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250+ Cute Love Paragraphs For Him And Her

250+ Cute Love Paragraphs For Him And Her

We all come to a stage in our lives when we want to use some love paragraphs. When you are in love, you want to show your special person how much they mean to you. You are so eager to let them know that they mean the world to you and you are the luckiest person to have them in your life.

These love paragraphs are a perfect way to show them ALL that (and more)! By sending your loved one some of these paragraphs below, you’ll make them feel truly special and appreciated.

There’s a way to use your words to make him as committed to you as you ever could have hoped. CLICK HERE to find out more about it.

P.S. I’ve tried it, it works!

You’ve been trying to find the right words to explain why you want just them, but you couldn’t come up with anything good.

You even tried to seek some long paragraphs that would explain all that was lying on your heart. But nothing was good enough for your loved one.

And when you did come up with something, it wasn’t powerful enough to show them how big your love is for them.

But worry no more – there are many cute paragraphs, cute good morning texts, and love letters for him or her.

You can use them during bad times and even during the good. In that way, your partner will definitely know how to cherish them.

The thing is that paragraphs on love are always a great way to express your love.

They can actually transform all your emotions into the most charming words and write your own beautiful love poem. You will sweep your partner off their feet once they hear them.

You can always try something completely new. With a carefully designed strategy, Text Chemistry teaches you how to get his attention and keep it – forever.

Don’t worry if you haven’t done this before. All the romantic long love paragraphs are just one click away.

You just need to find something that your partner (or your crush) would find interesting and sweet.

For example, don’t send them words that they won’t appreciate. Before you do something like this, make sure to find out what they actually like.

If your partner enjoys emotional love letters, love texts, or heartwarming love quotes, then make sure you send them something that will make them feel special.

On the other hand, if they don’t like things like that, just a few words will be enough for them to see how much you love them.

In case you decide to try something like this, don’t do it every day because it will come off as a lack of effort.

You can use these paragraphs as love messages on a special occasion. In that way, they will have an impact.

To help you decide what to send to your crush, I will mention some of the best love paragraphs for him and her.

You can choose which one you will use to sweep your loved one off their feet. Remember, little things matter!

Sweet Paragraphs For Her

Remind her that you have never witnessed such love in your life before. A love paragraph such as this one is bound to make her happy!

1. Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you. Whatever it takes, or how my heart breaks, I will be right here waiting for you!

2. If I could give you one thing in life, I’d give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes. Then you would realize how special you are to me.

3. If loving you was a job, I’d be the most deserving, dedicated, and qualified candidate. In fact, I’d even be willing to work for free!

4. You are my best friend, my soulmate, and my lover. You mean the world to me and I will always be crazy about you!

5. I love you paragraphs can’t show how deep my love is for you, baby.

6. They asked him: “How is your life?” He smiled and answered: “She is fine!”

7. I know that I couldn’t have found a better woman than you to live my life with. You are one of a kind, a diamond in the rough, a golden ticket that I am lucky to have won. I am so lucky and so grateful that you chose me.

8. If I was left with two breaths, I would use the first one to kiss you and the second one to tell you that I really love you!

9. I wish I could be a star. I would look at your beautiful face the whole night and I would sing love songs to you. I would be afraid of the dawn that would separate me from you for a whole eternity.

10. If love is a drug, then I am the biggest drug addict!

11. If you keep this message, you love me. If you ignore it, you adore me. If you delete it, you want me real bad. If you answer, you can’t live without me!

12. Every time you walk into a room, I can feel my heart skip a beat. You make the blood in my veins rush through me with a fiery passion. You bring color to my cheeks. You are everything that keeps me going.

13. You have inspired me to be the best version of myself. I hope that I can somehow repay you for everything that you have done for me. Without you, I would be a completely different person. You have taught me so much about life and because of you, I know what love is.

14. I promise you to forever care for you. I give you my word that I will move mountains for you if need be. I will keep you out of harm’s way. I will be anything you need at any given time. No matter what you ask of me, I will do it, because you are the love of my life. You are my everything. Forever.

15. What we have together is unique. It is a special bond that is strong and unbreakable. We can make it through anything we encounter and we grow stronger from the trials we face together. Together, we are strong. Being with you has made me a better person and I can’t believe that I found you.

16. Thank you for doing all those amazing things for me. Thank you for accepting me with all my imperfections. Thank you for your unselfish love. I am happy for having you in my life and I will always love you more than you will ever know!

17. You wanna know who I’m in love with? Read the first word again.

18. I can’t decide if the best part of my day is waking up next to you, or going to sleep with you. Hurry home so I can compare the two again.

19. You know I really want you to come over, but you’re so hot, my air conditioner bill would skyrocket the second you stepped foot in the door!

20. Before I fall asleep, I always picture what it would feel like to fall asleep in your arms. It’s the best feeling in the world.

Long Love Paragraphs For Her

Remind her that she’s the first person you want to talk to in the morning and the last person you want to talk to before you go to sleep. These long paragraphs are also a great alternative for good night paragraphs because they will make her feel more relaxed and help her fall asleep faster.

21. I don’t know what I did to deserve someone as wonderful as you. But I am so grateful to have your love, support, and affection. Thank you for being you, and for having me by your side. Your presence in a room makes my light feel so much lighter and my heart yearns for you when you are far away from me. Now that we are miles apart, I cannot wait until we are together again. When I see you again, I will never want to leave your side. You are the only person in the world I can imagine building a life with. From the bad times to the wonderful times, with both heartbreak and laughter, you are still my person.

22. You are my match made in heaven. There is never a second where you aren’t there to lift me up when I need you to. I am so fortunate to have crossed paths with you in the beginning. It has brought us to this beautiful point in our lives. You are everything I could ever want in a woman. I will never want anything or anyone else. That I can promise.

23. You are more beautiful than a summer sunset on the ocean horizon. You are more breathtaking than the lush landscape on a mountain. You shine brighter than the stars in the country sky. You are more alluring than any song that was ever sung. I had not seen what the real meaning of beauty was until I found you.

24. Everything you do… The way you eat, the way you smile, the way my name rolls off of your tongue… That all is what keeps me going. It gives me so much joy to watch you be you. I would never give my attention to anyone else because I love giving it to you. The day when you were born, it was raining. Actually, it wasn’t raining itself, but heaven was crying for losing the most beautiful angel!

25. There will come a day in our lives when you will ask me if I love my life or you more. I will say that I love my life more. You will get mad and leave me, and what you don’t know is that my life is you! I will stop loving you when a blind painter manages to paint the sound of rose petals falling down on the invisible carpet of a castle that doesn’t exist!

26. Whenever I am with you, it is like having my emotional batteries recharged with joy. Your smile radiates into me. Your touch sends little shivers through my body. Your presence pleases my mind and your soul pours peace on mine. I am in love with you, completely and with no reservation, in a way that is wonderful. It is great to know that you exist in my life. It doesn’t matter why or for how long. It is an amazing feeling to open my eyes in the morning and know that you are a part of my life.

27. I want you to know that there’s no one who can replace you. The way you look. The way you always know what I am thinking about. The way you give me a hug when I need it the most. The way you listen to me. It’s all priceless. You have touched me more than I ever thought you could. I am head over heels in love with you.

28. There are moments when we’re together, where I wish I could make time stop. I often think to myself, that I could easily stay in this moment forever. Just being with you, sitting with you, touching your cheek, and stroking your hair. Your head on my shoulder is everything to me. Every moment I spend with you is the best moment of my life. I love you, and I will go on loving you through all the moments we share together from now on until forever.

Love Paragraphs For Girlfriend

Now, these aren’t some deep emotional love letters, but sending her just one caring love paragraph is enough to melt her heart, trust me. Choose any of these not-so-long paragraphs for her and she will know how to appreciate it.

29. You’re the reason I enjoy the taste of fine wine, the smell of fresh flowers, and the flavors of the best food. Life is good because of you.

30. You are safe with me, I promise. And when you get scared, look me in the eyes, hold me a little tighter, and smile. Because I am not going anywhere!

31. I want to touch the edges of your obscure soul. Let me kiss the pieces of your being that you keep the most secret and most hidden from all the world!

32. I fell in love with you because you loved me when I felt like the unlovable one!

33. Baby, I want to change three things about you: Your last name, your address, and your viewpoint on men!

34. Sometimes, I push you away because I want you to pull me closer!

35. When I first saw you, I knew we will have something special. I love all from the way you kiss me, how you feel me good in my own skin, and how you take care of me. I want to make you mine and never let you go. You are my best friend, my lover, my human diary, and my reason to live.

36. You are my person! I am crazy about you and I don’t want to lose you!

37. Baby, thank you for making me the happiest man in the entire world by accepting to be mine. I promise I will never let you down and that I won’t take our love for granted.

38. It is good to know that you exist in my life. No matter for how long or why. It is good to know I have someone I can lean on when life gets rough.

39. I may stop breathing, my heart can stop beating, I can lie or break some promises. But I will never do one thing – I will never stop loving you.

40. Do you want to know what my dreams look like? Look in the mirror!

41. Because of you I finally understand what love is. Because of you I am stronger and better and I don’t want to ever lose you.

42. If you feel you are going throughout the most difficult moment in your life, remember there is someone who thinks of you.

43. Every day without you is like the most awful dream.

44. I don’t know why I actually love you and I don’t even want to find out. I want to love you forever and never lose you.

45. You are so amazing! There are no words powerful enough to describe your beautiful eyes or your kindness. I am so blessed to have you in my life and I would never do anything that could hurt you.

46. Coming home to you at the end of my day is the one thing I look forward to. I will get over all of my problems at work if I know that I will end up in your arms tonight. You are all I need to be happy!

47. You are my everything! I can’t imagine a day without your hugs and kisses and I feel so safe when I am with you. I love you to the moon and back, babe.

Love Paragraphs For Her Copy And Paste

Choose the sweetest paragraph for her to make her know she’s special for you. You can use these short love paragraphs as good morning texts or good night texts for her as well.

48. I will love you forever! No matter what happens, I will choose you every single day and I will never stop doing that. You are my everything and I am so thankful to have you in my life!

49. You are the reason why I smile when I open my eyes in the morning.

50. Baby, loving you is as simple and natural as breathing. I am so lucky to have you in my life.

51. Before you entered my life, the world was dark. I felt cold and alone without the warmth of your love. But now I feel like I am having the time of my life. With you, babe, everything makes sense.

52. I want to love you, spoil you and make you the happiest woman alive. Would you let me try?

53. Every time I see you, my legs still shake. Every time you speak, I get so captivated by your words. You have had so much of an impact on my life and I still can’t believe that one woman can make me feel this way. It is true, I can’t believe it, but I actually like it.

54. Your eyes hypnotize me and every time I look at them, I get lost. I don’t know what to say about how I feel, but I know that I wouldn’t change that moment for anything else in this world.

55. Before I met you, I never imagined that someone could be so beautiful. Your beauty is matched by your personality and intelligence.

56. My love, I just want to thank you for all that you have done for me. Thank you for loving me, for being patient, and for supporting me in all my decisions. You mean the world to me and I will always love you.

57. Our love is no ordinary love. It is so much more than that. It is crazy, turbulent, but at the end of the day, it is calming and relaxing. It is so good that it feels like home.

58. I didn’t know what love was until I met you. Your sweet voice can calm me down and make me feel better instantly. Your hands make me feel so safe.

59. You are more than my soulmate. You are my safe haven, my oasis of peace, and the only person who can calm me down with just one word. I love you so much and you mean so much to me.

60. I didn’t believe in magic until I saw you. From the first moment I saw you, I was under your spell. But I wouldn’t change it for anything else.

Cute Love Paragraphs For Her To Wake Up To

When she wakes up in the morning, make sure to let her know that she’s on your mind. Brighten her day and melt her heart with these sweet paragraphs.

61. I smile when I see you smiling. I cry when I see you crying. You mean the world to me and I will never do anything that could hurt you.

62. I simply love everything about you. I love your eyes, your smile, and the way you look into the distance in the early mornings. I can’t imagine my life without you and I want you to be in my life now and forever.

63. My biggest fear is to be far away from you. I want to be near you all the time. I want us to share hugs and kisses and to plan our future. Baby, there is no other person who makes me feel this way. Please, always be by my side.

64. You are the reason why I look happy. If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t know what happiness was and I would never feel this way. Thank you for everything that you have done for me.

65. Without you, I don’t feel motivated. But when you are by my side, life is beautiful again. The stars and the sun have a special shine and my heart is finally in the right place.

66. I want to wake up next to you every morning for the rest of my life. I want to feel your fingers in my hair and your arms around me. If I could wake up like this every morning, I would accept it right away.

67. I just want you to know that you were my last thought when I went to bed last night. Also, you were my first thought when I woke up this morning. I can’t stop thinking about you and I think I have fallen for you hard.

68. Your love hit me like a car. I didn’t see it coming, but it is definitely the best thing that happened to me.

69. The most beautiful mornings are those spent with you while you are kissing me and cuddling with me. I love to smell your scent on my skin and take it with me for the rest of the day.

70. After all those wrong ones, I finally found you, the right one. You understand me so well. You always know what to say to make me feel special. You are the one and I will always love you.

71. In case you didn’t know, I am over the moon when I am with you. You are the one bright spot in my life and I don’t know what I would do if it wasn’t for you.

72. I never believed in that old saying that there is a strong woman behind every man. But then I met you and I can finally understand that without you, I wouldn’t be half of the man I am today. Thank you for all your love and support and for making a better man out of me.

What Should I Say In A Paragraph To My Girlfriend?

Express your deepest feelings for her and let her know how much she means to you. These paragraphs will help you say why I love you to your girlfriend in the most romantic way.

73. If I have my whole life to spend with you, it still wouldn’t be enough. I admit I am greedy and I want you just for myself. If that is my single sin, let them judge me. In the end, I will still choose the same.

74. We all have bad days. But knowing that after all the shit that happens to me, I will get back to you in the evening makes me capable of going through anything. I am truly, madly, and deeply in love with you. I want to yell it from the rooftops because I want everybody to know how big my love for you really is.

75. The best feeling ever is when you leave the scent of your perfume on my skin. I swear, I wouldn’t take a shower for days just to feel you close to me at least in this way.

76. Before you came into my life, I was just an ordinary guy with a broken heart. But all your love and affection toward me transformed me into the most romantic guy on earth and I can’t thank you enough for that. You changed me to the bone and because of you, I am a happy man today.

77. I know I couldn’t find a better person than you. The day I met you was the day I hit the jackpot. You are all I really need to be happy and you make my heart beat stronger every time I see you.

78. There isn’t a person in my life I am more dedicated than to you. I want you to know that I will continue investing my energy and all my time into this beautiful story we have. I learn new things about you every single day and I fall in love with you over and over again. You mean the world to me and I couldn’t imagine my life without you.

79. You have brought me so much love, fun, and excitement than anyone else before you. No matter how much I am down, you can lift me up with just one kiss and hug. That is how much of an impact you have on me.

80. I want you to know that I will be here, not just on your good days but on your bad days as well. I will always be your support and I will push you forward. I will be the wall you can lean on and your safe harbor. Please, don’t ever forget that.

81. Baby, I love you and I always will. Please, don’t you ever forget that.

82. There is just something about you that makes me feel so calm. Every time you talk, I give all of my attention to you. It is so easy to listen to you, but it is even easier to love you.

83. You are the most special person in my life. I want to make our relationship perfect and I will do everything in my power to keep this beautiful love story in my life. But for that, I will need the help of a special woman. I will need your help, babe.

84. My days without you simply don’t make sense. I can’t wait to have you in my arms again, to feel your sweet lips on mine and your hand in mine. You are like a drug and I am addicted to you.

85. Do you know what the best part about you is? You are completely mine!

86. Love is not easy. There will be rough patches, there will be fighting and yelling. But you know what? I want to do all of that with you! Just you, babe!

Deep Love Paragraphs For Her

These aren’t paragraphs to send to your crush. These are lines you send to someone you care deeply about and want to see them happy every single day. These lines are for her; your special woman.

You can enrich these paragraphs with the following love quote by A.A. Milne (Winnie the Pooh):

If ever there is tomorrow when we’re not together…there is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we’re apart…I’ll always be with you.

87. I know I am sometimes a mess and I know I can be hard to handle. But I also know that you are the one person who decided to stick with me and wait for better days to come. And for that, I will always be grateful.

88. When I look at you, I feel so safe knowing that there is someone special in my life I can always rely on. You are my person, the one I can tell all my darkest secrets to. I would do anything for you and I don’t want to ever lose you.

89. I was seeking my soulmate for so long, but I couldn’t see that you were under my nose the whole time. I am sorry for being so blind and I promise I will make up for all this time you spent without me.

90. Even if we are fighting, I will never go to bed without telling you that I love you.

91. Have I ever told you how much I really love you, babe? Do you know what kind of peace and stability you bring to my life every day? I swear that the day I met you was the best day of my life. My heart can belong to you and to nobody else. That is how much I love you.

92. My love for you will never change. I will always love you like the first day I met you. I will never give up on you because what I feel with you is something I have never felt before.

93. My love, thank you for transforming my life into the most beautiful love story and showing me the real power of love. I love you!

94. There are no romantic paragraphs good enough to show how crazy I am about you!

95. I can put all the romantic paragraphs in 5 words: You mean the world to me!

96. Don’t you know that true love doesn’t care how old we are?

97. I miss you like the desert miss the rain!

98. Baby, your cute love paragraphs in the morning are all I need to go through the day.

99. Give me that sweet love of yours because I can’t live without you even for a day anymore.

100. The first time you wished me a good morning, my heart skipped a beat!

101. You are on my mind every day. You are all that I have been looking for.

102. You always know when to tell me the right words to make me feel better. In those moments I can see that your love for me is unconditional love.

103. I don’t need long love paragraphs so you can show me how much you love me. I just want you to try as hard as I do.

104. Your love letters prevent me from going crazy during the days when I am not with you!

105. The whole world can’t replace your embrace during a hard time. Your smell is my drug and your lips on mine are all I need to be happy.

106. Darling, I am the best version of myself when I am with you!

107. Be with me during all the storms in my life and give me the strength to move on!

108. Every day of my life is special because of you, baby.

109. I feel I am drowning in your beautiful eyes.

110. Those 3 little things that you said that night made me the happiest man alive.

111. I don’t need long paragraphs to know how much you love me. I can see it the moment I look into your eyes.

112. There is just one right thing that you can do with those lips. Let them touch mine!

113. You are on my mind every second of the day. Even if I want, I can’t stop thinking of you.

114. What I feel for you will always remain undivided love and I will love you until the end of time.

115. Use the long love paragraphs her heart will recognize as the ultimate truth.

What Are Some Cute Paragraphs For Her?

Do you want to remind her of your unconditional and selfless love for her? These paragraphs will let her know that she’s the cutest and the most special person in the world.

116. My biggest dream is to see you in a white dress at the altar!

117. I love you because I forgive you as quickly as I get mad at you.

118. You show me you love me every time you ask about my day and every time you tell me how yours went.

119. I love you because of who I am when I am with you. I am more confident, happier and more energetic. I am always trying to be better than I was yesterday.

120. I was at a point in my life when I stopped believing in love but all that changed because of you.

121. You want to know about my life because you are a big part of it and you tell me about your day, your thoughts and your dreams because I am an important part of your life too.

122. You have shown me I am on your mind and that you couldn’t imagine your mornings or nights without me in them.

123. Babe, I was trying to come up with some cute paragraphs to show you how much I care about you. But since I am not good with words, I will show you all my love with just one kiss.

124. You are like nobody I dated before. Your spirit, craziness, and playfulness are what attracts me the most. Whatever you do, please don’t change!

125. You are twisting me around your little finger with just one look, but the catch is that I really like this hot game.

126. One night spent with you will tell you more than those long paragraphs on love that you used to.

127. You are the apple of my eye and I am so proud of the woman you became!

128. If you leave me now, my life won’t have any purpose. Give us another chance and let me show you my love.

129. I didn’t know what real love is until I met you, babe!

130. Even if I look at your face forever, I wouldn’t get enough of you! That is how much I am crazy about you!

131. Do you know what you are doing to me when you look at me like that? I swear I will take you to a place where there won’t be anybody else except you and me.

132. I never dreamed I will fall in love with someone like you, but I am glad I did.

133. You are mine and I am yours. Please, don’t let anyone destroy this fairy tale we made together.

134. The longer I look at you, the more I fall in love. You totally captivated all my attention and I don’t regret it even a bit!

135. What is an angel like you is doing on earth? Your place is in heaven, gorgeous!

136. Give me your love and I will give you all that I have!

137. You can try to hide, but I will always find you and with just one kiss show you that you won’t have anyone better than me.

138. Don’t say anything tonight. Let the language of love talk instead of us.

139. I don’t want to let you go. You are the most precious person in my life and I am so thankful to God for sending you in my life.

140. Nobody kisses me like you do. When you kiss me, every inch of my body shakes like I am drunk with your love. That is what kind of power you have on me.

141. You showed me how much someone can be loved. You are all that I have been praying for. Thank heaven for sending you in my life because you are such a special creature.

142. My love, whatever you do, don’t give up on what we have and always stand by my side. Life is so beautiful when you are around.

143. I have the privilege to sleep with the most beautiful girl in the entire world. Can’t wait to wake up in your arms again!

Love Paragraphs For Him

Did we say love paragraphs or love letters for him? These are so amazing they’ll make you want to choose more than just one paragraph for him to know just how much you love him.

1. No matter how hard I try to occupy my mind with something else, I just keep thinking about our life together. I keep planning our wedding… Even in my sleep. I think this means my mind is utterly obsessed with you.

2. I’ve seen angels in the sky, I’ve seen snowfall in July, I’ve seen things you can only imagine, but I still haven’t seen anything sweeter than you.

3. One day after many years, we will meet again and we will be shy to talk to each other. I will say that I am married, that I have kids, and that I am happy. But when I turn my back on you and leave, I will just whisper that I gave my son his name after you.

4. I am selfish, impatient, and insecure. I make mistakes and sometimes I am out of control. But that is who I am and if you don’t want me at my worst, you surely don’t deserve me at my best.

5. I don’t love you because I need you. I need you because I love you!

6. Babe, just wanted to let you know that if anyone tries to flirt with me – whether it’s in person or over a text message – I will proudly let them know that I am in a very committed and loving relationship with my amazing boyfriend.

7. There are no paragraphs to show you how deep and true love for you is.

8. You are my world. I’ve honestly fallen deeply in love with you and I am not afraid to say it. We have been through thick and thin and we are still going strong. I can’t imagine my life without you by my side. I am crazy about you and I can’t even explain all these feelings inside of me.

9. I raised the bar of you so high that every other man in my life is doomed to live in your shadow.

10. You are undoubtedly the most amazing, loving, kind, adorable, handsome, cute, funny, sweet, perfect man I have ever met and I am so lucky to have you.

11. I don’t want you to fix me. I want you to hold me while I fix myself!

12. I have late-night conversations with the moon. He tells me about the sun and I tell him about you.

13. It’s too hard for me to fall asleep tonight. It’s probably because you’re not here next to me. I miss you so much and wish I could have your strong arms wrapped around me while I sleep.

14. It was so incredibly lovely to hear your amazing voice this morning. It was the perfect way to start my day and I hope you have a great day ahead of you, my love.

15. When I think of perfection, you immediately come to mind. I wanted to thank you for being as perfect as you are. For being the light to lead me through the darkness. Picturing my life without you at this point is impossible and I just wanted to let you know that.

16. You are my bestie, my lover, and my other half. I love you to the moon and back and I always will!

17. If you will ever leave me, leave me outside in the rain so I don’t need to cry alone.

18. If someone manages to write your name with an ice cube on the sun, I will admit to them that they love you more than me.

19. Chocolate bonbons. No. Honey. No. Vanilla ice cream. No. Sugar. No. Fuck that shit, I still can’t find something sweeter than you!

20. I can say it a million times and it still won’t be enough: I LOVE YOU. Your love is amazing. It’s perfect. It’s GREAT. I’ve seen love before, but not like this. This love is absolutely exceptional. Thank you for being my partner.

21. I just wanted to say thank you for giving me a piece of your heart. I couldn’t ask for anything better in this entire world. You are so amazing in every way and I love you beyond words.

Long Love Paragraphs For Him

Express your ultimate love for him in the most emotional way. These long love paragraphs will let him know how much you care about him.

22. No matter how many times we fight or argue, I always want to work it out. No one could ever take your place. You are amazing in every way and I don’t know what I would do or where I would be if I had never met you. You understand me like no one else can and I can truly relate to you in every way. I mean it when I say that I am yours, and you are mine. I truly love you and will always fight for you.

23. Thank you for loving me and accepting me unconditionally and providing me with undivided love and attention. I thank you for all the laughs we’ve shared and the great times we have had. You’ve always been my rock in hard situations and the sunshine when it’s cloudy outside. You’re my everything and I am crazy about you.

24. I know I say I love you all the time, but that’s not enough. Those three words can’t describe the way I feel about you. You make my tummy do flips and my hands shake. I’ve never loved anyone as much as I love you and I don’t think I will ever love someone this much again. You’re everything I have ever wanted and needed. I am in love with you so much, you’re my everything, my entire heart, my world.

25. You are not perfect. Neither am I. The two of us will never be perfect. But if you can make me smile, know what I’m thinking, admit that you are just a human being and that you make mistakes, then I want to keep you and not let you go. I will laugh at you while you are laughing at me, scream with you as you get angry, and mourn while you are gone. If you do the same thing, that is the meaning of love!

26. Do you believe in magic? I didn’t until the first time I gazed upon you. I suddenly believed in magic at that moment. It felt as if you had cast a spell on me the very first time we locked eyes. Now I am forever spellbound. Destined to love you with a passion I cannot even describe. I am glad for my curse that draws me to you, for I see it as a blessing.

27.  Darling, it’s safe to say you are my entire reason for being alive. It’s also safe to say that I’ve fallen deeply in love with you. After everything we’ve been through, the demons we’ve fought and the sadness we’ve endured… we’re still together. Everything we’ve been through has made us stronger. We are unstoppable. Our love is too powerful and we can overcome anything.

Love Paragraphs For Your Boyfriend

If you’re looking for a love letter for boyfriend or some super long paragraphs for him, this isn’t it. Let’s be honest, would he even read it? These lines are short, sweet and just enough to make him feel loved.

28. You are so handsome, intelligent, and insightful. I feel like I’ve won the lottery… like I’m the richest woman in the entire world, all because I have you.

29. I don’t want the moon, the stars, or the universe. I don’t want a million dollars or gold jewellery. All I need in this lifetime is your love.

30. Not many people have the ability to take my breath away, but you don’t even have to try.

31. I always catch myself wondering if you are an angel sent down from above to guide me. Just an angel possesses such grace, beauty and wisdom. You are full of light and understanding that no one can compete with. I am in love with you, my guardian angel.

32. I like the way you make me feel even if you aren’t anywhere close.

33. Never before in my life have I ever been able to commit to anything or anyone. That was until I finally found you. You will always make me want to be a better person.

34. I swear when I look deep into your eyes I get lost. I know fate has decided that we only have eyes for each other. I feel as if God’s created your eyes just for me. I know their purpose is to cast a sweet spell over me.

35. Without you here, my life would be so empty. Without you, I would have and be nothing at all. I would cease to exist. Please, keep me whole.

36. Everyone goes through tough times. Yes, even me. But, I remind myself it’s okay to have a bad day once in a while, because at the end of it I get to come home to you. That’s what keeps me going.

37. There are thousands of ways to say how much I really love you. But the one way to truly tell you is by showing you.

38. Roses are red… Violets may be blue… But there is no poem on this earth that is truly good enough to tell you how much I am in love with you.

39. Thank you for reminding me what butterflies feel like!

40. Nobody has eyes as beautiful as you. Nobody has smile as sweet as you. I love you to the moon and back and I want to always be yours.

41. The best feeling ever is when you leave the scent of your perfume on my skin so I can feel that you are always close to me.

42. I don’t care if you are far away from me. I don’t care if I am far away from you. I just know that you in the right place where you need to be – in my heart.

43. Distance doesn’t mean anything to me. You will always be in my heart.

44. I am here and you are there. One of us must be in the wrong place!

45. I will take the right to translate your name in all the world’s languages and that in every one of them it means LOVE!

46. I love every part of your body like it has always belonged to me.

47. You make me complete!

48. The truth is – nobody loves you more than I do.

49. When I belong to you, I finally realize that I belong to myself as well.

50. I want to be your motivation and inspiration. I want to be the one in your heart. The one you will love unconditionally and who you will respect.

51. The truth is that I can’t live without you. You make me complete. You make me feel free.

52. My favorite gift is to see a smile on your face. I know you smile every time you think about me.

53. You see, it is pretty simple. The one thing I want in my life is love. Your love.

Adorable Paragraphs Of Love For Your Man

Choose one, just one paragraph for him to make him think of you the whole day. Emotional paragraphs are that powerful.

54. Maybe you will have a girlfriend who will look just like me. Maybe she will have blue eyes and dark hair. Maybe she will love you, but not more than me.

55. It is weird how your life can be empty when the one you love the most is not there. Don’t you see I love you and need you? Please come back because I just want to give you all of myself.

56. Let me tell you something: These miles that are between us don’t mean a thing to me. I will always love you and be yours.

57. This heart that I have inside has been broken, tortured, and neglected. But you fixed it. And for that, thank you. It means the world to me.

58. I want to shout from the rooftops how much I really love you. Call me crazy, but that is how I express my love for you.

59. Love me or leave me because this “almost” is torture.

60. All the cute paragraphs that exist can’t show you how lucky I am to have you in my life!

61. From all the romantic paragraphs, I chose the simplest one: You are the love of my life and please be with me for the rest of my life.

62. You are my true love and I will never give up on you!

63. My text messages for you are written from the bottom of my heart and I mean every word I say!

64. This love that I feel for you is the fuel that keeps me going!

65. I miss you everyday and I can’t wait to have you in my arms again.

66. Another man’s cute love paragraphs are not as cute as yours!

67. Your sweet love is killing me softly.

68. Wish me a good morning with the right words, baby! Tell me you love me to the moon and back!

69. Even a thousand long paragraphs can’t show how deep my love for you is.

70. All the love letters that I got from you mean the whole world to me!

71. I miss you and I will love you even in a thousand years from now!

72. Be my strength during the tough times. Show me what unconditional love really is by choosing me every day.

73. You are one of the most beautiful things that have happened to me. I am so thankful to have you in my life!

74. I miss those good morning paragraphs that you used to send me while we were still together. You are still the only one in my heart and it would mean so much if you could give me another chance.

75. Your beautiful face is all I want to see the moment I open my eyes.

76. Nobody else can make me feel like you do. Be with me forever and love me like the first day.

77. The one right thing I made in my life was committing to you completely.

78. There is no as much love in the entire world as it is in your heart.

79. I was waiting for someone so special for my whole life!

80. Every second of the day my heart belongs to you and you only.

81. Even at the end of time, I will still swear that I will be head over heels in love with you.

82. I cherish you because of the small, simple things that make my day.

83. You show me you love me every morning and every night by simply wanting to know if I had a good sleep or by sending me goodnight kisses.

Cute Love Paragraphs For Him

These aren’t some super romantic love letters for him that make him cry and weep over how sensitive you are, because that’s not what men want at all. These lines show you’re interested and emotional in a breezy but loving way.

84. I fell for you because you are not holding me too tight nor too loose. You are holding me just so I feel it’s enough. Enough to feel your love, support and enough to feel like I am yours.

85. You make me happy and radiant just with your presence. I always miss you no matter if you are gone for longer or shorter periods of time.

86. The fact that you have never made the same mistake twice says a lot about the kind of man you are and your feelings toward me.

87. You show me you love me by looking at me like I am the most beautiful woman alive. You can’t keep your eyes off of me, no matter who is around.

88. You always find time to spend with me no matter how busy you are. It lets me know I matter. Regardless of what we are doing or for how long, as long as we are together you are happy.

89. After all the crappy and emotionally exhausting relationships and after large gaps of time when I was single, I learned to appreciate a man who is good to me all the time. Thank you!

90. I am in love with your beautiful face, but also with your clean heart and soul. By just sitting next to you, I am over the moon because I know you are just mine.

91. You are that special man who was able to wake up my inner goddess!

92. Just angels and you have a heart so clean and pure. I love the fact our love is so big and it keeps getting bigger every day!

93. Baby, your love feels like home. When I am in your arms I finally feel that I am where I have to be.

94. Your hands around my waist are all I need to feel safe! Don’t let me go!

95. Moon, candles, music, and your lips on mine. It is my dream, but you can help me to make it come true!

96. With you, I feel like I never felt before. You managed to calm down all the storms. You made a gentle woman out of me and I still don’t know how you managed to do it, but I am glad you did.

97. What I miss the most are your hands all over me in the morning. I can’t wait to see you again and to melt in your arms.

98. You are the only reason I believe in love again. Thank you for bringing the old hope back into my life.

99. I don’t ask for much. I just want you to be mine forever! As simple as that.

100. Let me be the one who will show you what it actually means to be faithful and to love with all my heart.

101. Baby, your happiness is much more important to me than my own. I guess it is love.

102. You are the last thing I think of when I go to bed and the first one when I wake up. That is how much you really mean to me.

103. Sometimes, I think to myself, how the heck I deserved a man like you, but now I know that we actually belong together.

104. Every inch of my body is in love with all of you, babe. I will never get enough of you, so please don’t forget that.

105. You are my perfect match. There isn’t anyone else who would love me like you do. That’s why I am in love with you so much.

106. You can hug me and kiss me whenever you want because I will always be by your side.

107. You never play tricks to make me jealous. You always have your eyes all over me when I get dressed up, but you also think I am cute in my PJs with my hair in a messy bun. My smile is all it takes to make you smile too. You like all of me and that’s just one of the reasons I love you more.

108. In the end, I would like to emphasize the importance of I love you paragraphs. No matter if they are paragraphs for your boyfriend or maybe for your girlfriend, they will surely help you to bring your relationship to a whole new level.

109. Some people come up with their unique paragraphs and that is what gives them bigger importance. But if you feel you are not good with coming up with things like this, you can always find what suits you the best.

Love Paragraphs For Crush

Do you want your crush to know what’s happening inside your head and how much they mean to you? Below you’ll find the perfect words that will help you express your “crush feelings”.

1. I don’t like you just on the outside. I like you on the inside as well. You are such a good person and I am so thankful and blessed to have you in my life.

2. I saw you in my dreams last night. I kissed you, hugged you, and told you how much I really love you. Will you please make my dreams come true?

3. Among millions of people, I chose you to be my one. Let’s make a beautiful love story out of this.

4. I am standing here, wearing my heart on my sleeve, waiting for you to come and melt in my arms. I want you to know how much I care about you and how much you mean to me.

5. When I think of love, I think of you. When I see beautiful things, I think of you. When I am sad, I think of you. When I am happy, I can feel your presence.

6. I will never let you go. No matter which situation we might be in, I will always fight for you and love you.

7. You are the kind of person who doesn’t talk so much. But when I see a smile on your face, I know that you are thinking of me.

8. Don’t worry, I will always be the one you can rely on. Just have faith in me and love me without questioning my feelings.

9. I will never lie to you because lying to you would mean lying to myself as well. And there is no love in a relationship like that.

10. Even though I am a woman, I will use all my strength to fight for you. I am so happy with you and I will never let you go.

11. When you have a hard time in your life, just kiss me, okay? Just know that you have someone you can always rely on.

12. Love with you is like paradise. I will never regret accepting you to be my partner in crime.

13. I am proudly admitting that I am all yours. You are allowed to take me through life wherever you go.

14. Only the sky’s the limit. If you love me, there is nobody who can ruin what we have.

15. I don’t have anything to say to you except the fact that you are my everything and that every sacrifice I make for you is not in vain.

16. I will come when you fall asleep, to steal you from all those who just want you for themselves.

17. The moon, the stars and your hand in mine. Could it be any better than that?

18. You will never walk alone anymore. I will always be by your side to protect you and to love you.

19. I would give my whole life for one minute with you. You mean the world to me and I will always love you.

20. I don’t love you; I adore you! And I want the entire world to know that.

21. When I am with you, I can sleep with my eyes wide open.

How Do You Express Love In A Paragraph?

Expressing love in a paragraph has never been easier than with these emotional paragraphs. Listen to your heart and find that one special paragraph that perfectly expresses your feelings.

22. You are the air in my lungs. You are the reason I live and the reason I smile. Always be with me and love me the way you know how.

23. Don’t say anything, just let your body touch mine and enjoy our wicked game.

24. If someone told me that I would love someone the way I love you, I would call them crazy. But now baby, I can see what real love is and what you are capable of when you truly love someone.

25. As far as I know, you will always give me your hand in my moments of sorrow and I will be able to sleep calmly.

26. Don’t ever think of leaving me. If you do that, I will die because I have no life if you are not with me.

27. When you hold my hand and kiss me, I know what I live for.

28. I still love you despite all these miles that are between us.

29. I don’t care where you are or where I am. I care about you being in the one place you should be — in my heart.

30. I found out which time of the year I feel the best. It is when you are next to me!

31. Everybody told me to forget all about you but nobody told me how to do it.

32. I will tell the moon to get into your room and hug you and kiss you when I can’t do it myself.

33. I don’t want to be the first one you will remember, but the last one who you will forget!

34. Just go and look at yourself in the mirror. That is what my dreams look like!

35. I will stop loving you. I will stop texting you. I will stop wanting you. And all of this will happen the day when I stop breathing.

36. My sweetest love, I am mad about you and I always will be. You have a special place in my heart and there is nobody who can replace you.

37. Protect our love like it is the most important thing in your life. Hide it from curious looks and always tell me how much you love me. Your words give me comfort and they make me feel better. You are medicine for my heart and my soul and I don’t want to lose you.

38. I cried the day you said we were not meant to be together, but I smiled after you kissed me and told me that you can’t live without me.

39. Should I be happy because you are my friend or should I cry because that is the most you will ever be?

40. The world around me is totally different since you have been a part of my life. I am in love with you like a fool and there is nothing wrong with that.

Final Thoughts

I just hope that you will make your partner happy with these lines. But please, don’t forget one important thing.

Don’t send them cute lines, only to cheat on them behind their back. These love paragraphs mean nothing if you don’t mean what you say.

Don’t give people false hope and always make sure that you say what you really mean.

Trust me, when you develop your relationship with some positive things, life will know how to reward you for making some effort. Enjoy these wildly cute paragraphs for her and him. I hope that they will serve you in the best possible way!

P.S. If you need extra inspiration to write your own paragraph, here are some worthy examples by famous writers:

I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you simply, without problems or pride: I love you in this way because I do not know any other way of loving but this, in which there is no I or you, so intimate that your hand upon my chest is my hand, so intimate that when I fall asleep your eyes close. – Pablo Neruda

I have for the first time found what I can truly love—I have found you. You are my sympathy—my better self—my good angel; I am bound to you with a strong attachment. I think you are good, gifted, lovely: a fervent, a solemn passion is conceived in my heart; it leans to you, draws you to my center and spring of life, wraps my existence about you—and, kindling in pure, powerful flame, fuses you and me in one. – Charlotte Brontë









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