anniversary card for your husband. If you opt for the latter, I’ll (virtually) help you with writing an anniversary note to your husband.

All you need is creativity and inspiration! Here are a few ideas to inspire you and get your pen moving in the right direction…

  • “Happy anniversary my love. Thank you for being my best friend, my partner, my lover, and the best husband ever.”
  • “If I ever get the chance to live my life again, I would choose you sooner so that I could love you for a longer time.”
  • “We make a great team.”
  • “I am the luckiest woman in the world because I have you as my husband. I love you!”
  • “Each day spent with you feels like an anniversary because you make every day special. I cherish my life with you and thank God for bringing you into my life.”
  • “You’re my best friend.”
  • “Today, as we celebrate our anniversary, I want to tell you how I’ve enjoyed annoying you all these years and how excited I am to keep doing it in the future!”
  • “You understand me like no one else.”
  • “I’m so lucky to have you as my husband. You make me feel complete from the moment you kiss me in the morning to the moment you kiss me goodnight. I love you!”
  • “I love the life we’ve made.”
  • “I don’t know who or what I would be without you and I never want to find out. I love you so much!”
  • “I have loved you since the day I met you, and I will keep on loving you until we’re old and wrinkly.”
  • “You’re the man of my dreams.”
  • “Thank you for being the most selfless human being I know.”
  • “Here’s to more years of love, laughter, and togetherness. Happy anniversary!”
  • “You’re smart, kind, and funny.”
  • “You’ve been an amazing husband all these years. I have always experienced happiness with you, and I can see us being even happier in the years to come. Happy anniversary!”
  • “To the man I’d say yes to again.”
  • “Happy wedding anniversary! You are the best husband and the best friend ever! You are my forever and always.”
  • “Happy anniversary, dear husband! I’m proud to be yours.”
  • “Here’s to growing old together, hand in hand; being each other’s partner in crime. Happy anniversary, dear husband.”
  • “Our anniversary is nothing but a timeless celebration with tons of adventures and joyful days. Happy anniversary, babe!”
  • “Happy anniversary to my husband! Waking up next to you is the happiest moment of my day!”
  • “I wish I could go out on the street, stop everything and shout out loud that my husband is one in a million. Yes dear, you truly are a precious gem to me.”
  • “Today we raise our glasses for the best decision you ever made in your life! Happy anniversary!”
  • “Love is the most precious thing that you have been giving me all my life. I love you not because of who you are but because of how you make me feel! Happy anniversary, my dear husband.”
  • “You are my sun, as you give me light in the darkest hour of my life. And you are my moon, as you give me comfort when I need it the most. I love you. May we always remain like this – together and happy!”

How Do You Write A Happy Anniversary Letter?

An anniversary letter for a husband or a wife should contain some elements about your past and your previous anniversary milestones, your anniversary wishes for the two of you, and so on.

However, the content of such a letter greatly depends upon the recipient. Sometimes, it will be another couple and not your partner so keep that one in mind as well.

Here are some tips to help you write the letter:

Address the recipient(s)

If the recipient of the letter is your husband or your wife, you can start your letter with some of the following: My Dear Husband/Wife, Dear (Name), or similar.

If you’re writing the letter for another couple, you can simply use their names instead of using a general term. By doing that, you’ll add more value to the letter.

Create a draft

Don’t skip making a draft! That’s one of the most important things when it comes to writing letters in general.

If you plan to write the letter by hand, you need to make a draft on a separate sheet of paper first where you’ll write a few personal messages, best husband quotes, inside jokes, husband-wife jokes, or anything else that comes to your mind.

Think of all the special memories you’ve shared together. Think of multiple ways in which they enrich your life.

You cannot go wrong when it comes to creating a draft. The more ideas you have, the easier it will be for you to write the letter.

Write your anniversary wish

Write your anniversary wish for you and your partner or the couple you’re writing a letter to. You can wish more happy years to you (or them), more special memories, health, strength, more kids, more travels, and so on.

When I was writing an anniversary message to my partner, I wrote something like this: “Here’s to more years of love, annoyance, laughter, and togetherness.” Perhaps it helps you come up with your own ideas.

Add a sweet love quote

And don’t forget to add a sweet quote to it because it will make the letter more sentimental and memorable. There are plenty of love quotes online.

If you want to be more specific, you can add love quotes about celebrating an anniversary. Whichever you choose to do, you will not go wrong with it.

Mention anniversary milestones

Make sure to mention the first anniversary, the fifth, the tenth, and so on, because these milestones are extra special. You can mention them somewhere in the letter. I suggest mentioning it after your anniversary wishes.

Close your letter by wishing them a “Happy Anniversary”

Finish your letter in style; with a warm note. Wish your partner (or the couple) a “Happy Anniversary” once again and after that sign your name at the bottom.

If you’re feeling extra creative, you can add a few hearts or draw something else to make the letter even more memorable. (Just don’t overdo it.)

How Do I Write A Heartfelt Letter To My Husband?

Be it an anniversary letter for your husband or something else, a heartfelt letter to your husband should be romantic, heart-touching, and unique. Here’s how you’ll write a heartfelt letter to your husband:

Attention getter (go right to what matters most)

Does he love when you tell him how caring and selfless he is? Does he love when you call him handsome or what a wonderful parent he is?

Well, you should start the letter with something like that. Think of the things he takes great pride in and mention them right at the beginning of the letter.

This will catch his attention and make him feel special instantly.

Get specific

Think about a few past moments when he did something impressive for you and explain to him how that made you feel. Compliment his traits and let him know how his unique personality enriches your life.

Mention all those little things he does for you on a daily basis and thank him for all that. Make him feel like he’s your personal hero and the most amazing husband in the world!

Accentuate the value he adds to your life

If you feel like you can’t imagine your life without him, let him know that. If you feel like he made you a better person, let him know that as well. Write about all the important life lessons you’ve learned and the challenges you overcome together.

Shower him with love

Use the words that explain your love in the most romantic and heartwarming way. You can write some inside jokes, deep love quotes, or find other sentimental ways to express your feelings.

You don’t need to be a professional writer to illustrate the depths of your love. All you need to do is write from the heart. A simple I love you is a great start.

Devotion statement

Finish your letter by pledging your fidelity. Let him know that you’ll be there for him now and always no matter what.

To make it even more special, you can mention that you can’t wait to see him that night and that you have a surprise for him (such as a romantic dinner, gift, special outfit, or similar).

Wrapping It Up

Writing the anniversary letter for your husband is not quantum physics. All you need to do is find the right words to express your ultimate love for him.

You’ll do that by focusing on the things that make him your special man and an amazing husband.

You’ll do that by accentuating how much his presence makes your life more fun, fulfilling, and inspiring. Good luck!