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14 Things To Remember If You Feel Like Giving Up On Love

14 Things To Remember If You Feel Like Giving Up On Love

Have you ever felt like you’ve had enough? Enough of the pain, of the disappointments and heartbreaks?

Enough of always being the one who gives everything and receives nothing in return (like in Jerry Butler’s Giving Up On Love and in other songs and poems on giving up on love)?

Enough of searching for the right person who will obviously never come? Enough of waiting for love and romance to enter your life?

Have you ever been so hurt that you ended up telling yourself: “I’ve given up on love”? If you have, this one is for you.

As much as you try, you no longer believe that such a thing as true love exists or that it will ever come into your life. 

All of these heartbreaks didn’t just cause you to give up on finding love—they did something even worse: they changed the essence of who you are and distorted your self-image completely. 

After all the disappointments and emotional pain you’ve been through, you’ve become convinced that you’ll never find love.

That you should give up all of your hopes that one day, you’ll open your heart to someone who deserves to get it. Of course, giving up on romance seems easier than enduring all the struggles it can bring.

Giving up on love means not taking the risk of being hurt and protecting yourself from getting your heart broken.

After all, if you don’t let anyone in and if you decide not to love anyone ever again, you’re not giving them an opportunity to do you any harm either, am I right?

Nevertheless, don’t forget this: giving up on love means voluntarily depriving yourself of all the beauties it brings with itself as well.

It means sentencing yourself to a loveless life, which turns it into nothing more than pure survival and mere existence.

You might not see it but a decision like this will negatively impact all of your life aspects and not just your love life—it will also be harmful for your social life, your mental health and even your career. 

So, instead of allowing this to happen, take matters into your own hands, stand up straight and say, “I won’t give up on love because nobody who’s ever hurt me is worth it.”

Decide that you’ll be stronger than all of your traumas and bad experiences and that you won’t allow your past to ruin your future. Of course, nobody expects this change to happen overnight.

Nobody expects you to start believing in love just because someone asked you to. That is why we’re here, to tell you, “Don’t give up on love”!

Here to tell you exactly what you need to hear to help yourself restore faith in love and embrace it all over again.

Here are 14 things to remember if you feel like giving up on love is the only thing you have left. 

You are not alone in this

When you are single and have the intention to give up on love altogether, you are convinced that you are the only person in the world who has these types of thoughts. However, the truth is quite different.

In fact, there are a lot of people who think that their search for love is in vain and that it should finally come to an end.

Millions of others who went through the same dilemmas you are having now also lost all hope the moment before love entered their lives.

Be honest: Have you ever been so desperate that you even caught yourself searching for quotes about giving up on love, listened to giving up on love songs, tried to laugh at memes about giving up on love and even read poems about giving up on love? If you have, you’ve had the chance to see that you’re not alone in this. 

In fact, the entire Internet is filled with these giving up on love poems, giving up on love quotes and sayings, songs about giving up on love and giving up on love lyrics, which makes it obvious that a lot of people are dealing with the same problems you are.

On the other hand, there is also a handful of not giving up on love quotes, not giving up on love songs, don’t give up on love quotes and Bible verses about not giving up on love, which makes it obvious that there are many of those who secretly want to restore their faith in love. 

So, no, you are not the only one waiting for your soulmate to come along, not the only one fighting to embrace your single status and not the only one who got so disappointed that you accepted the fact that you’ll be forever alone.

Nevertheless, being aware of this doesn’t make it any easier.

It doesn’t make your disappointment or hopelessness any less. I know that you probably don’t care about other people’s opinions and that your struggles are all that matter to you.

However, just think of all those handsome, single people who think the same way about love as you do.

These are exactly the people you should pay more attention to because I’m sure that the skepticism you both feel toward love is something that will connect you to them.

Love requires hard work

Sorry to burst your bubble but the truth is that real love has little to do with what you have seen on all those romantic comedies on TV. 

Don’t get me wrong—I am not saying that you shouldn’t believe in fairy tales but you also need to be aware that there is no such thing as a perfect relationship and you shouldn’t hope to find one.

Yes, there is a possibility you will experience love at first sight but you need to be aware that life-lasting connections rarely start this way.

Instead, love requires a lot of effort, time and hard work and it doesn’t happen overnight.

That might be one of your problems and the reason you plan on giving up on romance. We would all like for things in our relationship to always go as smoothly as possible but the reality is somewhat different.

The truth is that you have to fight to maintain a healthy, long-term relationship and it is time to ask yourself if this was something you were ready to do in the past.

Or did you have a habit of backing out at the first glance of trouble?

Love will come to you when you stop looking for it

Even though you shouldn’t give up on finding love, every piece of professional advice will tell you that you shouldn’t run after it either because this can often be counterproductive.

This might lead you to desperation and into thinking that it’s time for you to stop looking for love forever. The more you go after love, the more you feel like it is running away from you.

Well, you are not imagining things—we usually can’t seem to get the things we are most desperate for.

Remember that like everything else in life, love has its own timing and that you can’t rush it to cross your path whenever you feel like it. If love keeps escaping you, it happens for one simple reason: you are still not ready for it.

Nevertheless, this doesn’t have to mean that love will never come into your life because it definitely will.

And it will happen when you least expect it.  No, it doesn’t have to happen while you’re looking for someone on Tinder or other dating apps. It doesn’t have to happen when you keep on thinking about it. 

Instead, a new relationship which will make you forget all of your past relationships will probably take you by surprise. It will come out of the blue and it will help you realize what love means. 

Love is worth the wait

Even though being a proud single woman or man rocks if you play your cards right, I won’t lie to you by trying to make you believe that love doesn’t have any advantages.

The truth is that love is amazing and that sharing your life with someone else can make it much more beautiful.

Waiting for love is never a waste of time because it is worthy of all the troubles you have to go through before you get it.

Knowing this, you’ll understand that giving up on love is never an option. Or at least, it never should be.  Don’t forget that everything happens for a reason.

All those wrong people weren’t there to teach you that you aren’t cut out for love or that you should turn your back on it.

Instead, all of them had a purpose to prepare you for what is coming next. And that is nothing less than true love.

You will heal and feel better

Let’s face it—you wouldn’t have given up on the idea of love just like that. Instead, you probably went through some severe emotional trauma which changed your perspective on life and your views on romantic love.

Obviously, all that has happened to you has changed you. The person you loved the most did you this much harm, so what is there for you to expect from others? Well, let me tell you that no matter what you’ve been through, you will heal sooner or later.

One of these days, you’ll wake up and you’ll be sorry that letting go of your past took so long.  You’ll be sorry that you allowed that one toxic person to have this huge impact on your life because that is the last thing they deserved.

You’ll see that thinking of them was just a waste of time and a waste of energy. 

You’ll understand that the person who hurt you wasn’t worthy of destroying all of your faith in love in general. 

You’ll understand that they will have won if they’ve managed to scar you for life and you’ll be sorry for wasting so much time consumed with bitterness and resentment.

You are allowed to be afraid

Falling back in love after you have had your heart broken is scary—there is no doubt about that.

You are afraid of going through the same stuff again and you are not sure if you could handle all of this pain once more.

That is perfectly normal because this is your body’s defense mechanism and its way of protecting you and is not something you should be ashamed of.

You are not weak just because you are scared of falling in love but that doesn’t mean that you should be the one who has given up on love for good because of this fear. 

Trust me—everything that you are feeling now will just be a part of the past before you know it. Soon enough, you’ll liberate yourself from this fear and you’ll understand that it had no purpose.

You are a complete person on your own

Another thing you need to remember after deciding to quit love forever is that you don’t need a life partner to complete you.

You are strong enough to go through life on your own and that is something you should be proud of.

So this definitely shouldn’t be a reason to give up on romance. Just because you can make it alone, it doesn’t mean that you should.

I am not telling you to look for someone who will give your life meaning or to get yourself involved with the first person who comes along out of fear of solitude.

Instead, I am advising you to wait for a special person who will be your partner in crime in the first place and who will be strong enough to walk through life shoulder to shoulder with you. Remember—only this is real love.

Not everyone is like your ex

In his song “Giving Up On Love”, Rick Astley says: “I’m giving up on love, ‘cause I’ve been hurt before”.

This is exactly what you’ve done—you allowed a bad experience to ruin your views on love and romance in general.

When one person hurts you, it is only natural for you to think that everyone will be just like them and that there doesn’t exist a person in this world who will treat you differently. 

You assume that everyone who comes near you is out there to get you and that everyone you let in will break your heart the same way your ex did. Consequently, you build thick and high walls all around your heart, trying to protect it. 

You become overly careful out of the fear of running into someone similar all over again and you think that giving up on love is the only way to keep yourself safe. Let me tell you that you are wrong and that not everyone is like your ex.

There exists someone who will give you everything they didn’t and someone who is meant to be yours. 

So, why would you allow your toxic ex to destroy all of your chances with this person?

Why would you let them still have a place in your life even in this indirect way? One of the most famous quotes about not giving up on love is: “If the person you love doesn’t love you back, don’t be afraid to love someone else again, for you’ll never know until you give it a try.”

You just need to come to terms with the fact that giving up on someone you love is not giving up on love.

Just because one person hurt you doesn’t mean that you should be giving up on finding love altogether.

Stop comparing yourself to others

Another one of the inspiring quotes about never giving up on love is: “A true relationship is two imperfect people refusing to give up on each other.”

It means that you don’t have to be flawless in order to find your perfect match.

Nobody expects you to be perfect, so stop comparing yourself to others and stop assuming that you have to fit some imaginary standards to be more likable to the opposite sex.

Instead of changing yourself, wait for someone who will accept you for who you really are.

I know this seems impossible now but trust me—this person will come along and they will restore your faith in love.

Run away from negativity

One thing that might have made you give up on romantic love is the fact that you keep seeing your friends and family doing the same thing. 

You’ve lost all of your trust in the opposite sex and that is not just due to your disappointments—you are also dragged into other people’s relationship problems and their negativity overwhelms you, whether you like to admit it or not.

Everywhere you look, there are people asking for professional advice on relationships and a lot of people getting themselves involved in meaningless flings and affairs who have managed to convince you that love has lost all of its value. 

Thanks to modern dating, you’ve started seeing yourself as a foolish, hopeless romantic just because of the fact that once you thought that there existed such things as soulmates and everlasting love.

Maybe you thought your parents would be together for the rest of their lives but they got a divorce?

Or some of your closest friends also went through a serious relationship drama or a shattering break-up? You saw a seemingly good relationship fall apart without any apparent reason?

So, if these couples you believed in so much didn’t make it, what is there for you to expect? How can you possibly hope to have it any better?

Whenever you catch yourself thinking this way, remember that we all have our life path and destiny.

You shouldn’t be comparing yourself to anyone and other people’s sad love stories shouldn’t be the source of your pessimism.

Instead, turn to those happy couples around you. Look at all those people who really made it and who stayed together through thick and thin, just as they promised. Find hope in them that love really does exist and that someday it will happen to you as well.

If they could have made it and if they could have found their match made in heaven, then why would you think you’d have it worse?

Instead of dwelling in sadness and allowing negative thoughts to consume you, try turning to something more positive. 

Instead of reading giving up on someone you love quotes, try listening to some optimistic songs about not giving up on love, for example, such as “Not Giving Up On Love”- Armin van Buuren featuring Sophie Ellis Bextor.

Trust me, the second you feel the energy of these songs, you will feel better and you’ll get hope of a better tomorrow because you’ll see that love really is worthy and that the right person will come along.

You are not too damaged for love

In her song “Giving Up On Love”, Miranda Lambert says that she has to give up on love because love has given up on her.

This is exactly how you feel—that love will never find its way to you because you’re simply too damaged for it.

Well, it doesn’t mean you are unlovable or that you are not meant to be loved just because you aren’t the best version of yourself right now.

I know this person from your past tried their best to convince you that you had all of this pain coming. They tried to make you feel like you were good for nothing and that you’d never find happiness after they were done with you.

The person who abused you in more than one way and who made your life a living hell made sure to convince you that you were too damaged for love and that no one in this world would ever think of being with someone as broken as you. 

With time, you started believing them and you thought that the only solution for you was to put steel armor around your heart and to cage yourself in your own shell, without letting anyone in.

I know you won’t believe me now but none of these things your ex made you believe are true. 

I assure you that there will come a special someone who will try hard to jump over those walls or to tear them down.

And eventually, they’ll succeed in doing so. There will come this special person who will help you heal without ever pushing you too hard.

A person who will love all of your broken parts and who will help you glue yourself back together.

The present is what matters

What made you stop believing in love are your past relationships, am I right? Your emotional baggage keeps on dragging you down and doesn’t allow you to move on to a new relationship and it doesn’t even give you a chance to meet some new people.

You are convinced that your past will repeat itself and that you are ready to do whatever it takes to avoid this but the truth is that you never know what will happen.

You can’t control everything that is going on, so why keep trying to? But answer me this: Why do you still hold on to the things that you should have left behind ages ago?

Why do you still let your past affect your life? Why do you overthink about your future so much?

I am not saying that you ought to shut your brain off completely and that you shouldn’t think through your decisions before you make them.

However, it is about time for you to start the process of letting go and to start living in the present moment. For you to embrace every single day and to make the most of it.

Time for you to forgive and to get rid of all the grudges and the emotional baggage you carry within yourself.

When this happens, trust me—kicking love out of your life will be the last thing on your mind.

Embrace your single life

There are many more single women and men out there than you might think.

So, guess what? You’re not a weirdo for not having a partner right now and that is not something you should obsess over. 

Instead of being focused on finding a loving relationship and whether to chase love or to run away from it, put all of your energy into enjoying your single status and all that it brings.

Instead of racking your brains about what to do with your love life and future relationship status, focus on becoming the best version of yourself and on taking all that your single life can give you.

Take matters into your own hands and do whatever makes you happy, unless it hurts others.

Forget about love completely and the sooner you do, it will come to you. Of course, there is nothing wrong with working on improving your social life and meeting new people because that gives you a bigger chance of meeting your perfect someone.

Also, visiting some dating apps, such as Tinder, from time to time will do you no harm. 

Just make sure not to become obsessed with finding your other half. Be relaxed about it and if someone special comes along—don’t chase them away.  

Self-love is the most important type of love

The last but definitely not the least important thing you must remember if you were planning to give up on love is that loving yourself is what matters the most.

You can’t expect anyone to give you the treatment you aren’t even giving to yourself.

You can’t build a good relationship with another person until you start working on your relationship with yourself. 

You can’t demand respect and appreciation if you are putting yourself at the bottom of your own priority list.

You can’t expect someone else to spoil you if you don’t know how to pamper yourself in the first place. Most importantly, you can’t expect someone to love you unless you learn to love yourself more!