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281 Deep Questions About Love To Ask Your Significant Other

281 Deep Questions About Love To Ask Your Significant Other

Sometimes, relationships (especially long-term ones) can really fall into a boredom rut. To the couple, it seems like they’ve run out of conversation topics and things to talk about with each other.

Unfortunately, the fact is that this has become one of the most common reasons for relationship breakups. If you want to keep the conversation and connection alive in your relationship and save it from a surefire end, you should check out this list of deep questions about love and discuss them with your partner.

With these amazing lists of good questions that I gathered online, I’m sure you’ll never run out of things to talk about.

Deep Questions About Love To Strengthen Your Bond

1. Why does emotional intimacy matter in a healthy relationship?

2. How can you keep love alive through the years?

3. Which would you like most: physical touch or quality time?

4. What kind of love is the most superior in life?

5. What do you wish you could be doing in our relationship better?

6. How much have we changed since our first date?

7. What’s one thing you think of when you hear my name?

8. What does it mean to fall in love?

9. Would you want us to have kids earlier or later in our lives?

10. Should you have children as soon as you get married?

11. What’s the best thing you’ve ever done with a loved one?

12. If you could change one thing about me, what do you think it would be?

13. Why is it that love means something different to everyone?

14. When was the exact moment you knew this was true love?

15. How would you deal with us going through an argument or disagreement?

16. Do you remember how we first met?

17. Do you believe in soulmates?

18. Do you believe we’re connected on a spiritual level?

19. What’s the worst thing that could happen in our relationship?

20. What’s your zodiac sign? And do you want to know if our zodiac signs are compatible?

21. Do you think that finances should be kept separate or together?

22. If you were granted three wishes of love, what would you want them to be?

23. What’s the number one thing you value about our relationship?

24. What lessons have you learned from your past relationship?

25. Do you think there’s really only one person on this earth for you?

26. If we break up tomorrow, what would you miss the most?

27. Do you think our love makes others jealous? Do we have any friends that envy our relationship right now?

28. Would you rather stay in or go out for a date?

29. Do you believe that God brings two people together?

30. Did you have any reservations about me when we first started dating? What were some of the red flags that you didn’t share with me?

31. When was the first time you thought you felt love?

32. What does it mean for two people to have a child?

33. Is there an activity you really enjoy doing as a couple?

34. Were you nervous during our first kiss?

35. Would you rather be crazy rich or deeply in love?

36. Where do you see our relationship going in the next 6 months?

37. When you have a meaningful relationship, what does it look like?

38. What would be your perfect date night?

39. What are the expectations that you have for your romantic partner?

40. What’s the worst thing two people could do to each other in a relationship?

41. How long does it take to fall in love?

42. Is it more important to have a deep conversation or to have physical intimacy together?

43. Would you rather travel around the world or have a family?

44. How do you know that you’re in a successful relationship?

45. How would you make your loved one love you if he or she forgets their past?

46. What’s your current favorite way that we spend time together as a couple?

47. What’s a meaningful way for two people to fall in love?

48. What are three words that describe what you’re looking for in a soulmate?

49. How should two people in a marriage handle a situation where they feel they should separate?

50. When two people break up, how should they do it?

51. What is your favorite thing about me?

52. How soon should two people say they love each other?

53. What is on your bucket list that we can do together this year?

54. What’s something that we have in common?

55. When was the first time you thought you felt love?

56. What do you look forward to experiencing with me?

57. Are you comfortable sharing your secrets with me? Why or why not?

58. Do you know that I have a crush on you? How did you know?

59. What’s the best relationship advice someone has ever given you?

60. What do you think our biggest challenge is as a couple, and how can we work on it together?

61. What body part of a significant other attracts you the most?

62. How often should a couple argue or fight to maintain a healthy relationship?

63. How many photographs should a couple take together?

64. What is our biggest strength as a couple?

65. How do you connect with your loved ones so deeply?

66. What’s one secret that you’ve never told anyone and would be hard to tell me?

67. What is the difference between a man’s love and a woman’s love?

68. Would you ever be able to live without the idea of friendships or love in life?

69. How do two people build trust with one another? Is there a faster way to do it than simply earning trust over time?

70. What is the greatest thing about love?

71. Are you ready to commit to a long-term relationship?

72. How do you feel affection from another person?

73. Why do people send mixed signals in love?

74. What’s something you wish your friends and family understood about you?

75. For us to fall in love faster, what type of adventure would you like us to go on?

76. What is a major problem you face in your love?

77. Where is your favorite place to be with me?

See also: 255 Deep Relationship Questions To Spark Great Conversation

Romantic Questions For Couples

1. How do you define love?

2. Imagine you had the ability to communicate telepathically. What do you think we would say?

3. What does love bring along with itself?

4. When was the first time you said “I love you” to someone in your life other than your family?

5. How can you be sure that you love someone?

6. What’re three words that describe what you’re looking for in a soulmate?

7. How is it possible that two people can become “one”?

8. Is it cute for two people to write each other love letters?

9. What is your most vivid memory of the first time we met?

10. What’s something I could do to help us fall more in love?

11. Do you think destiny is real?

12. What is something romantic that you really enjoy?

13. If you had to read a book about love, what book would it be?

14. Am I your soulmate? Why?

15. When did you know you loved me?

16. What’s the most romantic thing you’ve ever done for someone?

17. When two people touch and feel a “spark,” what do you think that feeling is?

18. What’s your favorite memory of us?

19. What’s your vision of a perfect kiss?

20. Is it possible that two people can feel “fireworks” when they are intimate?

21. If you could live one day of our relationship over and over again, which day would you choose?

22. Describe the most romantic date you can think of — spare no expense!

23. When did you realize that you had a crush on me?

24. How do you express to someone that you love them without showing any signals?

25. Can you define love in 5 words?

See also: Top 106 Questions To Ask A Fiance Before Marriage

Personal Questions About Love To Spark Deep Conversations

1. When was the last time you loved yourself?

2. What quality in a person makes you feel the most loved?

3. Does every person in the world feel the desire to love?

4. What’s the best thing about getting to know someone on a deeper level?

5. What does the word “crush” mean to you?

6. What’s one mistake that you don’t want to repeat in your next relationship?

7. Do you believe in true love or love at first sight?

8. What’s the worst thing you’ve ever done to your ex-partner?

9. If you had to describe your perfect relationship, what would it look like?

10. What makes people fall out of love?

11. What makes a “best friend” or a healthy relationship?

12. If you were to help a friend who was falling in love, what would you say to them?

13. What’s the value of relationships?

14. Do you think that people can change when they love someone?

15. What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received?

16. What is your biggest fear about a relationship?

17. What’s the importance of a connection between two people?

18. Do you think it’s okay for friends to make out?

19. Where was your first kiss, and what did it feel like?

20. What values do you hold true to your heart?

21. Do you think people should be friends before becoming love interests?

22. What do you think your family says about your love life?

23. Have you ever changed anything about yourself for your partner?

24. Do you believe in the potential of a blind date?

25. What’s the most embarrassing thing to happen to you on a date?

26. Have you ever been attracted to another person simply because of their looks? What happened?

27. What is your favorite thing on our relationship bucket list?

28. What do you think makes a healthy and long-lasting relationship?

29. What’s the most embarrassing thing an ex-romantic partner found you doing?

30. When was the last time you broke someone’s heart?

31. What’s the worst relationship you’ve ever been in?

32. What are the first questions you would ask someone to determine if you two are a good fit?

33. How do you feel when others find your partner attractive?

34. What’s the worst breakup you’ve ever had?

35. What’s the greatest gift you’ve ever received from a love interest?

36. What is one thing that each relationship should value?

37. What’s your most meaningful past relationship?

38. Do you think guys or girls cheat more on their partners?

39. Would you ever date a friend?

40. Do you make sacrifices for your relationship?

41. What is your love language?

42. Who do you think should “wear the pants” in a relationship, the guy or the girl?

43. Do you want to get closer to your current partner in life?

44. How would you rank the following in importance: family, career, love life?

45. Is it possible to overlook something negative in your partner’s past?

46. What’s cheating/unfaithfulness?

47. What advice would you give someone just entering a relationship?

48. How often should a couple argue or fight to maintain a healthy relationship?

49. Can you ever be your true self if you are in love?

50. When was the last time you were rejected?

51. When do you know that you should get out of a bad relationship?

52. What are some reasons for breaking up?

53. How do you find the right person for a lifelong relationship?

54. What does a healthy relationship look like, in your opinion?

55. Why is it that moving on from relationships can be so difficult?

56. What’s a hopeless relationship?

57. Can you own a person you love?

58. When and where did you go on your first date ever?

59. Do you see that our culture is staying single longer and that people are having fewer kids? Why do you think that is so?

60. Do you think opposite genders can maintain a friendship without developing a love interest?

61. How does love affect someone psychologically?

62. What is your most cherished childhood memory?

63. Is there a possibility that you can only truly fall in love with one partner?

64. When was the last time you felt vulnerable? How did you cope?

65. Is it possible that a relationship can make you happy? Should it be the thing that makes you happy?

66. Can love happen twice?

67. What is an unforgivable action in a relationship?

68. If you had kids, what would be your biggest hope and biggest fear for them?

69. Why do we tend to always want more from a partner than what they’re able to give?

70. When does love take over?

71. In your opinion, can long-distance relationships survive?

72. What does it mean to have a “crush” on someone?

73. Can you love someone without liking them?

74. If a family member or your loved one needed a kidney and you were the only match, would you give one up?

75. Who was the first person to break your heart?

76. Are there any boundaries to love?

77. What is the most important thing in a relationship? (e.g., trust, respect, etc.)

78. If you could have one superpower, what would it be?

79. When you feel heartbreak, what does it mean to you?

80. Can you love someone without a connection?

81. What’s your most meaningful past relationship?

82. What are the negative effects of love?

83. If someone were to make you feel special, what would they have to do?

84. Is it better to stay single or to fall in love?

85. Do you like it when couples post pictures of themselves on social media?

86. Do you value someone doing something for you or saying something nice to you?

87. Why do some people bear so much pain in love?

88. What was the most meaningful conversation you’ve had with someone?

89. Do you value someone touching you or giving you a gift?

90. What impact does love have on life?

91. Do you think you would be happy being single for the rest of your life?

92. Who would you want to emulate in terms of a relationship?

93. Does the presence of a loved one heal a person’s health?

94. What makes a “best friend” or a healthy relationship?

Deep Relationship Questions About Intimacy

1. Do you like dirty talk in the bedroom?

2. What have been some of your sexiest encounters?

3. Where is your favorite place to be touched in a casual way?

4. How important is sex in relationships?

5. What makes it difficult for you to be fully present during sex with me?

6. What do you think about public displays of affection?

7. What would you like to do in our intimate life?

8. What’s your definition of amazing sex?

9. What’s something that really turns you on?

10. What’s your favorite sexual fantasy?

11. Where would you most like to be kissed?

12. How often should you and your partner be intimate? And what does intimacy look like to you?

13. Would you love someone and still stay with them without having sex with him/her for the rest of your life?

14. Is spanking something you’d like to try with me?

15. Do you prefer cuddling or having your own space?

16. Do you believe sex on the first date is bad?

17. What is your favorite sex position?

18. Have you ever made love in an unusual place?

19. How intimate have you been with another partner?

20. What’s your favorite type of foreplay?

21. What does intimacy mean to you?

22. Does sex solve problems in relationships or cause more problems than it should?

23. Which would you like more – to be in control or to be dominated?

24. How important is having an orgasm?

25. Does the idea of partner-swapping make you feel jealous, turned on, or both?

26. How often do men think about having sex?

27. What’s the dirtiest thing you’d like to hear me say during sex?

Thought-Provoking Relationship Questions For A Boyfriend

1. What do you think of men who are focused on their physical appearance?

2. Are you friends with any of your exes?

3. Is there something special I could plan for you on the weekends for you to feel special?

4. What’s your opinion about an ideal relationship?

5. Where do you think men emulate their intimate lives?

6. How often do you date?

7. What’s the worst thing you’ve ever done to a girl?

8. How can a woman win you?

9. Suppose you could change anything about the female species – what would you change?

10. When and where did you go on your first date ever?

11. What’s something that is an absolute “deal-breaker” when it comes to women?

12. Do you think that celebrating Valentine’s Day is corny?

13. What’s the most attractive part of the female body to you?

14. What do you love most about your loved one?

15. In what scenario, if any, is it okay to lie to your girlfriend?

16. How many girlfriends have you had?

17. Which one of your ex-girlfriends has truly defined you going forward?

18. What do men tend to overvalue in their lives?

19. Do you prefer dating or being in a relationship?

20. What are three words that describe your aspirations for our love life?

21. How would you handle another guy hitting on me?

22. Should a man ask a woman’s father for permission to marry her?

23. Do you believe in love at first sight?

24. When did you know that you were “done” with your ex?

25. Do you get scared when you see relationships moving too fast?

26. When should a guy express his love to his crush?

27. When was the last time you and your ex spoke?

28. What would you define as cheating?

29. Why do men pull away when falling in love?

30. How do you know your ex is over you?

Deep Questions About Love And Relationships For A Girlfriend

1. How can a man win you?

2. When was the last time that you honestly felt appreciated?

3. What’s the most attractive part of the male body to you?

4. What type of guy do you normally go for? And do I fit the mold?

5. What is something you miss about your ex?

6. What do you look for in a friendship?

7. Did you ever have an ex-boyfriend stalk you in person after your relationship ended?

8. Which one of your ex-boyfriends has truly defined you going forward?

9. Are you serious about being in a relationship? Or do you like dating to figure out who you want to be with?

10. When you pictured your perfect man as a child, what did he look like?

11. How many boyfriends have you had?

12. What would be your dream way of being proposed to?

13. How long do you have to wait to prove to your man that you really love him?

14. Do you want to have kids in the future, or would you rather live without kids?

15. What is/was your longest-lasting friendship, and how did it last so long?

16. What does love mean to a woman?

17. What do you think about kissing on the first date?

18. What are some ways that I can make you feel important to me?

19. When did you have your first kiss?

20. What does your dream wedding look like?

21. What’s your favorite thing to do with a guy on the weekend?

22. Should women support their men? How should they do it?

23. How do you tell if a man is serious about you?

24. When talking to a guy, what’s something they could say that would turn you off?

25. How do you build a deep connection with friends or love interests?

26. How do you test a guy to see if he really loves you?

27. Have you ever fallen head over heels in love?

28. How do you know if a guy is deeply in love with you?

All In All

This list of deep questions about love doesn’t only serve as great conversation starters. These interesting questions are also a great way to get to know each other better and bond on a deeper level.

So, pick a random question and ask or text it to your significant other. Trust me, it’ll be the beginning of a fun, deep, and meaningful conversation that will allow you two to get to know each other on a whole new level.