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Key Virgo Traits: Revealing Their Strengths And Weaknesses

Key Virgo Traits: Revealing Their Strengths And Weaknesses

If you possess Virgo traits, you are without a doubt an incredibly interesting and unique person.

The perfectionism, practicality, and hardworking and competitive nature of everyone belonging to the sixth sign of the horoscope has made you so special and intriguing to all astrologers and tarot readers.

You’re known to be a reliable friend, a loyal romantic partner, and a devoted family member. What more can a person ask for?

Virgo season: August 23rd – September 22nd

Element: Earth

Modality: Mutable

Symbol: The Virgin or Maiden♍

Ruling Planet: Mercury

Virgo eminent personalities: Blake Lively, Cameron Diaz, Richard Gere, Salma Hayek, Keanu Reeves, Beyoncé, Adam Sandler, Nick Jonas, Jimmy Fallon…

Virgo Personality

This earth sign is definitely the most humble and unpretentious sign of the zodiac. They never feel the need to impress other people. Instead, they let their accomplishments speak for themselves.

They’re also the most organized and neatest horoscope sign. If you’ve read their monthly/daily horoscope or their birth chart, you probably know this already.

Virgo is the only mutable sign of all the earth ones. Even though it should make them adaptable and open to changes, the fact is that Virgo is actually addicted to routines and their habits.

Perfectionism, an eye for detail, and practicality are definitely their most significant qualities. They’re known for being systematic in all walks of life, which makes them so great at everything they do.

However, that all-or-nothing way of thinking, along with their perfectionist nature, makes them overly critical, which is definitely a trait that others hate the most about this sun sign.

Virgo in love

Virgos are highly protective of their loved ones, and they’re generally very generous with people they love.

However, they struggle with trust issues, which may make them emotionally unavailable or detached; thus, making it harder for them to maintain a stable relationship.

A thing I’m sure many people don’t know about this star sign is that they have a romantic side. And, once they do fall genuinely in love with someone, that side of them pops out.

They enjoy throwing little surprises for their other half regardless of special dates, so when their birthday, anniversary, or Valentine’s Day comes along, they go out of their way for them.

Their surprises are unique and never cheesy since they possess a certain amount of practicality. When they’re being romantic, they do it in a cute, special way that has nothing to do with being pathetic.

Virgo in marriage

The fact is that this horoscope sign prefers long-term relationships and commitment. However, they won’t tie the knot until they’re completely sure that they’ve found the right person.

Their shy nature and inability to open up emotionally may be an obstacle in their marriage. But, if they find a patient and understanding partner, they’ll overcome it easily and make their marriage work.

Besides a patient partner, they also need someone who’ll be willing to respect their personal space, along with their dedication to work.

Virgo in bed

This sun sign is extremely attentive, gentle, and thoughtful in bed. Fulfilling their partner’s needs comes first for them.

Even though they’re represented by the Virgin symbol, this sign definitely knows how to get dirty in the bedroom. They’re playful and adventurous, but they don’t like to experiment too much.

Sex toys and a bit of role-playing will be perfectly fine, but BDSM and those kinds of fantasies are a huge NO for them. Their adventuristic spirit may make them willing to try it, but they definitely won’t enjoy it.

Virgo in friendship

People belonging to this sun sign are extremely blunt and honest. They say what they think and are never apologetic about it.

Those who know how to accept the truth appreciate this about them, and are happy to be their friends. On the flip side, those who can’t deal with the truth are thought of as cold and emotionless people, and they are avoided.

That’s probably a reason why this horoscope sign has a small circle of friends. But, they’re actually very pleased about it because they know those are their true friends.

They value friendship and their honest friends more than anything in life. As much as they’re busy, they’ll always drop everything if their friends or their loved ones need them. And, that’s a really admirable quality, right?

Virgo at work

People born under this sun sign are true workaholics. But, you also know the ones who simply don’t know how to take a break or balance their professional and personal life.

Well, that’s actually not a wonder because they’re associated with the sixth house in the horoscope, which corresponds with routines, work, health, and wellness.

This mutable earth sign is practical, ambitious, driven, and hardworking. Those are the skills that really help them when it comes to their professional life.

Also, these people are known for having some odd jobs. But, their dream jobs are definitely environmental journalist, life skills coach, counselor, and accounting analyst.

Virgo Personality Traits

I already mentioned some of this earth sign’s traits above, but that is definitely not enough to conclude what kind of peeps we’re dealing with here.

So, what are the Virgo traits that everyone born under your zodiac sign have? Let’s dive deeper into their personality and discover the most significant ones.

Positive Virgo traits

1. Loyal and trustworthy

When you let someone in your life, you do it all the way. You give them all of your attention and you’re fully committed.

If you belong to this astrological sign, this is true for all of your relationships. You’re completely dedicated to all of your friends, family members and relationship partners.

The truth is that you don’t have many people who are really close to you. Nevertheless, your loved ones and other people you give your attention to will consider themselves lucky.

Once you enter a relationship, you go all the way in and you give your wholehearted love to that person. You take care of them and you’re loyal to the soil.

According to astrologers, no one with this sun sign would betray someone’s trust even if their life depended on it. People tell you secrets and ask you for advice because they’re aware that you’re one in a million.

2. Competent

It doesn’t matter what you put your hand to, you won’t give up until you get the job done, as you’re one of the most competent zodiac signs.

A great thing about you is that you can achieve anything you imagine. You accomplish things others would never even think of doing.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s your career, friendships, romance or family relationships, you’re successful at everything you do.

You’re efficient and disciplined. When you’re a part of a team, you see other people’s mistakes, the ones everyone else misses, and you correct them on the spot.

You never stop learning and you don’t rush things and instead of being impulsive, you’re patient and take your time to get something finished.

3. Responsible

Another one of the amazing Virgo traits, which is also common for all earth signs, is how responsible they are. If you belong to this zodiac, your word is your bond.

You keep your promises, no matter the circumstances. You take all of your responsibilities very seriously and you don’t make any lousy justifications to show otherwise.

In fact, you wouldn’t break a promise and betray your own integrity even if it was the last thing you had to do.

Your horoscope sign makes you reliable and everyone in your surroundings knows that they can count on you.

Simply put, you’re a person who shows up.

4. Intelligent

Being born under the Virgo zodiac sign, you’re probably highly intelligent. You’re well-read and you consider education to be extremely important for every individual.

You’re wise and you use logical reasoning to your advantage. You’re eager for new knowledge, regardless of your age.

Virgos use every opportunity they get to inform themselves so you’re always familiar with events in your surroundings and the entire world.

You also use social media to be as informed as possible. Basically, you spend more time snooping around other people’s social media profiles than posting your own content.

No, you’re not nosy by nature; you just feel in control if you have more data. However, you’re only truly concerned with things that interest you.

You won’t waste your time exploring, for example, nuclear physics, just out of curiosity, if you know that is something you’ll never need in life.

On the other hand, when you’re interested in something, you explore it all the way.

5. Hardworking

I bet that there doesn’t exist a lazy Virgo sun sign in the world. Instead, everyone belonging to your zodiac sign is a workaholic, since this is one of the most common traits of a Virgo.

In fact, sometimes you act like you’re addicted to hard work, which is a known Virgo characteristic. Virgos only feel that they’ve done enough once they’re tired.

You simply can’t stand relaxing and not doing anything, as it automatically makes you feel useless and as if your entire life has no point.

Every Virgo has been like this since early childhood. You’ve been an overachiever from the first day of school and this practice has continued throughout your entire life.

Even though this addiction to hard work brings a lot of success to most people belonging to this zodiac sign, it can be harmful to the Virgo themselves.

Whether you admit it or not, all of this work puts you under a lot of pressure. It doesn’t matter how much you love your career, everyone needs some time off.

It seems that you are too hard on yourself. You have too high expectations that you’re scared of not achieving.

6. Helpful

A lot of people might not conclude this about your zodiac sign due to your distant nature but one of your most prominent Virgo characteristics is your kind disposition.

You don’t show this side to everyone you meet but the truth is that you’re quite helpful.

It doesn’t matter what kind of difficulties you might be facing, you’ll always find time to give someone a piece of advice.

You’re the one people call when they need a shoulder to cry on, someone to put a smile back on their face or just someone to listen to them.

In fact, solving other people’s problems is your specialty. You enjoy fixing their issues and putting their lives in perfect order.

Sometimes, however, you act like you’re everyone’s parent and like it’s your duty to take care of everyone’s needs and well-being.

7. Creative

Here is another Virgo personality trait many probably wouldn’t connect with you but the truth is that you’re tremendously creative.

First and foremost, you’re interested in art and not only that but you’re also artistically skilled and talented.

I’m not saying that you’re necessarily predestined to become a world-famous singer or actor but I’m sure that you have some talent in you, even if it’s deeply hidden.

Maybe you’re a skillful handyperson or you are exceedingly good at making your own crafts or DIY products. This part of your personality is especially helpful when you’re in a relationship.

8. Self-sufficient

Another one of the positive Virgo personality traits is, without a doubt, your independence. You’re someone who can make it on your own, regardless of life circumstances or obstacles.

Over the years, you’ve gotten used to being the one everyone relies on.

You’re a nurturer and a caregiver, so there are many people who would return you the favor without question, people who would be there for you if you just called them.

However, the truth is that you don’t know how to do things the other way around. For as long as you can remember, you’ve been self-sufficient and you simply don’t know how to ask for help.

On the other hand, many see you as a loner, due to your independence but that is far from the truth. You love being around people but you won’t hang out with just anyone in order to escape your solitude.

Only the chosen ones have access to your life and to the real you.

9. Emotional

You’ve spent most of your life trying to convince people that you’re not one of the emotional astrological signs.

You’re cold, you don’t let things bug you and other people’s concerns or opinions cannot impact you in any way whatsoever.

At least this is what you would like everyone to think about you and in fact, you’ve done a really good job with this, as most people really do perceive you this way.

However, the point is that this couldn’t be further from the truth. Whether you like it or not, you’re actually an extremely emotional and even highly sensitive person.

Nevertheless, the problem is that you have a bad habit of repressing your emotions. You don’t only hide this Virgo personality trait from everyone around you, you do the same thing to yourself as well.

You bury the emotions you don’t like deep inside of you until sooner or later, they have to find their way to the surface.

10. Calculated

Despite your emotional side, all astrologers will tell you that you’re grounded by your earth element. Therefore, you’re deeply rooted in the material world and your brain governs your life.

Those who don’t know you very well will accuse you of being cold-hearted but the fact is that you’re just overly careful.

Belonging to this sun sign, you think things through before acting on them, which saves you from a lot of misery.

You’re not impulsive when it comes to important life decisions. Instead, you’re patient enough to take your time before coming to a final conclusion.

At the end of the day, you’re actually stronger than most people, so unlike them, you have the ability to disregard your emotions and not allow them to lead you into despair.

When you’re perfectly aware that something or someone is wrong for you, you’ll walk away, despite your heart’s desires. Only rarely can people do this and it is something many admire you for.

Negative Virgo traits

1. Perfectionist

When someone hears the words Virgo zodiac sign, the first thing they probably think of is perfectionism. In fact, almost every Virgo horoscope or tarot reading will point to this as your number one negative trait.

Whether you like to admit it or not, this really is the number one disadvantage of your character.

You have trouble admitting that there is no such thing as perfection and you can’t accept the fact that you have your own set of flaws.

Instead, you spend your entire life working on them and trying to erase them. Well, newsflash; despite all of your efforts, some of them will always remain because they are a part of you.

However, what is even more troubling is that you ask too much from the people around you. You expect them to be perfect as well, which is utterly impossible.

2. Stubborn

Having a Virgo personality must mean that you’re always right. You’re the one who knows best and the one whose decisions are never wrong.

Well, wouldn’t we all like to be like that? However, this couldn’t be further from the truth.

The problem is that you refuse to accept this. You never admit that you’re wrong and your stubbornness destroys your relationships with others.

In fact, sometimes it has a negative impact on your own relationship with yourself.

It often happens that you keep pushing yourself toward something you no longer want just because you refuse to give up.

Even when deep down, you know that you’ve made a mistake, you wouldn’t admit it out loud in a million years. Instead, you will keep on defending your attitudes and you will never stand down.

3. Overthinker

Your mind is your strongest weapon, there is no doubt about that. However, since your star sign is Virgo, sometimes it works against you.

You have a strong desire to keep everything under control and to pull all the strings and in order to achieve this, it’s necessary to have all the data, so you have to know every single detail regarding a certain situation.

You have to think of all the possible outcomes and consequences, right?

You think you need to analyze every step of the way. You think you have to dissect the past, the present and the potential future.

Well, you’re wrong! This kind of attitude has caused your problem of overthinking. Trust me, you have this issue. After all, you’re a Virgo, aren’t you?

4. People pleaser

Let’s be real; this is probably the last thing someone would characterize you as, besides being overly emotional. However, the truth is that you’re a people pleaser, which is definitely a negative trait.

If your Venus is in Virgo, you care about what others think of you and deep down, you feel unworthy. Most of all, you do everything in your power to get praise and compliments from others.

5. Critical

This one comes hand in hand with perfectionism. You’re overly critical of yourself and to others, which is not good for your mental health or for your relationships.

I know that you mean well. You want to push everyone around you in the right direction.

You’re just trying to inspire them to become the best possible versions of themselves. Nevertheless, you’re choosing the wrong way to do so.

In fact, in most cases, you’ll actually get a counterproductive effect. Nobody likes to be criticized all the time and after a while, people will start accusing you of being a nag. And you know what? They wouldn’t be so wrong.

6. Overly picky

It doesn’t matter whether we’re talking about potential relationship partners, friends, your choice of work or your outfit; you’re overly picky about all of these.

Naturally, this is all a consequence of your perfectionism and overthinking practices.

Don’t misunderstand me; it’s great that you have high standards. In fact, you shouldn’t lower them for anyone’s sake. However, that doesn’t mean that you should spend a lifetime being too demanding.

Just for once, try relaxing and pick what your intuition tells you to choose. I’m not saying that it will work out for the best but I promise you that you’ll be proud of yourself for at least trying to get rid of this nasty habit.

7. Uptight

You’re anything but approachable. There is actually nothing wrong with this, it’s just that you don’t let many people come too near you.

Every Virgo loves their privacy. However, there is a difference between being emotionally distant with strangers and being uptight.

I hate to be the one to break it to you but this way, it looks like you consider yourself to be better than everyone else.

Stop worrying this much about the impression you’re leaving and just enjoy your day. From time to time, try giving someone new a chance and see where it takes you; maybe they’ll surprise you.

8. Skeptical

Let’s be honest; you doubt everyone and everything, similar to all Virgo people out there. You’re a skeptic and have a hard time believing people.

I know that this is nothing but your defense mechanism. You are smart enough not to allow yourself to get your hopes up about something that might fail.

You don’t consider yourself a pessimistic or optimistic person and instead, you think that you’re just a realist but actually, your biggest problem is that you don’t believe in the good in people.

You always expect someone to hurt you or do you harm.

You have no faith in humanity so even if someone treats you nicely, you wonder if there is a hidden agenda behind all of it.

9. Bossy

You’re an alpha Virgo woman or Virgo man. You are a leader and you expect everyone else to follow you.

I know that you want to get the job done and not only that but you’re probably the only one who knows how it’s done the right way. Or is it your way?

However, it’s about time that you accept that you can’t control everyone’s life. Every Virgo horoscope or tarot reading will tell you that you’re overly bossy and want everything to go your way, which is impossible.

You have to learn to be a part of a team and learn to compromise with others.

10. Manipulative

I hate to be the one to break it to you but guess what? You’re one of the most manipulative signs of the zodiac. You have a way of changing people’s minds and sometimes, you do it in a sneaky way.

This doesn’t necessarily make you a bad person but it is definitely not an appealing trait. The source of your desire for manipulation is your desire for control and once you let go of one, the other will follow.

Male Virgo Traits

We’re talking about a hardworking and highly intelligent man here. One of those men who has precise goals and dreams for the future, and won’t stop till they make them true.

Reliability is the trait that most people appreciate about men born under this sun sign. They’re responsible men… men of their words who will keep their promises no matter what. This trait also makes them good relationship/marriage material.

These males appreciate their independence and freedom. They don’t have a problem with committing to a woman, but they need someone who’ll understand their need for personal space and time.

They’re quiet and pretty closed up. It takes time to make a Virgo guy open up to you because the fact is that men belonging to this horoscope sign are struggling with trust issues.

The biggest, let’s say, flaw of a Virgo man is being a workaholic. He sometimes sacrifices his personal life and prioritizes career and work over it, and that deeply affects all of his relationships.

Female Virgo Traits

Women who are born under the sign of Virgo are true alpha females. They’re ambitious, hardworking, realistic, determined, blunt, and fearless. In a word, they’re total badasses.

They know exactly what they want, and their persistent and determined nature doesn’t allow them to ever quit on their goals. As a matter of fact, most men are afraid to even approach them.

That’s probably a reason why they may struggle with finding love, while their social and professional life will be fantastic.

The fact is that Virgo women may seem arrogant and pretty self-centered at first, but once you get to know them, you’ll discover their true nature. You’ll see how gentle, nurturing, and warm they truly are.

They prefer long-term commitments because they don’t have time for casual relationships or hookups. They need someone who is there to stay forever and who will be able to keep up with them.

They’re impatient, and they get angry easily. As a matter of fact, their bad temper is probably their worst trait. However, science says that short-tempered women have higher IQs, and

Virgo females are the best proof of that.

See also: 85+ Virgo Tattoo Designs And Ideas For Women (With Meanings)

Virgo Rising Sign

People born with a rising Virgo have a trustworthy and reliable personality, and that’s exactly how other people see them.

They generally make friends easily because people admire their ambition and willingness to be of service to others.

We can’t call them hypercritical, but they’re definitely close to it, and that’s a trait that people hate the most. Others like to come to them when they need advice, but a Virgo’s criticizing nature almost immediately makes them regret it.

They rely only on themselves, and their life motto is: “I know what I want and I’m gonna get it.” They see this world as an incredibly tough and challenging journey where you’ll harvest only those things you have planted.

Virgo Moon Sign

Those who have the Moon in Virgo are emotionally closed-off peeps. They evade talking about their feelings because they don’t feel emotionally safe to open up to someone.

Unfortunately, that is a huge barrier when it comes to their social and love life. Their loved ones think that they’re more likely to win the lottery than to make them open up.

You’ll rarely (almost never) hear a moon Virgo say, ‘I love you’, but they’ll definitely try hard to show it to you. So, when it comes to expressing their feelings, their behavior speaks more truth than their words do.

Virgo Compatibility earth signs, fire sign, air signs

Who is Virgo compatible with? Who should Virgo marry and who is their worst match? 

Other earth signs as well as water signs are usually their soulmates, but they can be fairly compatible with fire signs, even some air signs.

VIRGO AND ARIES – Medium/high compatibility

VIRGO AND TAURUS – High compatibility

VIRGO AND GEMINI – Medium compatibility

VIRGO AND CANCER – High compatibility

VIRGO AND LEO – Medium compatibility

VIRGO AND VIRGO – Medium/high compatibility

VIRGO AND LIBRA – Low/medium compatibility

VIRGO AND SCORPIO – High compatibility

VIRGO AND SAGITTARIUS – Medium compatibility

VIRGO AND CAPRICORN – High ccompatibility

VIRGO AND AQUARIUS – Medium compatibility

VIRGO AND PISCES – Medium/high compatibility


What are Virgo’s habits?

Well, people born under this sun sign are creatures of habit. Basically, they have some everyday routines and unique habits. These peeps really enjoy their comfort zone and a sense of familiarity.

However, there are some habits that almost all Virgos have in common. They create a daily schedule and try to stick to it no matter what, and they’re punctual at everything they do. These are the good ones, I guess. ?

They also have some habits that most people find annoying. They’re definitely the most irritating nit-pickers, and they tend to give unsolicited advice often. Actually, a bit too often. ?

What are Virgo’s weaknesses?

To be honest, this earth sign is far from perfect, like we all indeed are. They have their flaws and weaknesses, but that doesn’t mean they’re weak or bad people at all.

In my opinion, their perfectionist nature is their biggest imperfection. It simply makes them think less of themselves and criticize themselves more. It also makes them struggle with many negative feelings, and it harms their mental health.

Besides that, stubbornness is another one of their flaws that really makes it difficult for them to maintain relationships with other people.

Who should a Virgo marry?

When it comes to their marriage compatibility, Taurus and Cancer are definitely their most compatible matches. This sun sign needs a partner who is reliable, smart, and willing to commit – and those are the main traits of Taurus and Cancer zodiac signs.

Virgo will be intensely attracted to Taurus’s stability and intelligence, while the emotional and loyal nature of Cancerians will make them fall in love with them instantly.

What makes a Virgo happy?

This is a star sign who favors and appreciates structure, routine, and order. Therefore, punctuality, predictability, and integrity are the things that make them happy.

The fact is that most Virgos struggle with Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD) because of their perfectionist nature. Hence, a clean and tidy environment is also one of the things that can make people born under this zodiac sign truly happy.

All In All

Since you’re a perfectionist, please don’t concentrate so much on your negative Virgo traits.

Trust me, there are many more qualities that you possess.

After all, remember that you’re a human being and you’re allowed to have your set of imperfections, just like the rest of us.