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155 Of The Best Tinder Pick Up Lines (+Tips And Tricks)

155 Of The Best Tinder Pick Up Lines (+Tips And Tricks)

Let’s be real; your Tinder match has heard each one of the usual icebreakers guys and girls use to start a convo.

So, if you want to stand out from the crowd, you have to make a wow first impression. For that to happen, you need a list of the best Tinder pick-up lines ever.

That’s exactly what we have in store for you. You see, when it comes to dating sites such as Tinder, you don’t have much chance to capture the other side’s attention.

The good news about dating apps is that you can’t get tongue-tied. You shouldn’t worry about getting all anxious and nervous in front of the other person.

Unlike real life, when you’re hitting on someone on Tinder, you have all the time in the world to prepare yourself.

Even if you don’t respond to their messages right away, they’ll never suspect that you’re trying to come up with a witty response.

Instead, they’ll assume that you’re too busy talking to other guys or girls and they’ll probably fight for your attention even harder.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re looking for a hookup or something serious on this dating app; if you have a boring or stupid opening line, you’re out on your first strike.

You can be the best-looking guy or girl on the planet but if you don’t have a sense of humor and if you break the ice with a simple, “Hi, what’s up?” without keeping the conversation alive and by expecting the other person to do all the work, you won’t score anything.

Well, luckily for you, you’ve come to the right place. Here you’ll find the best Tinder pick up lines for guys and girls.

75 Corny Pick Up Lines To Break The Ice

Funny Tinder pick up lines rarely work out in real life.

In fact, using these one-liners when asking someone out on a first date will probably make you look weird.

On the other hand, these Tinder conversation starters are awesome for online dating apps.

These puns and funny lines will reveal your amazing sense of humor and will knock every girl or guy off their feet.

Here is the ultimate list of the funniest Tinder openers.

1. You must be the square root of 2 because I feel irrational around you.

2. If you were a vegetable, I bet you’d be a cute-cumber.

3. Are you Mr.Freeze? If so, do you want to Netflix and chill?

4. What kind of a cringe one-liner does a person have to say around here to win the cheesy pickup line competition?

5. Are you up for some cuddling tonight? Because I’m a professional cuddler.

6. You swiped right, I swiped right, are we married now?

7. You swiped right, I swiped right, should we establish we’re not serial killers first or we can proceed to date right away?

8. Do you believe in love at first sight? Or should I say love at first swipe?

9. What’s perfect boyfriend material/ girlfriend material like me doing without your phone number?

10. Are you a bank loan? Because you certainly do have my interest.

See also: 400 Dirty Pick Up Lines (The Ultimate List)

11. Hey, you, will you be my Tinderella?/ Can I be your Tinderella?

12. Let’s play a numbers game. You give me your phone number or I give you mine?

13. On a scale of 1 to America, how free are you tonight?

14. Are you the one I’ve been looking for my entire life or does a young guy/girl like me have to continue his/her quest for his/her soulmate?

15. Are you a fan of Harry Potter? Because I bet you’ll adumbledore me when you meet me.

16. Hey, it’s time to disappear from all the dating sites because from now, you’re mine.

17. Would you mind me walking you to your place tonight? My parents always told me to follow my dreams.

18. I’d call you a bomb but then, we’d be having a lethal conversation.

19. Do you happen to have a dog? Or do I stand a chance at ever winning the ‘best ever cuddler’ title?

20. On a scale from 1 to 10, you’re a 9 and I’m the 1 you need.

21. Are you the square root of -1? Because you can’t be real!

22. Hello, I’ll be your waiter for the night. Here is the icebreaker you ordered.

23. Cheesy pick up line or a GIF war?

24. Roses are red, violets are blue, I’m free tomorrow, how about you?

25. Roses are red, violets are blue, Netflix and cuddling or a dinner for two?

26. Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet and so are you.

27. Roses are red, I’m going to bed. Want to join me?

28. Roses are red, violets are blue, you thought this was a love poem, the joke is on you.

29. Valentine’s Day is ___ months away. Seek immediate date. This is not a drill. I repeat: This is not a drill.

30. I’ve been trying to come up with a good psychological Tinder opening line but I’m aFreud I couldn’t come up with any.

See also: 305 Romantic Pick-Up Lines That Will Melt Her Heart

31. Do you like raisins? Or can I offer you a date instead?

32. Roses are red, violets are blue, I have to tell you that I’m into you.

33. Would you prefer a classic convo starter, a cheesy opening line or just a, “Hi, how are you?”

34. How much do you like me on a scale from (000)-000-000 to (999)-999-999?

35. If you were a triangle, you’d be acute one.

36. Titanic. Sorry, that was a lousy icebreaker.

37. I’m warning you: I’m about to knock you off your feet with my sense of humor. You’ll laugh so hard that I’ll have to send in an ambulance. But they’ll need your address and phone number to save you.

38. I’m having a hard time pronouncing your name. Can I call you tonight instead?

39. Yogurt. Cereal. Soup. You. These are all the things I want to spoon.

40. Forget hydrogen. You should be the number one element. Your profile just made my nerdy glasses fall off my nose!

41. Well, here I am. What are your two other wishes?

42. Congratulations! You’ve just won dinner with the smoothest girl/guy on Tinder in a restaurant of your choice. But I have to warn you: if it’s out of the country, you’re paying for the flight.

43. Are you as good at cuddling as you are good-looking? If so, when can I get a cuddle?

44. I’m not a photographer but I could picture the two of us together.

45. Do you want to know what my skin is made of? Girlfriend/boyfriend material!

46. It looks like I’ve lost my phone number. Could I get yours instead please?

47. Hi, Cupid here. Could you please give *insert your name here*’s heart back to him/her?

48. Are you a time traveler? Because I can swear I saw you in my future.

49. I could have pizza. A pizza you, to be exact.

50. Is your name Google? Because it seems that you have everything I’ve been looking for.

51. Did your license get suspended for driving every guy/girl on Tinder crazy?

52. Anyone who says that Disneyland is the happiest place in the world has clearly never visited your profile.

53. Is your profile a museum? Because you’re a true work of art.

54. Are you in the litter box? Because I’m digging you.

55. I’m terrible at flirting. So, do you like me or not?

56. I’m new in town. Could you please give me directions to your apartment?

57. Are you a magician? Because whenever I look at your profile, everyone else disappears!

58. Are you a parking ticket? Because you’re just fine.

59. What should I do to get from ‘It’s a Match!’ to ‘Come over to my place’?

60. You look like trouble! I like it.

61. It looks like it’s about to rain. Would you stand under my umbrella-ella-ella?

62. Be honest. I know that you want me, I can see it through your photo.

63. Hey, I’m doing a study about the finer things in life and I simply have to include you in it.

64. I woke up, certain that another boring day was ahead of me. But here you are.

65. Are you the moon? Because you shine, even when it’s dark.

66. Was your father a thief? Because someone definitely stole the stars and put them in your eyes.

67. It looks like something is wrong with my phone since I’m not getting any texts from you.

68. Aside from being this good-looking, what else do you do in your free time?

69. I wish I was cross-eyed so I could see your photo twice.

70. I was blinded by your beauty. I guess I’ll need your name, number, address and your insurance details.

71. You’re sweeter than 3.14.

72. It looks like something is wrong with my eyes because I can’t take them off you.

73. My life without you so far was like a broken pencil… completely pointless. Are you ready to give it some meaning?

74. You’re so handsome/beautiful/attractive that your stunning looks made me forget my pick up line. But I promise you it was awesome.

75. I usually fall for 7s but this time only, I’ll settle for a 10.

See also: 118 Charming, Funny, And Cheesy Nurse Pick Up Lines

60 Good Tinder Pick Up Lines

Some people are not into funny Tinder pick up lines.

If you’re the more serious type who wants to start a convo the good old-fashioned way, worry not because we’ve got your back.

Here are some of the best opening lines to help you break the ice with your match.

1. Game of Thrones or Harry Potter?

2. Movie in or dinner out?

3. If you could have dinner with one person, living or dead, who would it be?

4. If you met your younger self, what would you tell them?

5. How and where do you see yourself five years from now?

6. What would be your dream job if money wasn’t important?

7. What are the top three things you enjoy doing on a free weekend?

8. If you could be anywhere in the world, doing anything, where would you be and what would you be doing?

9. Tell me two truths and a lie and I’ll guess which are which.

10. Is your personality as attractive as your physical appearance?

11. If you could be someone else for a day, who would you want to be?

12. What’s your secret guilty pleasure?

13. Are you looking for a hookup or something serious?

14. If you had to watch one TV show every night for the rest of your life, which one would it be?

15. If you had a chance to meet one celebrity, who would it be?

16. Are you a dog or a cat person?

17. What’s your wildest dream?

18. Tell me three things from your bucket list.

19. What’s the best place you’ve ever visited?

20. What would your dream vacation look like?

21. Tell me one thing not many people know about you.

22. What are some of the best Tinder pick up lines you’ve ever had?

23. What is a little everyday thing that makes you happy?

24. If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you’d do?

25. If you could choose to have one talent, what would it be?

26. If you had the chance to read the book of your life, would you read the ending?

27. What’s your most important relationship deal-breaker?

28. What was the best first date you’ve ever been on?

29. What is the one thing you hate most about modern dating?

30. What did you want to become when you were growing up?

31. Tell me about the craziest adventure you’ve ever had.

32. What is your favorite character in a book?

33. What is your favorite food? :replies: Great, I know a great restaurant nearby.

34. What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

35. Who was your favorite teacher and how did they impact your life?

36. If you could choose to be one animal, which one would you be?

37. If you could live in any historical era, which one would you choose?

38. Describe to me your perfect girlfriend/boyfriend.

39. Have you ever been on a blind date? What was it like?

40. What is the best present you’ve ever been given?

41. What is your favorite childhood memory?

42. What is your biggest fear?

43. Who is the most influential person in your life?

44. What’s the best compliment you’ve ever been given?

45. If you could choose your own name, what would it be?

46. Who is your favorite superhero?

47. If you could have one superpower, what would it be?

48. Who’s your biggest hero?

49. What would you title your autobiography?

50. If you had a robot serving you, what would be the thing you’d always ask it to do?

51. What was the last thing that made you cry?

52. What was the last thing that made you smile?

53. If the roles were reversed, how would you hit on me? Give me a good Tinder pick up line.

54. Be honest, what did you like about me? Why did you swipe right?

55. What do you consider to be the ultimate romantic gesture?

56. Who do you think is the most attractive man/woman of all time?

57. How long did your longest relationship last?

58. What is your biggest motivation in life?

59. If your life was a TV show, which actor/actress would play you?

60. If you had a child, what would be the most important thing you’d teach them?/ If you’re already a parent, what is the most important thing you teach your children?

The 20 Best Tinder Pick Up Lines For Quarantine

There is no doubt about one thing: online dating is thriving during quarantine.

After all, having in mind the situation we’re in, what other chance do you have to meet other singles?

Luckily for you, lockdown brings endless inspiration for puns. Here is a list of the funniest quarantine Tinder opening lines.

Warning: some of them are cringe but trust me, they all work like a charm.

1. If COVID-19 doesn’t take me out, will you?

2. Would you really swipe right if you could go out and meet new people in person?

3. Are you a face mask? Because I would like to see you on my face.

4. Did I lose my breath because of you or should I be worried?

5. How do you feel about getting closer than six feet?

6. Can I come over and work from your place tonight?

7. How do you feel about playing coronavirus and be spread across hard surfaces?

8. I don’t mean to brag or anything but I wash my hands even when it’s not the pandemic.

9. Would you be my Corona Lisa / Can I be your Corona Lisa?

10. Are you a coronavirus? Because I’m not sure how to approach you.

11. One-ply? Two-ply? Whatever, the only thing important is that you re-ply.

12. Were you in isolation in heaven? Because I think you’re an angel.

13. Would you be offended if I compared you to toilet paper? Because I would definitely fight for you.

14. Wish I could be quarantined with you right now.

15. Oh no, chances are I’ll have to go to the ER because it seems that I’ve caught feelings.

16. I don’t mean to brag but I have some extra rolls of toilet paper.

17. Here we are in the worst pandemic of modern time and yet your smile is the most contagious thing I’ve run into.

18. Can I be your hand sanitizer and face mask?

19. Are you COVID-19? Because if I had you, I wouldn’t leave the house for two weeks.

20. Will you be my quarantine snack?

Tips And Tricks For The Best Tinder Pick Up Lines

Customize your Tinder openers

Before swiping right and sending any Tinder opening line, check out your prey’s Tinder bio.

What is the other party looking for? What are their interests? What can you conclude from their Tinder profile?

For example, you can’t use a nerdy joke on someone whose pics don’t reveal that side of their personality.

If you want to nail this Tinder thing, you have to try and figure out what the other person is looking for. Naturally, you should know what you’re in search of before anything.

Obviously, you’ll use different Tinder openers if you’re looking for something temporary and you’ll send a completely different message if you’re searching for a serious relationship.

Also, it’s a good idea to personalize your conversation starter with the help of the other person’s name.

Is there a word game you can think of with their name in? Check out some fun examples to help you win the cheesy pickup line competition.

For a girl named Sarah:

We should definitely meet so I can Sarah-nade to you.

You must be SARAHtonin because you make me feel happy.

For a girl named Emily:

You’re more beautiful than Emily-on stars!

Girl, you are truly one in a Emily-on.

If I had Emily-on dollars for every girl who was as hot as you, I’d still be broke

For a girl named Jessica:

I’m really terrible at pick up lines but I’ll make an exception, Jessicas I want to.

For a girl named Amy:

Did you know you can’t spell Dreamy without Amy?

I bet you’re an Amyzing girl.

For a guy named John:

Wanna John me for some drinks later?

Start a GIF/meme/emoji war

If you’re out of chat-up lines, the good idea is to start a GIF, meme or emoji war.

Basically, all you have to do is send your match a funny meme, a GIF or a sequence of emojis and wait for them to respond.

If you get yourself the right partner, you can talk for hours without actually writing a single word.

Don’t be too needy

The crucial thing here is not to appear as clingy even before the other person has had the chance to meet you.

Don’t double or triple text your match and don’t be the only one pushing the conversation ahead. You made the first move, now it’s up to them to show some interest.

… but show initiative

However, being too passive isn’t the way to go either. After all, you have a goal to achieve something here.

You shouldn’t be too pushy but after the opening chat-up line, proceed to get to know the other person, so you can end up on your first date soon enough.

Please, don’t turn this into a situation where you text each other for ages but neither of you makes an actual move.

To Wrap Up

One thing is for sure: you can’t go wrong with any of the above best Tinder pick up lines for girls or guys.

It’s just up to you to choose which one suits YOU the best.

Remember that you’ll have to continue the conversation from here and you don’t want your

Tinder match to realize that you’re not as smooth as you first appeared to be.