Taking Back Your Heart And Listening To Your Brain
Our relationship felt like the movie ‘Inception’ mixed with ‘He’s Just Not That Into You’ and ‘Fifty Shades of Grey, all gone horribly wrong. It’s …
Our relationship felt like the movie ‘Inception’ mixed with ‘He’s Just Not That Into You’ and ‘Fifty Shades of Grey, all gone horribly wrong. It’s …
Sometimes you just feel down in the dumps and you don’t know why. Maybe you have everything you’ve ever wanted, everything you could possibly ask …
We’ve all been there. At the bottom, with nowhere else to go. We were all broken by the world and that’s why it’s very important …
Emotional vampires are all around us but sometimes it is quite hard to notice them. They can easily pretend that they are someone different and …
You’ve really been through the wringer. I mean, really. You’ve experienced an especially traumatic situation and have proven that you can rise above the ashes. …
Being an empath can be a burden in our world today. You get hurt by the simplest things because you feel so connected to everything …
You might be asking yourself why you have so many problems in relationships in this modern age when you do everything right? You’re so dedicated …
“Ask yourself if what you’re doing today will get you closer to where you want to be tomorrow.”—Anonymous Living your life to the fullest, constantly …
Wouldn’t it be nice if we were all simply born with self-confidence? Our insecurities wouldn’t matter because we would always want to grow and we …
1. He invades your privacy. He always checks your phone or leans in to see who’s calling you or who sent you that text. He …