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16 Obvious Signs Your Male Friend Has Feelings For You

16 Obvious Signs Your Male Friend Has Feelings For You

This has been bugging you for a while and now you’re at that point where you need to check for signs your male friend has feelings for you. I know exactly what you’re talking about- I’ve been there.

I know what you’re thinking: What if I’m overreacting? What if he’s just being nice?

After being close friends for so long, you’re not sure if all those little things he does mean something more or he’s just being polite.

RIGHT HERE you can learn everything there is to know about the way men approach relationships. This course will be your little magical helper in getting him to pull you closer than ever.

Crossing the friend zone can be scary, especially when there are so many risk factors on the side.

For example, he already knows all your secrets and you share mutual friends. If something goes wrong, that might be a disaster.

After all, he is the person who knows all of you – and not just the good parts. He might even be your best friend.

So, does he really want to be with you or are you catching the wrong vibe? 

If you already suspect that your male friend is into you, there is nothing else to do but try to flirt back and see where it goes- that is, if you want the same thing.

But before you do that, you need to make sure you’re not just seeing things that aren’t there.

Still, it’s important you know that there IS a way to get any man to want you. All you have to do is be a woman every man adores

Undeniable Signs Your Male Friends Has Feelings For You

Although every friendship is different, there are some universal signs your male friend has feelings for you but is too shy to show it openly.

I’ll be honest with you: these subtle signs are not always so easy to notice. After all, you’ve been close to this guy for so long and you can’t be sure whether he’s trying to cross the line of your friendship or not. 

Trying to get to the bottom of your friend’s intentions is much more difficult than answering the question of how to tell if a guy likes you. Let’s look at things this way: If a random guy hugs you, that’s usually proof enough that he is trying to make a move on you. 

But what if your friend hugs you? That doesn’t have to mean anything, right? How can you differentiate between him expressing friendly love and romantic interest?

Well, just look at these signs and everything will become crystal clear.  


You had one of those intense moments

There are some things you can’t seem to put into words, as much as you try doing so. There are times when you just KNOW that something is true, even though you lack material evidence to prove it. 

This is the case with you and your male BFF. When you come to think of it, you can remember the exact second you started doubting his feelings. 

Whether both of you want to admit it or not but the truth is that you had one of those moments: I’m talking about a moment similar to those you’ve seen in the movies.

For a split second, it seemed like the Earth stopped spinning. It all went down in slow motion and right then, both of you knew. 

He didn’t say a single word and neither did you but everything was obvious. All of a sudden, you started looking at him differently, certain that he feels the same way. 

This sort of thing usually happens on days when you spend a lot of time together.

You have those spontaneous intimate moments when you both feel like there’s something in the air but none of you says or does anything.

Maybe you had a long meaningful conversation and feelings started showing up.

Maybe you were sitting just a little too close and felt like something was pulling you to get even closer.

Trust your intuition. If you feel like something’s there, it probably is. Your guy best friend is falling in love with you.

Your brains might be telling you that you’re imagining things (because let’s face it, there is actually nothing specific you can hold on to). Yes, practically nothing happened but deep down your heart knows the truth- more than enough happened. 

The way he looks at you speaks louder than words

They say that the eyes are the windows to the soul and they are right. Eyes never lie, don’t forget that! Well, that’s the first thing you should pay attention to when you’re trying to read through someone’s intentions.

If your friend of the opposite sex has deeper romantic feelings for you, he might be scared of his emotions.

He will probably try to hide his emotions because he is too afraid of your reaction or simply doesn’t have the courage to talk to you about his feelings. He is not ready to take the risk of losing you as a friend if you reject him as a lover.  

But despite the fact that he doesn’t verbalize his emotions, his eyes will always tell you the truth- whether he likes it or not. After all, as much as he tries, he can’t hide his look and everything it is telling you. 

There are two possible scenarios when it comes to eye contact.

The first is that he will avoid looking at you straight in the eyes. If this is the case, it’s obvious that he’s too shy and afraid you’ll see right through his feelings, and he’s not ready for your reaction.

If you pay closer attention, you’ll notice that this man does everything in his power not to look in your direction. Even when you look at him, he looks away- as if he is hiding something.

When you two are talking about something serious, you get the impression that he’s not even listening to you because his eyes wander all over the room. But you can’t help but notice that he never keeps them on you. 

Nevertheless, things haven’t been like this from the start. It’s pretty obvious that he didn’t have all of these feelings for you from the beginning. Instead, he started looking away once he grew to love you or once he became aware of that.  

Also, he is not like this with other people. If you observe his behavior closely, you’ll see that he has no problem looking at others directly in the eyes. 

Having all of this in mind, it’s obvious that he’s not shy in front of everyone- he only gets like that in your presence. Shouldn’t that fact alone be enough for you to put two and two together?  

On the other hand, there is a possibility that he does something completely opposite. It is also likely that he’ll constantly try to make prolonged eye contact and that he’ll stare at you whenever you are not looking.

In this case, everything is pretty clear- this man can’t have enough of you. He has no chance to touch you or to kiss you so the only thing he’s got left is to look at you. 

He looks you deep in the eyes whenever your eyes lock. You know, with that deep, piercing look that’s hard to ignore.

This shows that he is so in love with you that he simply can’t control his gaze. It’s probable that he is doing it unknowingly- it’s just the urge he has. It’s like something is drawing him to you, like a magnet.  

Another reason he looks at you is that he’s trying to read something from your eyes. He’s trying to find out if you share his feelings in the way you look back at him. 

Maybe he wants you to notice. Maybe he has no courage to make the first move and hopes that you’ll do it for him. He prays that you take the hint and save him from his misery. In that case, his look is nothing but an invitation. 

Either way, these are all clear signs that this guy likes you more than a friend and wants something more.

He wants to be physically close to you

When a man is in love, he has a hard time containing himself. In other words, he will have the urge to be close to you and make any sort of contact.

An obvious sign that your guy friend has a crush on you is the body language signals he sends you. We’ve already established that most men in this and similar situations will send you non-verbal signs instead of telling you how they feel straightforwardly. 

One of the first signs your male friend has feelings for you is his “accidental” touches. Don’t get me wrong- I’m not talking about anything appropriate here. 

I’m not saying that this guy won’t respect your boundaries or will invade your personal space, but he’ll definitely have an uncontrollable urge to make some kind of physical contact.

For example, think about if he ever misses a chance to kiss you on the cheek? What makes a man want to kiss a woman? Well, the answer is simple: He totally likes you.

Does he always hold you in his arms for a little longer than normal when you two hug? Now, that’s a big sign he’s crushing on you!

Watch out for more subtle signs too, for example, the way he plays around with you or teases you. 

Does he grab you by your waist every time he is passing by? Does he hold your hand when he’s explaining something? Does he rub your knee when he’s telling a joke and laughing? Does he touch your waist in a subtle and sensual manner? It all stems from his need to feel you close.

If he does all of these things, the physical attraction is obviously there.

Also, whenever you are with a group of people, he will always sit or stand next to you just so he can be closer to you.

Whenever he talks to you, he won’t miss the opportunity to touch you, even if that means just touching your hand or shoulder, putting his hand on your knee, or moving hair from your face.

Besides, he will always lean in close whenever he gets the chance, especially when you two talk. In fact, sometimes you’ll get the impression that he’s one step away from kissing you.

But the fact is that he always steps back in the exact moment when he should make an actual move. All of a sudden, he moves away, as if nothing happened, and of course, that leaves you confused. 

He’s protective over you

When a man loves a woman in any way, he will always have the urge to protect her, and your friends are no exception.

When a man considers you his true, loyal friend, he’ll treat you like a little sister and there is nothing unusual about that.

But if this guy goes out of his way to show you his protective side, it’s a dead giveaway that he wants you to see him as more masculine and therefore more attractive. He is giving you an opportunity to be fragile in front of him.

Basically, he’s telling you that, as long as you have him, nothing bad could ever happen to you. He’s there to take care of you and to keep you safe, no matter what.

This guy has a natural urge to protect you because of his feelings for you- there is no doubt about that.

He wants you to see him as more than a good friend. He wants you to see him as a man who can take care of you, as the man you can rely on in the middle of the night and he wants to become the first one you call whenever you’re in trouble. 

No matter how strong and independent of a woman you actually are, if a guy is in love with you, he sees you as this vulnerable little creature who he wants to protect at all costs.

Of course, he doesn’t mean to undermine you. Instead, he wants you to see him as someone you can count on and who can make you feel safe.

Whenever someone hurts you, he’s the first one to react and try to do something to make things right.

Whenever you argue with someone else, this guy always takes your side and defends you. He always makes sure you get home safe and offers to go with you to places you don’t feel comfortable at.

It’s actually the little things he does that show his great affection. It’s the way he walks you to the front door, checks up on you when you’re sick, and makes sure all of your needs are met. 

On top of it all, he does all of this without you even asking him to.

This guy is the first person who shows up to wipe away your tears and to put a smile back on your face. When you come to think of it, he acts like your own personal soft cushion- always there to catch you when you fall and to glue you back together when you break into pieces. 

Regardless of the feelings you have (or don’t have) for him, appreciate his presence in your life. Most importantly- don’t ever think of taking advantage of him and his kindness.

People around you notice that something is going on

Sometimes things are far more obvious when you look at them from the outside. Both of you are caught up in your own feelings, doubts, and thoughts, but people around you can see things clearly.

On the other hand, people around you are way more objective since they have a wider perspective on things. They’re not emotionally involved in this entire story so they can see things clearly, unlike you.

Maybe you refuse to admit the truth to yourself. Or you’re not even aware of everything that’s going on. Maybe you keep on lying to yourself and have trouble accepting the facts. 

Either way, if any of your friends felt the need to comment on your friend’s behavior in a way that they suggest there’s something more than friendship between you two, take that comment seriously.  

Trust me- they’re not imagining things, so don’t ignore their remarks. Instead, take them into consideration and start paying more attention to your “friendship”. 

Related: How To Tell If A Man Is Attracted To You?

Your needs are important to him

One thing that can help you see if your male BFF is emotionally attached to you is the way he takes care of your needs.

If this guy sees you as more than just a friend, he’ll rarely be selfish or self-centered. Instead, he will always take care of you and your needs, even prioritizing them before his own.

He will surprise you out of nowhere with the things you love. 

For example, he’ll take you out for a spontaneous lunch at your favorite place, or surprise you with little gifts.

This guy will make sure you are always okay and not missing anything.

One of the biggest signs that a friend likes you are the little things; for instance, the way he cares about if you’ve gotten enough sleep or if you are hungry or tired. In short, he cares for your well-being and that means a lot.

It comes from genuine emotion. He is not doing it to manipulate you into falling in love with him. He’s not acting this way because he pretends he is some nice guy you must give a chance to. 

In fact, most of the time, he’s not even aware that he’s putting your well-being first. He does it completely unconsciously, out of the simple need to make you feel good. 

The truth is that this man always puts you first, no matter what. 

He’s never too busy to come running when you need him, never too tired to see you and you never bore him with your endless stories. 

Your happiness is his number one priority. He can’t be content if you’re down and he does everything in his power to make you feel better when you’re feeling blue. 

Of course, it is normal for your male and female friends to take care of you to a certain point, but if your friend is in love with you, he’ll be different. It will be pretty obvious that he treats you better than anyone else has ever treated you.

He’ll be more involved and interested in your daily routine, and curious about your free time.

One of the most important things is that he’ll go out of his way to make you feel comfortable around him because he cares about your feelings. This man will literally spoil you and next to him, you’ll feel like a real-life Princess. 

He simply wants to please you but knows he can’t do it as your boyfriend, so he gives you these little tokens of affection to prove his love to you.

Every word that comes out of your mouth lands in his ears

Men aren’t known for being the best listeners. Sometimes it seems like they don’t listen to a single thing you say.

But one of the signs your guy friend is falling for you is the fact that he really listens to you.

This guy is genuinely interested in everything you have to say. Even when you’re talking about clothes or makeup, which most men don’t care about, he becomes all ears. 

At first, you wonder how he can be so attentive and you assume this is just a part of his character. Nevertheless, as you look at things closer, you see that he is not like that towards everyone else.

Instead, it appears that he only cares about what you have to say. 

You never catch him watching a game or texting while you’re trying to talk to him about something that matters to you. And that’s a good sign of a high-quality man right there.

But I’m not talking about the important things here. He pays attention to the smallest details, as well.

Although he’s your friend, which probably means that he knows a lot about you, he wants to get to know you even better, so he could approach you easier in a romantic sense and push things to the next level.

But even if he doesn’t plan to act on his feelings, it is obvious that he really finds you interesting and amusing. 

To be exact, he is enchanted by everything you say or do. You fascinate him by just being you and he can’t hide that. 

He always initiates contact

Friends message each other all the time, so getting a text or a direct message from your buddy of the opposite sex isn’t that unusual. 

However, if he often initiates contact and communication, sends you good morning and good night texts, he is definitely secretly in love with you.

When was the last time your girl bestie wished you a good morning like that? Exactly, friends don’t do that. Crushes do.

He keeps in touch with everything that goes on in your life, and you can’t think when the last time was that you didn’t hear from him.

It is obvious that he has the need to talk to you on a daily basis, and that is rarely something friends do. In fact, it seems that his day is completely ruined if he doesn’t hear from you. 

But this is not the only reason for him messaging and calling you so frequently. He also wants to become a part of your life, so you’d get used to him and possibly grow romantic feelings for him. 

Nevertheless, this is not the only type of contact this man initiates. In fact, whenever the two of you hang out, he is the one who initiates these get-togethers.

Even if he doesn’t have a valid reason to call you or see you, he will find some excuse to do so. 

How many times has he accidentally passed your apartment and asked you to go out? How many times have you bumped into him at your favorite coffee shop? 

That’s right- it has happened more times than you can count. Well, newsflash: it was never a coincidence. He’s been doing it all on purpose, just to see you.

But if none of these things work out, this guy will call you just to see what you’ve been up to because he obviously can’t control the urge to hear your voice.

He opens up to you

Most men don’t open up to just anyone, and your male friends are no exception. You know how most guys are.

They want everyone around them to see them as tough, macho guys that can’t be easily hurt. So, in most cases, they build a thick and high wall that keeps all of their feelings inside. 

For them, emotions equal weakness. And they’re ready to do whatever it takes to keep their vulnerabilities away from the rest of the world. 

Of course, if you and your guy friend are extremely close, he will occasionally mention some things that are bothering him. But he’ll rarely go into any details and open up his soul to you.

Nevertheless, if your friend loves you as a woman and appreciates and respects you as the great friend you are, it is certain that he thinks you’re girlfriend material.

He values your opinion. You can see that in a way he asks for your advice and guidance. He doesn’t have trouble opening up to you completely and showing you his fragile side. 

These are definite signs that you are special to him. Besides, he obviously wants to see where you stand on certain topics in life, and he gladly discusses them with you.

This man wants to determine if the two of you are compatible enough before he does something about his feelings and tries to start a romantic relationship with you.

He’s secretive about his love life

Despite the fact that your guy friend likes you, this probably won’t prevent him from having an active romantic life. Come one, let’s face it- you can’t expect him to put his life on hold until you see the truth.

Maybe he is trying his best to get over you and that’s why he’s searching for comfort in other women. Either way, this is not something you should hold against him or see as proof that he’s not into you. 

Let’s not forget that you two are not in a relationship and that you’re just friends, so he has all the right to do whatever he wants with his life. 

However, whenever the topic of his romantic life comes up with you around, he becomes suspiciously secretive. Naturally, you can’t help but wonder why. 

One of the possibilities is that he opens up to you about everything except for his romances.

You’ve been friends with this guy for ages, but somehow you don’t know anything about his love or intimate life.

You don’t know if he’s ever had a serious relationship, and you’ve never met his girlfriend. It’s like he never considered any of his GFs important enough to introduce them to you.  

If this is the case, it is possible that he really has been single for all this time because his love for you is so deep that he simply can’t imagine himself with anyone besides you. 

After all, it might be possible that he really is sitting patiently, waiting for you to see him as boyfriend material. 

He can’t seek dating advice from the one woman he actually wants to date.

But what is even more likely is that he intentionally refuses to talk about his relationships because he feels embarrassed and uncomfortable talking about it with the woman he loves. 

He thinks that you’ll see right through him and that you’ll realize he is only searching for you in every woman he encounters.

On the flip side, he might talk about his one night stands and relationships in front of you on purpose. 

If he does this excessively, it is obvious that he wants to see your reaction.  This guy hopes he’ll provoke you and that you’ll show your jealous side.

He may think that you are not aware of your romantic feelings for him, so he wants you to realize that you love him, once you see you might lose him.

So, how exactly can you know whether he is confiding in you about his relationships because he sees you as just a friend or he is talking to you about his romantic experiences to make you jealous?

Well, first of all, you have to pay attention to the way he does it. Does he brag about his affairs?

Does he keep on showing you photos of him and his new GF all the time? Does he keep on posting their every move all over his social media profiles?

Does it appear like he’s rubbing his relationship at your nose? If the answer is yes, everything is more than clear. 

Besides, whenever he talks about the girls he is seeing, he somehow finds a way to compare them with you, even indirectly.

He doesn’t say it straightforwardly, but when he tells you the things that bother him about his GFs, those are always the things they don’t have but you do.

No matter what, somehow, he always finds a way to elevate you above each one of his partners. Even when he’s making you jealous, he wants you to know that he would choose you as his girlfriend over them any time. 

Your love life bugs him

While it’s possible that the friend who’s in love with you doesn’t talk to you about his relationships, the situation is completely different when it comes to you.

One of the signs your male friend has feelings for you is his huge interest in your love life.

Although it is quite normal for your friends to be interested in the people you are seeing, when it comes to your male friends, they will never be that concerned about your romances.

For them, it will be enough to know who you’re dating. They certainly won’t be asking you a lot about your relationships if you don’t ask for their advice. 

Unless they see you as more than a friend.

Therefore, if your guy friend is in love with you, he’ll want to know all the details of your dates and everything there is to know about the guys you went on those dates with.

He probably thinks he’ll be in more control of things if he finds out about everything right from the start.

Whenever you are seeing someone new, this guy tries to find out whatever he can about him on social media.

He indirectly criticizes the other guy, telling you all about his flaws. Of course, at the same time, he makes sure you realize he would be the better choice for you. 

And whenever you break up with someone, he is there to comfort you, but you see that he is secretly happy about it.

This man always tells you that you deserve better, that you deserve someone who loves you more than the guy you’re seeing at the time.

But what he never tells you that he is actually referring to himself and his qualities when he talks of this imaginary better guy that you deserve.

If your friend behaves like this, there is no doubt that he is deeply in love with you, and he is obviously jealous, despite his best attempts to hide it.

On the other hand, there is a possibility that this man refuses to know anything about your romantic life. Isn’t that strange? 

He knows literally everything about you and is always there to listen to you about every little silly thing except your love life.

It’s not that he just doesn’t ask you about it- he seems totally disinterested when you talk about it as well. Whenever you bring the subject up, he ignores it and changes the topic in a split of a second.

This guy has never met any of your boyfriends, even though you might have asked him to. It’s like he always finds some kind of an excuse to avoid this encounter. Even when you were bringing your exes to your group get-togethers, he never showed up.

If this is the case, you’re dealing with a real emotional guy. He can’t stand the fact that someone else might have you while he loves you so deeply.

It’s pretty obvious that he doesn’t have the strength to face the truth. Instead, he chose to ignore it and pretend that your romantic life doesn’t exist. 

If he can’t have you, he’ll at least spare himself the pain of watching you with another man (or hearing about it).

It’s all in those little details about you that he notices

Men are not particularly interested in details; they’re big picture-oriented. That’s why they keep forgetting anniversaries and birthdays.

That is especially the case with your male friends. It doesn’t mean they don’t care about you if they happen to forget about your birthday or the name of your favorite band.

They simply don’t find these things as relevant as we do and don’t store them as carefully as we do.

But if one of your male friends is interested in you romantically, he will act way differently.

You are obviously more than important to him, so he finds everything connected to you important.

He will remember every detail regarding you and know some things about you that even you don’t know yourself.

He will memorize all your preferences, your favorite movies, music, food, etc., and try to implement those in your relationship. 

This is the man who knows what’s your favorite ice-cream flavor, your childhood pet’s name and the man who never forgets dates that are important to you. This guy will notice the slightest change in your hairstyle and he’ll know exactly what’s going through your mind just by the way you’re messaging him. 

This doesn’t mean he is a creep or a stalker. It just means that he pays very good attention to everything that has to do with you.

He will always be the first to wish you a happy birthday or tell you that your favorite actor is starring in a new movie.

This guy will notice even the slightest changes in your appearance or behavior.

He knows you to the core, so he’ll always see when you’re feeling down or something is wrong, without you even telling him.

There’s no hand as helping as his

Friends are here to help us. At least, that’s how real friends should act. 

Nevertheless, this guy stands out. He puts so much effort into helping you out with everything in your life that you’ve started seeing him as your partner, not just as a friend.

This guy is there for all the things a boyfriend would usually do for you.

If you need help moving out, someone to do small chores around the house, or something to be fixed, he is always there for you. And with time, you’ve gotten used to having him around.

If you have a flat tire or you just need a lift, he is the first person you call.

Although it’s possible that he is just being friendly and polite, if your male friend goes out of his way to help you and resolve every little inconvenience you might find yourself in, it is likely that he is in love with you.

This is especially true if he puts you in front of himself, like a real gentleman. Yes, a true friend will help you out but he won’t leave everyone and everything behind the moment you buzz him.

On the other hand, this is exactly what this guy has been doing all along. When you tell him to jump, he asks you how high. 

He has the urge to help you whenever he has the chance, and he also wants to present himself as a  reliable man who you can always count on.

He showers you with compliments

When a guy is in love with you, he sees you as the most attractive, intelligent, and interesting woman in the world. I’m not saying that you’re not a high-quality woman – I’m only referring to the fact that this man thinks that you’re the best girl ever. 

Naturally, he has the urge to tell you this. Even though he can’t exactly spill his heart out on the table, he’s never shy to compliment you and tell you about the things he finds beautiful about you.

It’s sort of endearing and you’re never sure if he tells you that to make you feel better or he really means it.

He’s extremely supportive of the things you do and always has something inspiring to say to keep you motivated.

Every time you feel insecure about something, he finds a way to show you a different perspective and make you feel better about whatever you’re struggling with.

My advice? Quit being so insecure and trust him when he says that something about you is beautiful.

He’s always there for you

Besides always helping you out in life, if your guy friend has romantic feelings for you, he will also provide you with comfort.

This man will never be too busy to hear you out and help you deal with your problems. He will never be happy if you are going through some trouble.

This guy is the first person you call whenever you’re feeling down, and he’ll never pass up the opportunity to be the shoulder you cry on.

He will be there to hold your hand through life and give you some advice whenever you need it.

When you call him, he’ll leave everyone and everything he’s been doing behind just to be there for you.

Of course, a real friend won’t be by your side just when everything is going great, but also when things get rough, and all of this can mean that he is just being a real friend.

But it is quite likely that this guy actually goes out of his way to be your rock in life, so you would see him as a strong man and as a reliable person who will never leave your side.

He is your greatest support in life – someone who pushes you forward on every occasion.

It’s obvious that he treats you differently than his other friends

One of the most obvious signs your male friend has feelings for you is the fact that he doesn’t treat you like he does all of his other friends.

You two probably spend time with a large group of friends, but somehow you know that you are special to him. And he doesn’t even try hard to hide it either.

You are always the first one he calls, he always sits next to you, and you feel like he addresses you when he talks to everybody. Whenever he makes a joke, he looks at you, waiting for you to laugh at it, as if asking for your approval.

These are all obvious body language signs that he likes you.

He values your opinion more than anyone else’s, and he always pays extra attention to you.

Although it could be that the two of you are best friends and closer to each other than to everyone else in the group, it is probable that this is just his excuse.

This guy doesn’t know how to get closer to you, and he probably doesn’t think he treats you differently, but the fact is that everyone notices it.

Even his and your friends joke about you two being a couple and treat you that way.

If his friends do it, it is also possible that he’s been telling them about the way he feels about you, so they are just trying to see your reaction.

Whenever this happens, he smiles, and it is apparent that people seeing you two as a couple doesn’t bother him at all.

In fact, it seems that he enjoys it very much, and that makes his romantic feelings for you more than obvious.

Of course, you’re not his only female friend. He hangs out with many other girls but he doesn’t treat any of them the way he treats you.

Everyone sees this difference and so do you, whether you want to admit it or not.  

How Do You Tell If A Male Friend Has Feelings For You?

If you’re wondering whether your friend wants something more with you, the first thing you should pay close attention to is the way he behaves when you two hang out. The guy who likes you will look at you in a special way, he will put a lot of effort into making you smile and your happiness will come as a priority.

Of course, this is what good friends do for each other. Nevertheless, with him everything will be different. He’ll be jealous of every boyfriend you have (including the guys you like or the ones who hit on you) and he’ll go out of his way to make you feel safe and loved. 

Besides, all you have to do is check out all of the tell-tale signs mentioned above. If you can relate him to most of them- there is no doubt about a thing- this guy has a crush on you

How Do You Know If A Guy Friend Secretly Likes You?

The best way to know if a guy wants to escape the friendzone is by comparing his behavior to the way all of your other male friends treat you. If he likes you- he’ll send you subtle signs of his emotions- you just have to look closely. 

Have in mind that the last thing this guy wants is to ruin your friendship. He is scared of coming clean about his emotions because that way, he’s undertaking the risk of losing you completely.

As long as he keeps his feelings for himself, at least he has you as a friend. But if he confesses everything and if you don’t love him back, your entire relationship will become awkward, to say the least.

He is convinced that you’ll distance yourself from him and that’s the risk he’s not willing to take. Basically, for him, it’s better safe than sorry.

Final Thoughts

All the signs your male friend has feelings for you add up and there is no doubt about one thing: this man is head over heels over you. In that case, the steering wheel is in your hands.

That means that everything is up to you. Do you see him as boyfriend material? Can you picture the two of you as a couple? Most importantly: do you feel the same way about him?

If the answers to all of these questions are positive, ask yourself: “Is your potential relationship worth your friendship?”

Don’t get me wrong- I’m not saying that you two can’t make it. In fact, a romance born after a friendship has the most chance of becoming a healthy and long-term one.

But please, be sure about what you’re doing and take this as seriously as possible. Have in mind that there is no going back to your old ways after you become a couple. 

Don’t do anything if it’s likely that you two won’t make it together. If that happens, you’ll probably lose this person forever and he’ll no longer be your boyfriend or your friend.