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The Complete Guide On Satisfying A Leo Man In Bed

The Complete Guide On Satisfying A Leo Man In Bed

If you are dating a Leo man, there are some things you need to know about his personality to improve and bring your love life to perfection.

I compiled a full guide on everything you need to know about a Leo man in bed. Getting to know his sexual side will most definitely take your relationship to a whole new level.

These guys have a pretty insatiable appetite for sex, and their sexual energy is so fierce and totally different from all the other males of the zodiac.

I’m sure your Leo man will give you the best sex you’ve ever had, and I’ll teach you how to make him go wild with pleasure in bed too.

What Are Leo Males Like In Bed?

The first thing you need to know about Leo guys is that sex is one of the most important, integral parts of a relationship for them. It’s the way they connect with their partner on a deeper level, and that’s why the whole sexual experience is so important to them.

He is passionate and charismatic, and those personality traits always get him a lot of women. In other words, he’s a natural charmer, and he really doesn’t have to try very hard to get a woman into bed.

Your Leo guy is a born leader, and he always craves to be the center of attention. He also expresses that need for attention in bed, but that doesn’t mean he’ll ever neglect his partner’s needs.

On the contrary, Leo always tries to fully satisfy his partner and fulfill all of her needs in bed. And with his extraordinary sexual performance, I’m sure he never fails in doing so.

He’s also a bit kinky in bed. That is, he enjoys anything unconventional. Sex toys, roleplaying, different sexual positions, bondage sex… Let’s just say that those unconventional things are his aphrodisiacs.

So, if you want to leave a mark on your Leo boy, you’ll have to learn all those things a Leo man likes in bed. And, of course, you’ll have to get a bit naughty.

Learn his Language of Desire and impress him the way no other girl did (this way, you get to keep him forever).

10 Hot Ways To Please A Leo Man In Bed

I’m sure all you want right now is to find out what a Leo man loves behind closed bedroom doors so you can blow his mind in bed. Right?

Then, your only task is to keep reading below because I’ve listed some fantastic tips on how to make all of his sexual fantasies come true and satisfy your Leo man in bed.

1. Dedicate some time to his back

If you want your Leo man to feel good in his skin during sex, you should experiment with his back.

You can give him a relaxing, sensual massage and it can be excellent foreplay. Also, you can touch him gently all over his spine, which will give him chills for sure.

The catch is that Leos are sensitive in the area of their back—it can be one of their erogenous zones.

The famous relationship astrologer, Anna Kovach, explained it nicely, “This man is all about his back and spine area. It’s odd I know but trust me when I tell you that he absolutely loves massages, scratching, biting, and soft kissing. If you do any or all of these on his back, he’ll be done for.”

You can also use some scented oil to make the pleasure more intense, so when he falls asleep after some hot action under the sheets, he will still feel that perfume on his body.

If you continue doing this throughout the whole process, he will be so turned on and what is most important is that he will be delighted.

2. Make it obvious that you want him BADLY

If you want to totally satisfy your Leo man in bed, you need to show him that you want him. That you want him in a way you have never wanted anyone else.

When he sees that you want him and are crazy about him, it will turn him on so much. This man needs to feel sexually desired, and that’s his biggest turn-on point.

It will make him lose his mind for you and want you even more than you want him. Let the games between the sheets start, and I’m sure they will last long into the night.

The thing is that Leos have bigger egos than the rest of the other males of the horoscope, so they need to feel that their partner feels an incredible desire to have them.

That’s why it is essential to show him that you want him badly and that you would do anything to get him between the sheets and make him yours forever.

3. He wants to be given the royal treatment

Just like the real king of the jungle, Leo man wants to have full royal treatment.

That means that you will have to go the extra mile to satisfy him in bed. Two or three different sexual positions won’t be enough to please Leo, because he’ll expect so much more from you.

He will want you to do things that you have never done before and to feel good about doing them. He’ll make you step out of your comfort zone and come into the ‘no limits’ kind of zone.

So be ready for many experiments, body liquids and, most importantly, a lot of orgasms. In the end, don’t forget that you are dealing with the most passionate zodiac sign of all.

4. Biting will make him hungry for more

A Leo man in bed is very passionate and a bit extravagant. He is attracted to women who have the same sexual preferences he does…

He needs a woman whose sexual energy will match his so she’ll be able to keep up with him in bed. His sexual style is, after all, ‘the wilder, the better.’

Bite him in-between kisses, scratch him on his back, and you’ll drive your lion man wild. Those kinds of naughty games in bed, followed by some dirty talk, turn him on the most.

Even if it is crucial to satisfy your man in bed, don’t forget to think about yourself and your needs. If you aren’t into these kinds of sex games, be open and direct with him. You should never do anything you don’t feel comfortable doing.

After all, you’re dealing with a true gentleman here, so I’m pretty sure he’ll be understanding and find a way to please you both in bed.

5. Explore different surroundings to increase excitement

Leo is someone who seeks action and can’t be in one place for too long. His restless spirit doesn’t let him—that’s just the way he is.

A Leo man likes change and everything that is unconventional, especially when it comes to his sex life. If you’re a girl who’s more into the vanilla type of sex, this definitely isn’t a guy for you.

With sex, this guy never only sticks to the bedroom. He likes to make love in different surroundings, and public sex is what arouses him the most.

I am not saying that he enjoys having sex on a beach full of people, but he definitely finds the risk of being caught thrilling and exciting.

As you can see, if you really want to please a Leo guy in bed, the whole point is that you need to be creative and bold. So, find a location that’s out of the ordinary and get your man’s adrenaline pumping.

6. Erotic massage will drive him crazy with lust

I’ve already told you that a Leo man likes to be touched on his back, and what is better than a super hot massage to completely satisfy him?

SEX TIP: Leo guys are extremely sensitive on their shoulders and the upper part of their bodies, so it would be a good idea to make those parts the starting point of your massage.

Start massaging him gently on those parts of his body, just as he likes, and dedicate some time to his head as well.

You can also try grazing your nails down his back. It’ll give him chills, but they will be chills of excitement and desire.

It is a pleasure trigger that will stimulate and release oxytocin, the incredible love hormone, and excite your Leo man more than you think.

I am sure the massage won’t last long because he won’t be able to take it for too long. He’ll roll over and let you straddle him. And that, my dear, is when the real party will begin!

7. Get naughty & talk dirty

Honestly, is there no better turn-on for men than good old dirty talk, especially for this kind of man? I think not. So, when you feel that things are starting to cool off in bed, you can spice it up by bringing out your naughty side and talking dirty.

A man born under this fire sign enjoys it when his partner starts talking about everything she wants to do with him in bed. And the more she goes into detail, the more he’ll be aroused.

By fantasizing about all those things you tell him, your man will get hard! It’ll make him scream your name in bed.

Oh, and also, don’t forget to include some compliments in your dirty talk. For this ego-obsessed maniac, dirty talk together with compliments is the epitome of the whole sexual experience.

Tell him how great a kisser he is or how great he is in bed. By boosting his ego, you’ll show appreciation, which is what most Leos crave in bed.

8. Flatter him

It is already known that Leo men (along with Gemini and Aries men) like to be in the spotlight. Being the center of attention makes them feel special.

The thing is that you have to flatter him inside and outside of the bedroom if you want to build a healthy relationship with him.

He’ll get so turned on by your words of admiration that it’ll make him want you forever—both in his bed and his life too.

For good and passionate foreplay with a Leo man, you really don’t need much. Boosting his ego by flattering him will do the job just fine.

Words are something that can get your guy going, and if you learn what to say at the right moment, you’ll make him feel like a king. Like he’s the only guy in this world for you.

While you are having sex, you can tell him that his size suits you and that he is bigger than average. It will turn your Leo man on instantly and lead to the best sex you’ve ever had.

9. Make love, A LOT

Along with men born under Aries (also a fire sign), Leo men are known for their enormous sex drive. Their sexual energy is remarkable, and they have quite a strong appetite for sex.

That literally means they’re up for making love anytime and even multiple times a day.

However, that doesn’t apply if he sees that his partner is not up for it. A Leo man wants and needs to see the desire in your eyes to take you to bed.

He wants you to scream and moan uncontrollably while making love. It gives him the feeling that he is your almighty master. Only then will he be 100% satisfied.

The Leo man wants to try out different sex positions and incorporate some novelties in the bedroom every time.

So, if you want to drive your Leo partner completely wild in bed, you’ll need to be a bit dirty and very creative. Sex toys, exciting role plays, dirty talk and sensual massages need to become a part of your foreplay.

Also, I want to add a small caveat here. Leo men are okay with almost all types of sex, except oral sex. Well, truth to be told, they like it but only when it’s being performed on them, the other way around is not a huge turn-on for them.

10. Be ready to play the submissive role

Along with Scorpio and Virgo men, Leo males are the most dominant partners of the horoscope. You’ll just have to accept that with a guy like this, there is no way you can take the dominant role.

In bed, the Leo man likes to pretend that you’re his ‘slave.’ He behaves like he owns you and like he can do whatever he wants with you at that moment. This may sound like a no-go for you, but trust me, you’ll change your mind after you give in to his passions.

If you want to please him in bed (and let him please you), take the submissive role and do what he wants you to do. Let him show you his dominant side.

On the other hand, if you really aren’t into sexual submission, you shouldn’t put up with it no matter how much you love your Leo man and want to please him sexually. Trust me, if you force yourself to do it, neither he nor you will be satisfied.

When something doesn’t feel good or comfortable to you in bed or in your relationship, you shouldn’t do or tolerate it, no matter what.

Be honest with your man and tell him that dominant-submissive relationships aren’t actually your deal. If your Leo man wants to be with you and if he truly loves you, he’ll be ready to compromise on that issue with you.

If he doesn’t… Well, then, it only means that he isn’t the one and that you should let him go.

Leo Man In Relationships

First of all, I want to congratulate you because you got yourself a real catch. Leo man is a true man in every sense of that word.

He’s generous, romantic, warm-hearted, protective, loyal and very devoted. And, of course, let’s not forget that Leo men are the most passionate lovers in the entire zodiac. To be honest, he’s pretty much every woman’s dream.

It’s so nice when your bf notices that you have changed something about yourself, right? Well, one of the personality traits of Leo men is that they’re detail-oriented and not the slightest change you make will go unnoticed by your Leo guy.

When he starts dating a woman and falls honestly in love with her, he’ll do his best to make all of her dreams and wishes come true.

It’s like men born under this zodiac sign have the power to get into a woman’s mind and read what she actually wants from him.

How Do You Turn On A Leo Man Sexually?

Leo males are those emotionally warm types of guys, even though they have the tendency to hide that side of their personality. Just a few sweet words or an action that will serve as a romantic expression of love is enough to turn your Lion man on and ignite his passion.

Even just by actively listening to everything that he’s saying can make him climax in no time! It’s a bit weird to hear this for a man, right?

Well, that’s how Leo guys are, a bit different and completely unique.

I’ve already mentioned that his back, neck, and shoulders are his erogenous zone, so you already know where you should touch your Leo partner if you want to arouse him sexually.

Kissing him down the spine will release the love hormone and get your man going.

On the other hand, Leo men are visual creatures (like all the other men are), so wearing sexy lingerie and nighties is also a good way to increase his sexual appetite.

You should also know that Leo males are considered to be the top three zodiac signs with the dirtiest minds, along with Scorpio and Aries man.

So, it leads us to a pretty simple conclusion; dirty talk is also welcomed if you want to turn your Leo man on in seconds. Before you two move to the bedroom, he likes to hear about all the things you’ll do to him in bed.

Leo guys are full of self-confidence, and their ego is sacred to them. So, the most important thing you need to know about dating a man born under this zodiac sign is that he likes to be flattered and, in a way, worshiped.

The fact is that it’s not as difficult to excite a Leo man as it is to please him in bed. As you can see, small acts of affection and a bit of naughtiness are enough to turn him on.

In layman’s terms: sharing the depth of your honest feelings and reminding your man how much you love him or simply naming the reasons you love him as much as you do are things that are guaranteed to turn on a Leo guy every single time.

Who Is Leo Sexually Compatible With?

When it comes to Leo man‘s sexual compatibility, they click best with Sagittarius, Libra and Aquarius women in bed, but Aries women are undoubtedly their best match. These two zodiac signs have the best and most passionate sexual compatibility in the entire zodiac.

On the other hand, whether we talk about romantic or pure sexual relationships, it seems like Leo males just can’t find common ground with Taurus, Pisces, Scorpio, Virgo and Capricorn women.

I agree that in some cases, different sexual styles can actually be productive in bed. However, for Leo men and women born under these three zodiac signs above, that’s not the case.

Gemini, Cancer and Leo women are also compatible with Leo men but, unfortunately, only in terms of a friendly relationship. They have different sexual preferences, which means getting into an intimate relationship would be a complete failure.

Are Leos Selfish In Bed?

I’ve already said that men born under this sign are real egomaniacs. And, yes, that can make them seem a bit selfish because they really enjoy the spotlight and being the center of attention all the time.

However, that’s not the case when we talk about their sex life, especially when they start falling in love with their partner.

The thing is that when their deep emotions are awakened, they become the most compassionate and considerate guys ever.

From that moment on, their only goal becomes making the girl they love happy and pleased in every possible way.

A Leo man in love is all about romance, passion and giving one hundred percent of himself to the other side and to making their relationship work. That’s not a trait of a selfish partner, right?

The truth is that most people consider Leo men in bed selfish because they always want to be the dominating partner. They strive for domination in every area of their life, and that also includes their love life.

They just vibe out that masculine energy and, unfortunately, most of the time they aren’t even aware that their burning desire for domination is making them seem a bit selfish to their partner.

I agree, it may be a major turn-off for a lot of women. However, some completely give up control in bed and actually want to be dominated. For example, Virgo and Libra women are always in for a night of thrill with a dominating man like Leo guy is.

Wrapping Up

So, here you have it—a complete guide on how to fully satisfy a Leo man in bed.

If you follow each and every one of these steps blindly, not only will you be able to turn on and pleasure your Leo partner in bed, but you’ll also make him crazy about you and get him to chase you.

He’s one of the most passionate guys of the entire zodiac. That ‘always in the mood for sex’ attitude also makes him one of the best zodiac lovers. He’s always up for some action, and you won’t have to try hard to get him going.

On the other hand, pleasuring a Leo man in bed will be a harder task.

He wants to be given full royal treatment in bed and you will have to hit the ground running if you want to satisfy all of his needs and fantasies in bed.

A man born under this zodiac sign is the king of the jungle, the leader of the entire zodiac. And even though he has some not-so-great personality traits, your Leo man will always try really hard to satisfy all of your needs, and I really mean ALL of them.