6 Non-negotiable Things You Have To Do To After A Breakup
There will be days when you will feel exhausted, powerless, and overwhelmed with pain and sadness after a breakup. Unfortunately, there is no skipping through …
There will be days when you will feel exhausted, powerless, and overwhelmed with pain and sadness after a breakup. Unfortunately, there is no skipping through …
I’m writing you this, not because I miss you like you might think, but rather to save all the women who will be with you …
When you left me, you brought to life one of my biggest fears. I didn’t know what to do with my life, thinking it had …
You were the man I loved the most in my life. That love consumed me completely and I ceased to exist outside of it. When …
We’ve all had those ‘almost relationships‘ that start with a fire burning in our chest but end up burning us alive. I’ve had one too …
Closure is important. Extremely important. You can’t proceed in your life without getting closure on your past relationship, because it will drag out into every …
I know if you had one wish right now it would be for all this pain to stop. You would wish for it to stop …
There doesn’t exist a person in this world who didn’t have a painful break-up in the past. When you are going through it, you think …
I know it hurts you to have a broken heart over and over again. I also know that you spend so much time thinking about …
If you’ve ever tried to stop loving someone, you know how impossible that may seem. But although it is a process that takes time, energy …