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Key Pisces Traits: Revealing Their Strengths And Weaknesses

Key Pisces Traits: Revealing Their Strengths And Weaknesses

This zodiac sign is famous for its distinctive traits. Pisces traits include empathy, intuition, and great imagination. They’re the dreamers of the zodiac.

As the final sign of the zodiac, they mark the end of the full circle and the merger with universal consciousness.

The water element gives them fluidity and the ability to understand emotions, and their mutable quality gives them restlessness and desire for change.

Their tarot card counterpart is The Moon; a symbol of subconsciousness, intuition, and emotions, which fits this star sign very well.

To learn more about this dreamy sign, let’s take a look at its most prominent personality traits.

General Info

Pisces season: February 19 – March 20

Ruling planet: Neptune (the old ruling planet was Jupiter)

Element: Water sign

Modality: Mutable sign

Symbol: Two fish swimming in opposite directions (symbol of the Piscean role of the mediator between two worlds.)

Pisces eminent personalities: Albert Einstein, Rihanna, Justin Bieber, Elizabeth Taylor, Dakota Fanning, Javier Bardem, Kurt Cobain, Steve Jobs, Millie Bobby Brown, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Drew Barrymore, Rachel Weisz, Frederic Chopin, Jessica Biel, Ellen Page, Camila Cabello, and Eva Longoria.

Pisces Personality Traits

You can love them or hate them, but one thing is for sure: people of this horoscope sign can’t go unnoticed. They have this amazing energy that touches literally everyone.

They don’t do it on purpose – their personality is simply special to say the least. If you have a Pisces in your life, you know exactly what I’m talking about.

Besides, the way they act in life, love, marriage, friendship, and the bedroom is everything but ordinary.

Pisces in love

They’re probably the most romantic sign of the entire zodiac (they’re actually so romantic that sometimes, it seems as if they were ruled by Venus). Not a single person in the world can beat this sign’s sweet talks, compliments, surprises, and gifts.

It’s like they were put on this planet to love and to be loved. After all, this is what Pisces enjoys doing the most being in a romantic relationship full of affection, physical touch, and love declarations.

The problem appears when they don’t get the same amount of attention from the other side. I’m not saying that their partners are always to blame because almost no one can match this sign’s effort in romance.

On the other hand, Pisces have the full right not to lower their standards. They know how invested they are and how much they have to offer so it’s perfectly natural for them to want the same treatment from the other party.

Another thing concerning this sign’s romantic emotions is the fact that they fall in love often. Actually, by most people’s standards, it happens too often.

The issue here is that Pisces is overly romantic. For them, love is the most important thing in the world, and finding their soulmate is the ultimate goal.

But the truth is that sometimes, they push it too hard. Even though they’re quite intuitive and emotionally intelligent, they still can’t tell the difference between someone who is temporary and someone who’ll become their forever person.

Instead, they idealize every relationship they get into, hoping it will have a happy ending. So, most of the time, they don’t fall in love with an actual person- they fall for their potential and for their own imagination.

Of course, this leaves them heartbroken more often than they should be. All of it keeps happening until they mature enough to differentiate real love and the idea of love (which never happens for some Pisces.)

Pisces in marriage

Let me tell you this: Pisces is one of the best people to marry. They’re selfless empaths who are ready to do whatever it takes for the ones they love.

They’re family-oriented and put their spouse and potential children’s needs in front of their own. These people have no trouble talking about their feelings and will do everything in their power to make their SO feel loved, wanted, and respected at all times.

To put it simply, they are one of the rare people who still know how to truly love. They know what caring for another person unconditionally means and will do everything to make their other half happy.

Having all of this in mind, it’s pretty clear why you should marry them without hesitation.

Pisces in bed

Pisces are amazing in sex – period. They’re sensual, they care for the other person’s needs, they don’t judge, and they’re compassionate.

Do you understand how all of this brings us to their incredible sexual performance?

First of all, Pisces feels your needs without you having to actually verbalize them. They follow your every move and make sure to fulfill all of your desires.

Also, they’re full of understanding. It doesn’t matter how wild your hidden fantasy is your Pisces partner won’t judge you for it. Instead, they’ll gladly participate, even if they’re not so much into it just to make you happy.

Finally, let’s not forget that their ruling planet is planet Neptune- the planet of imagination. So, you can just imagine how innovative and creative your sex life with them would be.

An important notion is that Pisces don’t get involved in sex with their bodies only their heart always participates as well. So, make sure not to hurt them and give them a cold shoulder after sleeping with them.

Pisces in friendship

Most of this sign’s friends have been in their life for ages- maybe even since early childhood. This situation is quite rare nowadays, isn’t it? Therefore, it’s pretty clear that everyone values this kind of person and doesn’t want to let them go.

Pisces is that “ride or die” friend we all dream of having. They’re the ones who’ll never leave you behind, and who’ll always be there for you when you need them.

They’re the friend you call in the middle of the night, crying and asking for help. And you know what’s the best part? Half an hour later, they show up on your doorstep with your favorite comfort food and offering you a shoulder to cry on.

The only downside of being BFFs with this zodiac sign is their overly sensitive nature. They get easily offended which can represent a problem if you’re not as emotional and emphatic as they are.

Pisces at work

I hate to break it to you but Pisces is probably not the most valuable employee you’ll have. Yes, they’re creative and they work great with other people.

But, at the same time, they’re lazy and often lack motivation. People belonging to this zodiac sign love money, but are not so crazy about the process of making it.

They get easily distracted and leave everything for the last minute, which are all obstacles on their career path.

They’re great as therapists or health care professionals (due to their compassion), as salespeople (due to their great communication skills), or as artists (due to their creative side).

Pisces Character Traits

If you want to dig deep under layers of someone’s personality, you have to meet both their good and bad sides. So, let’s go and do exactly that: get to know the real Pisces.

Pisces good traits

This sign is the good guy or girl of the zodiac. But what does that really mean? What are their positive characteristics?


“When you reach the end of what you should know, you will be at the beginning of what you should sense.” Kahlil Gibran

This sign is very intuitive, and that’s no surprise. After all, it resides in the 12th house, the house of dreams, death, isolation, and connection to other dimensions but also spiritual enlightenment.

They have antennas for what’s not of this world, or at least what most people think is not of this world. Pisces see those things differently.

They innately understand that there are no real boundaries. They see through illusion because they know how easy it is to create it.

They’re in touch with their emotions, and they’re able to see every possible perspective there is. That’s why they’re great meditators, but also why they’re targets for energy vampires.

Nevertheless, their great understanding helps them to flow easily through changes and adapt to whatever life throws at them.

The downside to this is that they can get lost; for example, in other people or something that consumes them.


“All I ever wanted was to reach out and touch another human being not just with my hands but with my heart.” Tahereh Mafi

Pisceans are very empathetic creatures. They love to nurture their loved ones and their friends. They love to be there for other people and give them different outlooks or simply support them emotionally.

Since they feel so deeply and understand so much, they often feel other people’s pain strongly. Luckily, they don’t feel just pain but other emotions too.

This is why they often need their alone time and daydream a lot as that’s their way of getting their energy back.

This is also why they occasionally feel pressured from out of nowhere. The feelings and impressions they collect from other people make them feel uneasy.

It’s a good idea for this star sign to practice some kind of spiritual cleansing to let go of excess and foreign emotions.

There’s a lot to learn about compassion from this beautiful horoscope sign.


“There’s an ephemeral, now you see them now you don’t, quality to a Pisces.” Patricia Lantz

This sign embodies the phenomena we experience when we ‘get lost’ in a good book, song, or movie. We transport ourselves to another world, and for a few moments in time, we’re part of some other reality.

TV, movies, and everything we see on screens is actually related to Neptune. Many, if not all, actors and actresses have a strong Neptune in their chart because what we see onscreen is essentially an illusion and Neptune is the master of illusion.

Have you ever wondered why iconic figures like Marilyn Monroe go on to live forever in the minds and hearts of people?

She had this planet in her first house (of the physical body and personality that we present to the outer world).

She is engraved in the collective subconscious mind as a perfect illusion, something desired but never really present.

Every time Neptune transits the first house, she ‘comes alive’ again. What’s also interesting is the fact that Neptune is the ruler of the 8th house (the house of death). All opiates relate to Neptune as well.

This explains the Piscean as the ultimate escapist. Pisces love to escape reality and build their own imaginary worlds. While this is a great trait to have, especially as an artist, it’s also very dangerous if imbalanced.

Ability to adapt

“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning how to dance in the rain.” Vivian Greene

Since Pisces have mutable quality and they’re a water sign, they’re very adaptable which also means impressionable at times.

Nevertheless, because of their ‘go with the flow’ attitude and kind personality, they tend to have many best friends even though they can be a bit of a loner sometimes.

They’re very lovable and caring. Pisces friends get the most perfect presents because they know them on a soul level.

This trait partly comes from their deep understanding of how nature truly works. They don’t see things as black and white, like most people.

It’s like they have eyes that see further into the future and know that every event has its purpose no matter how good or bad it is. That’s why they almost never judge and why people love them.

They’re usually the quiet ones in the crowd, but when they have something to say, everybody listens. Their vulnerability, unobtrusiveness, and honesty are what make people trust them and love them.


“The psychotic drowns in the same waters in which the mystic swims with delight.” Joseph Campbell

Pisces’ characteristics often include psychic senses. It’s no surprise that many astrologers have this placement as their sun, rising, or moon sign. As the last sign of the zodiac, they are given insights related to the 12th house.

They often have visions in their dreams or make art through which they channel messages from spiritual realms.

They’re almost always spiritual and interested in esoteric literature. They make great tarot readers and usually live unconventional lives.

However, unlike some other signs who also live unconventionally, they’re not very loud about it and they don’t make their life choices a statement to society.

Sometimes, depending on other placements in the chart, they don’t show any interest in politics or such matters at all, almost as if they don’t belong to this world, which is probably just another way of escapism.

Nevertheless, this shouldn’t be viewed harshly because what they bring to the world is what today’s world lacks greatly: all-encompassing compassion, sincere understanding, and universal love.


“Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” Albert Einstein

This zodiac sign has a very recognizable style when it comes to artistic expression or any kind of expression. It can be described with a few words such as dreamy, otherworldly, and ethereal.

The reason why their imagination is so distinctive and fascinating is that it comes from a place that’s unknown and mystical. It’s almost like a mythical place everyone dreams of but never really sees, except them.

They’re also very talented at portraying emotions in an abstract and yet captivating way. Their work often includes dreamy, almost psychedelic imagery.

Their imagination makes them spend a lot of time in their own world which at times brings out their loner or hermit side. However, that doesn’t have to be bad at all.

This quote by Rosemary Breen sums it up well: “Chances are, while you can come across as introverted, the real reason for your apparent reserve is you’re happy to be the life of your own party (be it in your head or in your own space) rather than follow the crowd.”

Pisces bad traits

What are the things that make people hate this sign? Wait, is that even possible? Does it really exist a person who can measure up with Pisces?

Or maybe, they’re not so damn perfect, after all? Well, let’s check out.

A lack of boundaries

“A Pisces knows no boundaries and dances with their limitlessness.” Patricia Lantz

The downside to their ability to adapt and understand everything is that they trust people too easily, and they’re frequently overwhelmed. It’s almost like they can’t recognize when something’s just ‘too much’.

They need to learn to make healthy boundaries and to stop being dangerously angry.

Sometimes this gives them, their friends, and family a hard time. It pushes them toward some kind of addiction, be it video games or drugs; anything to turn their mind off their overwhelming feelings and thoughts.

This is probably the most prominent ‘dark side’ of this sign. The same thing that gives them a high can also drag them to the bottom if they lose their balance.

That’s why this sign is often connected to addiction to opiates (which is related to Neptune) and other ‘downer’ drugs like heroin as well as alcohol.

That’s not a coincidence because depressants are drugs used to detach from pain.

Encompassing understanding and compassion sometimes brings the weight of the world onto their shoulders and they search for an easy way out. Unfortunately, sometimes that’s with opiates.


Another Pisces’ negative characteristic is, without a doubt, their pessimism. It’s something they can’t control- they always think negatively.

It doesn’t matter what happens people belonging to the zodiac sign of Pisces will always plan the negative outcome. It’s like the words ‘optimism’ and ‘positivity’ don’t even exist in their mental dictionary.

Why do they do this? Well, have in mind that they’re led by their hearts.

That means that every single bad thing that happens to them affects them enormously. They don’t have the capacity to brush the pain off their shoulder.

Instead, they’re crushed every time someone disappoints them or breaks their heart. That is why they do their best to “prepare” their fragile hearts for the worst possible scenario.

They feel that the lack of hope will somehow save them from getting hurt. Nevertheless, it actually lowers their chances of being happy.


This horoscope sign gets insulted at an incredible speed rate. Hurting them and breaking their heart seems like a piece of cake to everyone in their surroundings.

They’re compassionate, but their emphatic skills frequently get them in trouble. They feel other people’s pain and have the ability to sense others’ energies.

Basically, this personality trait is not so bad for the people around them especially for the toxic ones who are ready to walk over dead bodies to get what they want.

This trait is bad for the Pisces horoscope sign. It makes them appear too weak and fragile and consequently, they’re easily targeted by those who want to do them harm.


Finally, they’re annoyingly lazy. People belonging to the Pisces zodiac sign are procrastinators, hate responsibilities and schedules, and have a hard time moving up to actually do something about their lives.

Ironically, they’re also often accused of being overly materialistic. It’s a proven fact that this sign loves money and everything it brings along, more than other people do.

So, how do you earn a lot of money while being extremely lazy? Only Pisceans know!

Pisces Traits: Female

Pisces woman traits are all connected to her feminine side. She has grace and she’s naturally sweet and caring. She’s the kind of woman who adores romance and enjoys losing herself in her partner.

Sometimes that’s great but sometimes it becomes overbearing for another person. However, there are a lot of beautiful things that her partner can learn from her, especially about love and loving.

They are very sensual partners, and love to give the person they’re in love with the best possible experience, even though they can be shy at first.

The most important thing for a woman with this sign is that she’s inspired by her partner and that she feels loved. She doesn’t mind if her partner has different views as long as they’re supportive and accepting of her.

Understanding these women can sometimes be tricky because they’re often shy and love to be in their own world; however, once they let you in, you never want to leave.

Pisces Traits: Male

The traits of a Pisces man include spontaneity, tenderness, and creativity. They’re big romantics at heart and love to make their partners feel loved.

They’re not afraid to show their tender side, but they’re also very protective and passionate.

Men with this sun sign are great with people but privately, they prefer the cozy comfort of their home and spending time with their partner.

They’re often artists or have some sort of career that involves creativity. They’re also highly individualistic and that’s why they choose to live by their own rules.

Dating a man with this sun sign can be magical and straight out of a fairy tale. They’re charming, empathic, and genuinely caring, and these are not traits many men are open about.

However, the bad side of this sign is their unreasonable fear that happens from time to time and their desire to run away from their problems, which can trigger trust issues.

Make sure to tell them how much they mean to you to keep them at ease and accept yourself as their muse.

Pisces Moon Traits

If you’re born with your moon in Pisces, you’re also incredibly compassionate and have the ability to pick up other people’s energies. You’re full of understanding, and you literally read your loved ones without much trouble.

You have a creative side, even though it might be currently hidden inside of you.

I know that this sounds pretty much the same as if your Sun was in Pisces. But please, keep in mind that your moon sign determines your emotional side and that’s where the similarities in characters come from.

Pisces Rising Traits

You probably didn’t know this but Pisces rising sign is one of the best-looking people out there. For some reason, everyone is drooling all over them.

Nevertheless, let’s not be superficial and dig a little deeper than their physical looks.

Another good thing here is that unlike Pisces sun signs, they’re not ruled by their pessimism and negative thoughts. On the contrary, they’re pretty optimistic, and at least, hope for the best.

Pisces Compatibility:

Since Pisces is so sensitive, the last thing you want to do is break their heart. That’s why you should look up your zodiac compatibility before making an actual move with them.

PISCES AND ARIES – Low/medium compatibility

PISCES AND TAURUS – Medium/high compatibility

PISCES AND GEMINI – Low/medium compatibility

PISCES AND CANCER – High compatibility

PISCES AND LEO – Medium compatibility

PISCES AND VIRGO – Medium/high compatibility

PISCES AND LIBRA – Medium compatibility

PISCES AND SCORPIO – High compatibility

PISCES AND SAGITTARIUS – Low/medium compatibility

PISCES AND CAPRICORN – High compatibility

PISCES AND AQUARIUS – Low/medium compatibility

PISCES AND PISCES – Medium/high compatibility


What are the worst traits of a Pisces?

This sign’s worst traits are their hyper-sensibility, pessimism, and laziness. Also, they’re quite indecisive, especially when they must make an important decision.

Their sensitive nature and pessimism might annoy the people around them but at the end of the day, technically, their behavior is not hurting anyone in particular. On the other hand, them being lazy and indecisive can really impact their relationship negatively.

What are Pisces mostly known for?

Pisces are best known for their big heart, and of course, for their creative side. These are probably the most loving people of the entire zodiac so when you meet them, you’ll probably never forget them.

Also, they’re often famous artists who express their creative side through music, painting, or writing.

Why are Pisces the worst?

Breaking a Pisces’ heart is one of the easiest tasks in the world. They rarely confront the ones who have done them harm and instead, tend to suffer in silence.

They’re vulnerable and fragile. Therefore, people in their life have to treat them with special care and delicacy and that’s not what everyone is capable of (or wants to do).

But, at the end of the day, Pisces treat themselves the worst. Most of their flaws are actually directed towards themselves and are self-harmful.

What personality is Pisces attracted to?

Pisces fall in love with people who have a big heart that can match theirs. They’re attracted to those who are not scared to show their soft side and who are not afraid of their own feelings.

They enjoy giving and taking compliments and attention. It’s natural for them to go after gentle and fellow-sensitive people who are not so likely to do them harm.

To Wrap Up:

Reading all of this helps you understand that Pisces traits really are one of a kind. They’re the rare people who stick to their values no matter what century they live in and despite their surroundings.

So, do all of these qualities make them perfect? Most certainly not!

At the end of the day, they’re also nothing but human beings made out of flesh and blood. They have their own share of flaws but you have to admit that their qualities outweigh everything else.