Now You Miss Her, But It’s Your Fault You Let Her Go
She could have stayed forever. She wanted to. She wanted to love you for the rest of her life. But you know what you did? …
She could have stayed forever. She wanted to. She wanted to love you for the rest of her life. But you know what you did? …
She is still there but that doesn’t mean she’s going to stay. She is settling now for whatever you give her. And let’s face it—you …
No BS women don’t let others manipulate them, and they simply know how to stand up for themselves. They may be loud or even considered …
To those it may concern, I’m not writing this because I’m lacking attention. I’m not opening my heart, soul, and mind to you because I …
If you think that loving a broken woman is an easy thing to do, man, you are so wrong. A broken woman has gone through …
She will help you overcome your problems A girl like this has been through hell and back and she knows what it means to suffer. …
Her attitude is bitchy, but she has a heart of gold. She just doesn’t want to take shit from anyone, and she has a point. …
As nice as it is to hear those three magical and coveted words from your man, what’s even nicer is seeing him prove them with …
If you love her, don’t just say it. Words are important… but ultimately hold no bearing if not backed up by actions. If you really …
Once you meet a girl who is loyal to a fault, you can’t believe that someone as special as her has walked into your life. …