I’m Officially Tired Of Being An Afterthought
I’m tired of being your second choice and not being your priority, when I always put you first. It seems that you only come to …
I’m tired of being your second choice and not being your priority, when I always put you first. It seems that you only come to …
My darling, I’m one foot out the door and I already know I’m going to miss you. I’m going to miss everything good we had …
How many times did it happen that you tried to find love in all the wrong places? How many times did you think that the …
We’ve been taught that romance and love should be large, grandiose, and complicated. We expect our relationships to have many issues, as seen in the …
You would never describe your significant other as being hard to love, would you? Still, that’s what you believe to be true about yourself and …
We are all put on this earth on a quest in search of that perfect, never-ending romantic love. But what most people don’t have a …
Love shouldn’t be so complicated all the time. Sometimes, all it takes is expressing your intentions and your emotions clearly. I wish you knew that. …
“When a person tells you that you hurt them, you don’t get to decide you didn’t. ” (Louis C.K.) I take my feelings seriously. I …
It’s like I can almost see you there, sitting in your room, counting another sleepless night in a row. Tears are flowing down your cheeks …
Why are we always trying to find that special someone who will finally make us feel whole? Why do we constantly seek love as if …