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91 Quotes To Make Your Ex Think About You And Want You Back

91 Quotes To Make Your Ex Think About You And Want You Back

If you still love your ex and hope you’ll get back together one day, I can’t even imagine all the pain you’re currently going through. But, what if I told you that I can make all that pain go away and help you get your ex-girlfriend/boyfriend back?

I know it doesn’t sound real, but trust me, it is. With this collection of quotes to make your ex think about you, you’ll manage to get back in their life and hopefully stay there forever.

They’ll start thinking about you, and it won’t take long for them to regret losing you. Before you know it, you’ll be sitting together and talking about giving your relationship another chance.

Quotes To Make Your Ex Think About You

1. “I miss you more than the sun misses the sky at night.” – Taylor Swift

2. “Sometimes, second chances work out better than the first because you learn from your mistakes.” – Unknown

3. “It hurts when one day you wake up, and you know you are missing someone from your past, but they are not there for you anymore.” – Norma Marthalia

4. “No one has ever made me as happy as you have!” – Unknown

5. “You can usually tell when a couple becomes centered on each other because they are forever breaking up and getting back together.” – Unknown

6. “Two people don’t have to be together in an instant. Because if they were meant for each other, then they will be united, one day, in any way at some point.” – Unknown

7. “I miss everything about you… I can’t believe that I still want you. After all the things we’ve been through. I miss everything about you.” – Colbie Caillat

8. “I felt her absence. It was like waking up one day with no teeth in your mouth. you wouldn’t need to run to the mirror to know they were gone” – James Dashner

9. “Letting go isn’t giving up – it’s accepting the fact that some things just aren’t meant to be.” – Unknown

10. “Just like how the stars belong to the sky, a part of my soul will always belong to you.” – Unknown

11. “Starting over may not be ideal, but starting fresh can create a different story.” – Unknown

12. “You are so much more special than I ever realized.” – Unknown

13. “Ever since we parted ways, many people told me ‘There are plenty of fish in the sea.’ But I would happily drain the ocean to find you again!” – Unknown

14. “Sometimes, I think about the first time I met you, and those memories still make my heart sing!” – Unknown

15. “With you in my life, I felt like I could conquer anything. It was as if I was on top of the world and even the stars themselves were just within my grasp. But without you… even getting through the day is hard.” – Unknown

16. “I was born the day we met. I have lived during our love. I died the day we said goodbye…” – Unknown

17. “I still feel like we were meant to be together.” – Unknown

18. “If someone gave me the chance of loving you from the beginning, I wouldn’t hesitate to do that.” – Unknown

19. “If I could change one thing, I would not let you go.” – Unknown

20. “I swore to myself it wouldn’t happen again. I vowed to myself that this was the end. The end of this longing, this yearning so strong… I said I was over you, but oh, I was so wrong.” – Unknown

21. “The fact is I never had any regrets having you in my life, my dear.” – Unknown

22. “I still pray to God and thank him every single day before going to sleep for keeping you safe.” – Unknown

23. “Even though it may have ended, it doesn’t mean that there is still no hope for it starting again.” – Unknown

24. “There are times when two people need to step apart from one another, but there is no rule that says they have to turn and fire.” – Unknown

25. “I don’t miss him, I miss who I thought he was.” – Unknown

26. “Feelings that come back are feelings that never went away.” – Unknown

27. “I find it hard to believe that you chose to break my heart and walk away. But I still want you to know that whenever you decide to turn around and come back, I will always be waiting here with my arms wide open.” – Unknown

28. “I wonder if you ever thought about me after we parted ways. I wonder if you still remember my face. I wonder whether we can ever be together again. I wonder if life can ever take a route from which we still refrain.” – Unknown

29. “Love that we cannot have is the one that lasts the longest, hurts the deepest, and feels the strongest.” – Unknown

30. “You have left an indelible mark on my heart, and in everything I do, I see a reflection of you.” – Unknown

See also: Heart Touching Love Quotes; 100+ Heart-Melting Quotes For Your Loved One

The Best Quotes To Get Your Ex Back

Send these amazing quotes to the ex-partner you still love and watch them do their magic. Trust me, they’ll make your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend wish you back instantly.

1. “I loved you yesterday. I love you still – I always have, and I always will.” – Unknown

2. “I should have fought harder for us and never given up!” – Unknown

3. “Maybe our relationship was not really meant to be, but you certainly still are everything to me.” – Unknown

4. “You were the right person for me. Unfortunately, I realized it too late.” – Unknown

5. “You still mean everything to my heart and soul.” – Unknown

6. “Even the most colorful garden appears like a graveyard without you.” – Saravana Kumar Murugan

7. “I still search for you in crowds, in empty fields and soaring clouds. In city lights and passing cars, on winding roads and wishing stars. I wonder where you could be now. For years I’ve not said your name out loud. And long since I called you mine — time has passed for you and me. But I have learned to live without. I do not mind — I still love you anyhow.” – Unknown

8. “I miss you all the time; it’s often a challenge to NOT think about you.” – Unknown

9. “No one will ever measure up to you. You are one of a kind.” – Unknown

10. “You only really want something when you’ve lost it. Ever since you walked out of my life, I am submerged by all the love I had for you, and you never leave my thoughts.” – Unknown

11. “I haven’t gotten over the pain of being away from you, and I don’t intend to. All I think about is that one day, I’ll wipe my tears, and I’ll see you.” – Unknown

12. “Every shade that makes the horizon beautiful reminds me of you.” – Unknown

13. “Although I am heartbroken, I wouldn’t change a thing – except for the ending.” – Unknown

See also: This Is What True Love Is (Because It Is More Than Kisses And Sweet Words)

Captions To Make Your Ex Think About You

Posting a beautiful selfie with the right caption on your social media can really drive your ex-lover crazy. If you do it right, and you will IF you choose one of these captions below, they’ll regret losing you the same moment your pic appears on their feed.

1. “Sometimes, I wake up and think we are still together.” – Unknown

2. “True love stories never have endings.” – Unknown

3. “I believed in fairy tale endings until I lost you.” – Unknown

4. “I feel lucky to have had you in my life.” – Unknown

5. “My life is messed up. On the one hand, I’m bitter over how things turned out, and on the other, my heart is in a state of denial, refusing to believe that it has to stop beating for you.” – Unknown

6. “Everything became darker to me without your presence.” – Unknown

7. “You will always carry a special place in my heart.” – Unknown

8. “It was Cupid who made us fall for each other. I hope he shoots his arrow again.” – Unknown

9. “To lose you… WAS my deepest fear that unfortunately came true.” – Unknown

10. “Missing you comes in waves… Right now, I’m drowning.” – Unknown

11. “I keep seeing things that remind me of you.” – Unknown

12. “I miss you more than the sun misses the sky at night.” – Unknown

13. “You’d be surprised how often I think of you.” – Unknown

14. “Being away from you has reaffirmed that my heart still belongs to you.” – Unknown

15. “Maybe everything’s gotta break loose and fall apart before we can put it back together again right.” – Unknown

16. “Our love story was almost a fairy tale.” – Unknown

17. “I would not say that I already miss you because I have not even started getting over you.” – Unknown

18. “You were that ‘Once in a lifetime’ dream come true.” – Unknown

19. “I remember his eyes. They are just like mine. Every time I look in the mirror, I see him. I try not to look at myself too much.” – Ida Lokas

20. “It’s not that we weren’t meant to be together. I think that we were just not ready for forever.” – Unknown

21. “Sometimes, when one person is missing, the whole world seems depopulated.” –Alphonse De Lamartine

22. “If we loved each other again, I swear I’d love you right.” – Unknown

23. “Every time I hear our song, I smile and think fondly of you.” – Unknown

See also: Here Is How You Say Goodbye To Your Forever Person

Text Messages To Make Your Ex Think About You And Get Them Back

If you aren’t brave enough to admit to your ex that you still love them and want to reconcile with them face to face, choose one of these amazing text messages and send it to them via WhatsApp or another social media platform.

Believe me, these texts definitely won’t leave them indifferent.

1. “I am sorry for letting you go before thinking it over. I regret it and want to have a chance to amend it. You were my light, my pillar, my lover, and my best friend. You were the world to me, but in a flash, I let it all go. The foolish part of me has cleared now, and I realize how naked I am without you. I am sorry, my love.”

2. “There is not a single day when I don’t think about you and not miss you. I just want to go back in time and cherish all those memories that I have with you. Because, if not with you, I would love to live with your memories.”

3. “Though we can’t fix our broken relationship, your memories are still here in my heart. Still, they are so bright. Without you, part of my heart has gone dead.”

4. “It is human nature to make mistakes. But, I know, we all deserve second chances too. I really regret letting you go, and I miss you like crazy.”

5. “I’m ready to take all the blame. I’m willing to accept that the fault was mine. I’ll do whatever it takes to convince you that our love is worth the trouble.”

6. “I acted like a child during our relationship, yet you endured me. You gave me time to grow up and be understanding. Instead of improving, I became worse, full of myself. So, you could no longer bear it, and I was blind to see you lose it. Now, I realize my errors. I miss you so much.”

7. “I know I have said it before, but what I did to you was wrong. No amount of saying sorry can make up for it. But still, I am sorry.”

8. “How do you expect me to move on when I never wanted to leave in the first place? You are the man of my dreams and will always be.”

9. “When I held your hand for the first time, I knew I didn’t want to leave it at any cost. Our love deserves another chance, darling.”

10. “Trust me, all I want is to be with you. I love your flaws, laugh, smile, tears, mistakes, errors, nagging, and lies. Despite everything, I just want to be with you again.”

11. “You were the best thing that ever happened to me. You are still living inside me. Days aren’t going; time has stopped. I miss you so much, and I still love you.”

12. “I’m sorry I made you suffer, I’m sorry I haven’t listened, I’m sorry I’ve been so crappy time after time after time. I can only say one thing: I love you.”

See also: 80 Heartfelt I’m Sorry Paragraphs For Her And Him

Short Sassy Quotes To Make Your Ex Jealous

1. “I was wondering if you could help me fix my broken heart.” – Unknown

2. “You were my cup of tea, but I drink champagne now.” – Unknown

3. “Failed relationships can be described as so much wasted make-up.” – Marian Keyes.

4. “Men or shoes? Honestly, shoes last longer, and they’re more dependable.” – Unknown

5. “Sometimes it takes a heartbreak to shake us awake & help us see we are worth so much more than we’re settling for.” – Mandy Hale

6. “Glowing and happier than ever before.” – Unknown

7. Getting a hug from the right person at the right time feels like heaven!” – Unknown

8. “Since I left you, I found the world so new.” – The Avalanches.

9. “My new boyfriend/girlfriend is everything I could ever ask for. I’m really happy.” – Unknown

10. “And then all of a sudden, you meet the one person who makes you forget yesterday and imagine tomorrow.” – Unknown

11. “If you’re brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello.” – Paolo Coehlo.

12. “Inhale the future, exhale the past.” – Unknown

13. “I’m not a princess. I don’t need saving. I’m a queen, and I got everything under control.” – Unknown

See also: The Badass List Of 197 Savage Ex Quotes And Captions

How Do I Get My Ex To Think About Me All The Time?

Just be happy. The moment they realize that you’ve managed to heal, that you’re happy and enjoying life, that you’re moving on, they’ll start thinking about you constantly and start wanting you in their life again.

Try to look your absolute best no matter what. Even though you feel like your whole world is falling apart, you need to gather the strength to look good…look happy and loved.

It’s especially important when your ex is around. They won’t be able to come to terms with the fact that you’re okay without them, and from that moment on, they’ll become obsessed with you.

How Do I Make My Ex Regret The Breakup?

The best revenge and the most efficient way to make your ex repent for all of their mistakes is just to show them how happy you are without them in your life. It’s something they won’t be able to accept, and it’ll start eating them up inside.

Don’t try making them jealous. Don’t do anything humiliating. That will only make them think that your breakup was the right decision.

Keep your dignity, work on improving yourself in all aspects of your life, love yourself, and live life to the fullest. And once they see what kind of person they have lost, their heart will be filled with remorse and regret.

Final Words

You probably still have your doubts, but, trust me, these quotes to make your ex think about you work wonders every time.

These quotes and text messages won’t only make your ex miss you; they’ll also make them rethink your relationship and convince them that your love deserves a second chance.

Believe me, there is no faster and easier way to get your ex back. But enough with the chit-chat, it’s time to choose the quote you liked the most and see it work its magic. ?

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