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15 Powerful Signs Of Chemistry Between Two People

15 Powerful Signs Of Chemistry Between Two People

Whenever you hear someone talking about romantic love, couples, and dating, you also hear about the chemistry between two people. You’ve read about it in books and you’ve seen it in movies. 

But is this chemistry real? Is it just a Hollywood fabrication or something that really exists between a man and a woman

Let me start by asking you if you have ever met someone and felt instantly drawn to them the first time you saw them like sparks were traveling from your body to theirs, making both of you tremble?

You felt like you were having some out-of-body experience, something just clicked and all of a sudden, you found yourself in a world made for two.

Somehow your intuition whispered to you that the other person felt the same way. Well, that’s what happens when there’s intense chemistry between two people.

To connect deeper than ever and leave him wanting you every minute of every day, you need a bit more than chemistry… You need The Devotion System.

The thing about relationship chemistry is that it cannot be forced. It’s a natural, undeniable emotional connection (according to most chemistry definitions). 

This is the kind of connection everybody longs for but few really find.

Mutual chemistry is one of the best ways in which you can start a relationship but it’s not bulletproof and it can be misleading.

So while chemistry is important, what’s even more important is creating something from it. And that’s where Make Him Worship You course can really help you to get exactly what you want.

People who share it must figure out if there is something more to that chemistry besides attraction.

Do they connect on every other level? Do they have what is needed to enter into a relationship? 

Are they potential soulmates ? Are there any signs of emotional attraction or is this nothing but physical chemistry

What Is Meant By Chemistry Between Two Persons?

Simply put, the chemistry between people can be defined as a combination of physical attraction, desire, emotional connection, passion, and crave you can’t control. All in all, the best way to look at the chemistry between two people is by considering it as an enormous potential for a great long-term relationship. 

According to relationship experts, there exist more types of chemistry : intellectual chemistry, the chemistry of love, and sexual chemistry but all of them together form true chemistry, which is one of the most intense things you’ll ever feel.  

It’s the first step toward something that could be amazing if there is compatibility between people who share, if they have really connected with one another when it comes to all these types of chemistry and if they are willing to work toward a relationship from that great chemistry from the beginning by putting in a mutual effort.

How Do You Know You Have Chemistry With Someone?

When you have relationship chemistry with another person, you feel excited and calm at the same time whenever they’re around. Even though their touch might feel like a burning flame, it also has a healing effect. 

You and your match can’t take your eyes off each other and flirting is inevitable. It’s actually pretty ironic but their presence makes you feel like you’ve finally arrived home but also awakens fireworks inside of you. 

Most importantly, you simply KNOW when you have chemistry with someone. You might not be able to put this sensation in words but trust me- it’s something you’ve never experienced before. 

Undeniable Signs Of Chemistry Between Two People

If you are experiencing this kind of magnetism with somebody and you believe that there is something more to it, there will be some obvious signs of chemistry between you two that you just cannot miss:

Captivation and infatuation

You feel drawn to each other without any apparent reason. You may have only exchanged a few words and you barely know each other but there is that familiar feeling present all the time.

It feels like you already know each other more intimately. Sometimes, you wonder if you’ve met this person before because it seems impossible to be so connected to someone you’re just getting to know. 

You just feel like you are in their thoughts as much as they are in yours and you can’t explain why that is so.

It’s some kind of vibe in the air between you two and even though it cannot be seen, it is very much felt. That vibe is what makes you gravitate toward each other.

Regardless of what’s going on around you, this special someone holds all of your attention. They infatuate and captivate you completely.

The eyes never lie

You just can’t keep your eyes off of each other, as much you try. 

You check each other out from top to bottom and sometimes even share prolonged eye contact, though locking eyes is not always easy.  

There is that sense of shyness that comes over you and when you realize that they have caught you staring, you look away and pretend as nothing happened.

The best part is that it happens the other way around too. Even though it might seem childish, it doesn’t make it any less true.

That childishness and innocent eye contact give this strong chemistry you are experiencing some kind of special flavor.

Whenever the object of your interest gazes at you, you feel like they’re looking directly into your soul. I’m not talking about an ordinary look someone gives you when they’re checking you out. 

In fact, both of you know that this is something more than physical attraction. Your energies obviously recognized each other and that’s exactly this unexplainable vibe you keep on feeling. 

Your smile is your telltale sign

There is no better proof of real chemistry that can say more than a simple smile. Every time the object of your affection crosses your path, you can’t help but smile.

You could be having the worst possible day but the moment they enter the room, it’s like sunshine came in and chased away all the clouds. It’s impossible for you to feel down whenever they’re around. 

The best part is that they don’t have to do anything to light up your mood- their presence is more than enough. They don’t have to say a single word- their energy alone lifts you up in a second. 

The thing is you smile with your heart and your soul and not just your face, so the endearment you feel toward each other is undeniable.

Everything this special person says is funny and you can’t help but laugh at all of their jokes, including the cheesiest ones

It’s funny how somebody who is practically a stranger can make your entire day brighter and that’s what true chemistry is all about.

Of course, it goes the other way around, as well. When you come to think of it, whenever they see you, their entire face starts to shine. 

You speak the same language

I am really tempted to say the language of love here but it sounds so corny, even though it’s true to a certain extent. 

However, it’s not just about the possibility of love here. It’s like you found a part of yourself in somebody else.

Like you found your new best friend and something more at the same time. Besides sharing mutual attraction, you two also have a lot of things in common. 

This is someone you can confide in, someone you have common interests with, someone you can develop mutual trust with from the beginning, and the person every matchmaker would tell you is the right one for you.

Whatever the topic you’re talking about, you get each other without any need for lengthy explanations. It’s funny how this person gets you better than your life-long friends and even family members. In fact, sometimes it appears that they understand you even better than you understand yourself. 

There are times when you can’t help but wonder if they can read your mind- that’s how well they know the core of your personality (despite the fact that you two don’t have any history together).

You have a similar taste and share almost the same favorite things, including music, movies, books… 

You can finish off each other’s thoughts and all of your communication is effortless, which makes it apparent that you share incredibly strong intellectual chemistry. No matter what the situation is, you always know what the other person is thinking and how they feel. 

There is no need for much explaining when it comes to you two. You don’t have to tell each other what’s on your minds– a mere look is always enough.

You two have similar viewpoints on everything in life, including romantic relationships. In most things, there is no need for reaching a compromise since you both want pretty much the same things. 

You are the only two in a crowded room who laugh at the same joke because you have the same sense of humor. You are both fluent in sarcasm and whenever you are together, it is like time flies.  

There are pleasant sounds of silence

Usually, when you’re getting to know someone new, the worst thing that can happen is running out of topics to talk about. 

You know exactly what I’m talking about- you’re on a first date and there comes a moment of awkward silence. This is when you get the desire to escape this embarrassing situation. 

Nevertheless, every relationship expert and matchmaker will tell you that the biggest sign that you’ve found your soulmate is the fact that you are comfortable spending time in silence next to them.

This is exactly what is going on with you and this person. 

Even when you are in situations where there is no need to speak, you feel relaxed, and what bigger proof do you need that this is true love ?

There is no need to force conversation if you don’t feel like talking. You might be tired or drained from a hectic day or you might be experiencing some difficulties.

Whatever it is, the silence between you is never awkward and your chemistry of love can be felt in the air. Even when you don’t say anything, you feel each other’s presence and that brings you both peace and joy.

The butterflies in your stomach have gone crazy

Every time you know you will meet, you feel nervous and that is an obvious sign of your infatuation with this person. You get so tense that you lose control over what you’re doing or saying. 

Nevertheless, this is a good nervous feeling because you feel so excited that you know you will see the person you really, truly like.

Every time you’re about to encounter this person, you feel like you’re getting ready for your first date. No matter how long the two of you have been seeing each other, these butterflies have the same intensity as at the beginning.

It’s that anticipation that’s making those butterflies in your stomach seem more like elephants.

Once you finally meet, both of your hearts start pounding like crazy that you can almost hear them.

However, what you can’t hide is that nervous feeling that’s making you a bit jumpy, a bit silly and not to mention clumsy every time you are close.

This doesn’t have anything to do with your age either. It doesn’t matter how old are you- when this type of chemistry hits you, you’ll feel like you’re a teenager in love for the first time ever. 

You are always focused on each other

Remember how this person captured your undivided attention from the very first moment your paths crossed? Well, this never changes since this feeling is not a short-term attraction- it’s much more than that.  

You could be together for ages but they’ll always be the center of your attention. Trust me- this is probably the only person in the world that will never bore you. 

When you are among a few friends or in a larger group of people, you always pay attention to what your other chemical half has to say, even in situations where all the other people choose to ignore them completely.

At times, you notice that they are listening even when they show no sign of it because they are the only one giving you some kind of feedback.

Not to mention that your sole focus is on them so there is no doubt that this strong chemistry is mutual.

Body language speaks volumes

Sometimes, non-verbal signals talk louder than words. Let’s not forget that you can choose what you’ll say but most of the time, you can’t control your body gestures

This is exactly what happens when there is chemistry between two people. There is no need to declare love to each other- your actions will speak on your behalf. 

It’s not just locking eyes and exchanging looks; if you look close enough, you will see that their pupils get dilated.

According to scientists, this happens when we are in close proximity to the person we like and we are extremely excited to see them.

There are a lot of non-verbal signs that can tell in-depth stories about chemistry, such as taking deep breaths, having rosy cheeks, mimicking each other’s moves, licking your lips, leaning toward you, slightly touching your arm, and so on.

Whenever your chemical half is around, you’ll blush and your blood pressure will rise. There is nothing strange about this- it’s your body’s normal reaction to seeing your crush. 

The same happens to them. Their palms get sweaty or they get tongue-twisted. As much as they try to hide it, everyone, including you, notices how nervous they get in your presence. 

The bottom line is that body language can’t conceal true chemistry, it only amplifies it.

And let’s not forget about all those accidental touches you two share all the time. Most of the time, you do it unknowingly- it’s like your bodies have this uncontrollable urge to be as close as possible to each other. 

Anticipation of your next encounter

It doesn’t matter if you two just parted ways, you’re already planning your next encounter. It’s pretty obvious that you can’t wait to meet again.

You count the days, hours, and minutes until you are able to share the same air because it’s not important what you do or where you go—it’s about being around them that makes you happy.

You both make moves to arrange some group get-together just so the other person would show up.

You are always the last ones to leave those get-togethers because you get caught up talking about anything and everything.

Whenever you’re with this person, you lose track of time and you catch yourself never wanting to leave each other’s sight.

Have you noticed that you’re never too busy for each other. You can be dead tired but you’ll always find the energy to see them. 

If it were up to you, you two would spend every single second of your free time together. You’re ready to forget about real life and enjoy your little fairytale. 

Sweetly annoying each other

You pick on each other for no reason. You are just doing so to provoke a reaction or to test the territory and see where the other one stands in certain situations.

You never have the intention to offend or to make the other one feel bad.

This is more like a game of words you use to keep things interesting, directing the conversation in some funny, bickering way. You’re just teasing each other and acting like children, which is the cutest thing ever. 

Even if you don’t see that something is going on between the two of you, others surely notice it.

Your friends probably already picked up on that and they labeled you as an old married couple.

Subtly flirtatious

You don’t want anybody around you to notice that there is something more than meets the eye happening between the two of you, so, for most of the time, you flirt completely subtly.

Innocent kisses on the cheek feel so intense to both of you, hugs last way longer than they should and you always squeeze each other tight, possibly moving your hand up and down each other’s back.

Each physical contact is polite and friendly but at the same time so tense that it is beyond words.

You have your own kind of language so you use it to flirt too, without making it too obvious. 

You even might be exchanging some flirty texts, making sure never to cross the line.

These texts serve as proof that the chemistry between you is so strong that you still feel close and connected even when they are not around.

Time is a relative thing

Every time you two are next to each other, you lose track of time.

You have so many common interests and even more mutual trust that you can talk about literally everything, so spending time with this person always feels like five minutes.

Time passes by so quickly without you even noticing it. And you know what they say—time flies when you are having fun.

However, the truth is that time flies when you are with the right person.

When you are with the right person, there are numerous topics to talk about and you couldn’t get bored of each other if you wanted to.

Even if you were sitting in complete silence, you would still enjoy each other’s company.

The thing is, you two connected in a way you never thought possible.

You have never experienced this with anyone else, that’s why there is never enough time and everything ends too soon.

It’s all about the little things

You notice that new shirt they are wearing and you compliment them on it. You notice that they just had a new haircut that’s making them look hot.

They remember you said you loved coconut chocolate so they will surprise you with that same chocolate next time. You remember how they take their coffee.

They can remember a story you told them a month ago and can even retell it if necessary.

The signs of chemistry are most noticeable if you pay attention to those small things. 

The details everybody else misses but you keep track of because the other person is important and you are both more than interested in each other.

Mystery and anticipation

Mystery and anticipation go hand in hand with good chemistry.

You don’t necessarily have to know the person you are feeling drawn to or even have any physical contact with them before you go crazy for each other.

The mystery and the way you flirt are what got you hooked. You want to know more and more about the other person. 

In a way, chemistry can be seen as a puzzle you are both eager to solve. You have some facts and knowledge about each other but most of it is assumed.

Getting to know each other better and solving the mystery will also show you if this chemistry between you two is really sustainable and if there are any grounds on which you can start forming a relationship.

It’s never a good idea to reveal too much too soon, so take your time solving the puzzle. Get to know each other one step at a time. A bit of mystery is good for both of you.

The inevitable sexual attraction between you

The sexual chemistry you share makes every situation you are in incredibly tense. You feel attracted to each other in every sense, so sex isn’t excluded.

Through all the signs mentioned above, your lust for each other is intertwined somehow. Your jokes are filled with sexual implications.

Your bodies are filled with a sexual attraction that is just waiting to be relieved.

Physical attraction and tension surely aren’t the most important signs of chemistry but are equally important as the rest.

The best type of chemistry is the one that includes all the components of body, soul, and mind, and with these, you will find that you are one step closer to finding someone to spend your forever with.

Toxic Chemistry

One more important thing to address here is something I would label as toxic chemistry.

As opposed to romantic chemistry, toxic chemistry happens when you go against your better judgment. 

It happens when you know from the start that no matter how much you are drawn to someone, that they will be bad news.

When we decide to ignore our intuition and all the red flag signs appearing in front of our faces, that’s where chemistry backfires on us.

So when it comes to any kind of chemistry, the best thing we can do is rely on our intuition, follow our heart, and in any case, take our brain with us so we can avoid danger if it crosses our path.

Can Other People See Chemistry Between Two People?

You might think that nobody notices what’s going on between you and the object of your infatuation but trust me, everyone around you sees the obvious chemistry between you two. It’s enough to pay attention to the way your eyes lock, to the way you both smile when you’re together, and the way you two flirt, without even being aware of doing it. 

Trust me: there is no point in hiding this attraction. Even if you give it a shot, your efforts will be in vain. 

You can try lying to yourself but whoever knows you even superficially, will see that someone special entered your life and that your head is in the clouds. You don’t have to confess your feelings- your face and body language will say more than enough

How Do You Tell If There Is A Spark Between You?

If there is some unspoken mutual attraction between you and another person, both of your behavior will change whenever you’re together.  Every time you meet, the tension and the excitement are so thick you could cut it with a knife. You could be in the middle of a crowded room but you’ll feel like it’s just the two of you in the world.

This intense feeling when you see the object of your interest totally overwhelms you and you can’t fight it. 

But remember that this spark goes both ways: this person infatuates you and captures all of your attention while their body language signs and eyes show you that they feel the same way.  

Final Thoughts

In addition to these 15 signs of chemistry between people, there is also a scientific explanation of why chemistry occurs.  

In short, certain parts of the brain get activated and we release hormones like pheromones, oxytocin, adrenaline, dopamine, etc.

While that’s all true, I prefer to look at the chemistry between two people as something more spiritual, something that shifts inside of you and says ‘I like that person and I want to spend as much time as I can with them’.

Something so simple but also beautiful and unique that doesn’t come by in life so often.

According to Kelly Campbell, Ph.D.,  “Chemistry occurs most often between people who are down-to-earth and sincere. This is because if a person is comfortable with themselves, they are better able to express their true self to the world, which makes it easier to get to know them, even if perspectives on important matters differed.” 

Some people experience chemistry a few times in their life.

They have outgoing personalities and somehow it’s easier for them to communicate, open up and find something familiar with another person, and bond with them.

Of course, when they finally find the person they are supposed to spend their forever with, they will just know, there will be no second-guessing, no doubts and the chemistry they share will be stronger than any they have ever felt before.

Then there are people who have never felt it. However, that’s no reason to think they never will.

They might be shy, too busy for dating, or burned from a past relationship, so their trust issues prevent them from forming new connections.

Nevertheless, when the right person comes along, there is no escaping it.